I recently watched a Your Tube blog made by the NZ Police, which was about the equipment that a policeman wears. a young policeman basically “stripped off” each bit of kit he was wearing and explained it. very interesting. Also the same policeman showed off a police car and what gear etc is in it and what is in the boot. When he got to the boot he said that the battery had been moved into the boot. I would have thought that he should have said that an ADDITIONAL battery has been installed in the boot. to give them more capacity to run the additonal radio, flashing lights etc. and there would be a battery controller that controls the batteries so there is always enough umpf to start the car. Another interesting thing was the ingition / key system is modified so the vehicle can remain running without the keys in the ingition, but if you then shift into gear the engine stops. I assume this is to alllow the car to be on the side of the road at an incident for an extended length of time, unattended, with the blue & reds flashing and the alternator will keep the battery/s on charge.
Apr 11, 2:22pm
Did she show were they keep the firearms in the boot? All, of what they call Q cars, have firearms in the boot.
Apr 11, 2:59pm
Yes. each car had 2 x gloke hand gun and 2 x bush master riifle. before each shift start they took them out and checked them, then put them back.
Apr 11, 3:21pm
Yep that's correct Andrew Its a specific ignition mode that needs to be selected before the key is removed
Apr 11, 4:36pm
Wade Group in Hamilton used to fit out the Holdens.
I think you mean I cars. Q cars are rather after the fact cars i.e Query cars they follow up on inquiries but I cars i.e incident cars are always ready for action they are on patrol as first responders along with the K9 units.
Apr 11, 6:14pm
The fire arms in the locked drawer in the boot seemed to be on a lot of vehicles shown during the vblog series. the series had cops going out on road policing, chasing up warrants, family harm groups, all sorts of tasks. I was interested to note that at the beginning of their shift each cop would log out and test a taser gun and a radio. basically sign for issue and sign to prove you checked it worked properly, but the fire arms just came with the vehicle you got, which lead me to belive that the guns were just part of the car kit along with the road spikes and orange cones. the cops had to do a quite extensive check of the car before they took it out,
Apr 11, 11:56pm
I have seen the same police car with a blown tailight getting around for weeks. Another with a blown headlight for a few days. I don't think they check them that hard.
I did hear during the early 1980's, something about, something that was done yo the auto gearboxes, probably Holdens, how they shifted differently. Maybe like being able to shift he lever into reverse while still driving forwards & it not blowing up the gearbox. Something weird like that. Friend had a ex Police Cortina, he said there was definately some work done on the engine & such but he could never figure out what it was since nothing looked any different from normal. Just a vast improvement over a normal Cortina.
Apr 12, 8:01am
I worked for Holden from vt through to the beginning of vf. There were no performance mods apart from LSD and FE2 suspension which is just SS suspension. The only other difference was IPC instrument programming to remove the inaccuracy and change the uses of a few buttons. The performance enhancement was basically getting hammered hard from day 1. Oh yeah and they had different brake pads.
Originally we were doing a 5k safety check and 10k service and annual wof as well as them having an on-site fleet manager, that was reduced to 15k service if I remember right at the ve, no safety check and 3 years wof and no manager. But even back then they didn’t fly straight through there’d always be brakes or bulbs, seat bolster buggered etc
Apr 12, 8:10am
Oh yeah they had steel wheels which were really strong! Twin batteries definitely in the later years I don’t remember if earlier. A ton of wiring, lights, a boot full of cones,signs,1st aid,spikes, guns they weren’t any faster than anything just driven harder
Apr 12, 8:36am
Dont forget the blackout switch. If anything a police car was slower than a normal base model Commodore due to the extra half a ton of equipment in them. The wiring harnesses alone are bloody heavy.
Apr 12, 8:56am
Yup, thats the one, cracks me up when people list ex cop cars for sale and the say the have the "police chip" in them.
Apr 12, 8:57am
Thats the one, thought it was one or the other.
Apr 12, 3:46pm
did you guys get cars from Nautech?I think they were doing the installs on the police cars back then.Both of my brothers worked doing the installs.
Apr 12, 4:23pm
Blackout mode. Yep that was so they could leave the engine running for power to lights etc but the entire dashboard light system would turn off & couldn't be driven in that mode. Pulled the police harness out of a VY & yep, it's a pretty hefty harness for sure & hooked in to all sorts of places.
Apr 12, 7:19pm
I searched some Holden PCM units i found & one mentioned it being a 'Police issued' version. Im not sure which one it was & a quick search didnt find it again. But i have versions BWPL & BWPJ & CXWB
On the site i did find this, quote [ BBMP? $? 92, 5.0L V8 Auto/Man 1227808 Police & HSV ]
I will do more searching to find out which of mine it is.
Apr 12, 7:41pm
Its the BWPL from 05/1996 BWPL? $51 3.8L Auto 16208257 (RFI) Police Version from 5/1996
Later there's mention of { BSTH1442 $51 3.8L Auto 16208257 (RFI) Police Version
does anyone kno wat this actually does? why its different to say a stock chip. ( holden vs commdore series 2 1996 )
Answer = { without looking i will say just increased idle rpm :D }
Apr 12, 8:18pm
Yeah it was nautec from memory they came to us fully kitted. We did do installations of things newly released ie taser boxes etc but only to the existing fleet. I don’t remember any faults ever with anything they’d installed so obviously your brothers did quality work👍
Aug 22, 3:18pm
Yeah you could still drive them in blackout mode, it is actually nice only the Speedo to blind you. They had a similar thing factory with both dimmer buttons held but the police one silenced the indicators clicking etc too.
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