Florida police pursuit

serf407, Apr 3, 7:46am
This ends like something from 'The Dukes of Hazzard' tv series.

Alachua County Sheriff's Office (Gainesville, Florida) staff chasing a vehicle that refuses to stop.


muppet_slayer, Apr 3, 9:05am
Thanks for that. Was very exciting, glad noone was hurt though. They don't muck around in America. If you like to follow the U.S cops you can download them from the net using torrents either TPB or KAT. LivePD is the name. TVNZ use to broadcast the program but canned it for some reason. I think it stopped when that 'black lives matter' stuff was going on.

serf407, Apr 3, 5:45pm
Lucky dirtbiker on a public road in Aus


mk3zephyr, Apr 4, 5:54am
Looks like those Fords had trouble keeping up with the Burban at Times. (Shots fired hahahaha)

nice_lady, Apr 4, 7:15am
It's a PITty our cops aren't allowed to do that.

trade4us2, Apr 4, 3:44pm
That was today. We won't know how many years jail he gets yet.
Did they cut out the truncheons at the end?

tgray, Apr 5, 3:49am
Of course criminals in NZ know to simply put their foot down and the Police will let them go.

trogedon, Apr 5, 7:34am
On balance if it's only a traffic violation better that they get away than crash.

bill-robinson, Apr 5, 7:40am
that is similar to saying "murder is only very serious assault"

trogedon, Apr 5, 1:44pm
No it's not. Your analogy doesn't work.

serf407, May 5, 12:42pm
Real life 'The Fast and the Furious' Los Angeles 2021

Who would let a 17yo drive a US$200K + Lambo suv? & crash it?

trogedon, May 5, 12:51pm
Poor woman and family/friends. That is incredibly sad. Your right - he shouldn't have been in it and speeding ;-(

alowishes, May 5, 1:07pm
IF and I say IF the cop knows 100% it’s ‘only’ a traffic violation you would be right - but how does the cop know if they’re drunk or is wanted because they’ve just committed a violent robbery etc if he doesn’t stop the driver?

tony9, May 5, 1:28pm
They are allowed to and are trained for it.

But realistically they did not achieve much in the video. Just staying back at a safe distance and wait for them to screw up or run out of fuel would have achieved a less risky result.

sr2, Aug 12, 8:01am
I'd argue, (as most would) it's preferable that they crash!