Hilux speedo

jane38, Apr 7, 2:58pm
Hello have fitted a new speedo cable to a 2001 Hilux and now the speedo needle jumps around until 60 kmh when it settles down.Any ideas?Cheers

franc123, Apr 7, 3:10pm
It is routed correctly and was definitely lubed well when you fitted it?

jane38, Apr 7, 3:15pm
Yes it was.Dont understand why it settles down at 60 kmh where if it was nt lubed it would jump around right through the ks?

bigfatmat1, Apr 7, 3:52pm
Cable is too long grind a couple of mm off the end if it's a squared end, the internal part not the external part

jane38, Apr 7, 3:58pm
Will have a look in the morning and compare it to the old one.Thanks

bigfatmat1, Aug 24, 8:49am
you probably won't notice the diff if it's only a couple of mm