OP - just try and have a civilised discussion with the seller about it. It'sa bit rude to sell a car with power windows that don't work, without mentioning that they don't work.
I love the one-way-street attitude to honesty, that says hiding or forgetting about as many faults as you can is a totally acceptable way for a seller to act!
Wouldn't it be interesting if I bought a car from you at a price of $8,000, and when you asked my why only $6,500 appeared in your bank account, I said
"Oh, sorry, it looks like those other $1,500 don't work. Tough luck buddy, as is where is!"
Sep 13, 2:43am
ever heard of caveat emptor!(did you go to school just to eat your lunch lol!)
Oct 23, 7:41am
CGA only if it was a dealer sale and even then, it'd not clear whether you have a case. If the 'dealer' actually said they were working, then fair enough.
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