i've never had to drive one thankfully (a v6 holden i mean)
Oct 4, 10:54pm
Never made any claims about my Falcon. The truth isit goes okay. Not that quick by todays standard, but I like the looks and the way it sounds and I enjoy driving it. That's all really. I don't feel the need to get into a pissing competition with a pre-pubescent little twat as I'm not that insecure. You seem completely desperate for people to like your car (which if I remember the youtube clips correctly, is quite underwhelming). Do you really need other people to validate your shitty choice in cars!
Oct 4, 10:56pm
i like AUs - my bro has a ts50 -
Oct 4, 10:58pm
Scotty, if you made your points rationally and without hurling abuse, people may actually listen to you. It's simply your attitude that gets these reactions.
Oct 4, 10:59pm
Nice. For me the AU's have a bit of character. I think that's why I like them.
Oct 4, 11:17pm
you must be the insecure one for 2 reasons 1 you brought an AU, 2 you own an AU and you are calling a VX2 Commodore shit, that's just laughable, not quite as laughable as mayes views on the automotive world though, now im not saying the AU is a bad car but the VX Commodore outsold it completely.
Oct 4, 11:21pm
I didn't call your car shit, I called it underwhelming. I think you need to learn the definition of insecure in the context it was used.
Oct 4, 11:21pm
wow whos the pot calling the kettle black now eh! (counter jockey at the airport ring a bell!) and now you are having a go at me, this was originally between me and this mayes tosser as he know absolutely nothing about Holdens and cars in general his shitbox fleet that is so proud of is testament to that, i once recall him telling me his heap of shit ford laser would bash my Commodore, from then on it was war, we just cant let these idiots like him out on a motoring fourm who knows how many people they will brainwash.
Oct 4, 11:23pm
you FAIL!
Oct 4, 11:24pm
Yes, the counter jockey thing was a low blow, for which I apologised if you recall.
Oct 4, 11:26pm
On a serious note, how do you quote 2 posts at once!
Oct 4, 11:27pm
Hate to rain on your parade Scotty but in the last 10 years I have had an EF2 Fairmont Ghia, VX Commodore S, AUII Futura, VY Acclaim wagon, BA Futura, VZ Acclaim Wagon, BF Wagon and a FG XR6 The VX was the biggest dog of the lot. Some I did well over 100,000km in, the VX I had the shortest amount of time because I disliked it so much. It creaked and rattled, the red paint faded and finally when I had a buyer for it it find rust bubbles appearing under the paint in the roof. Sold it with 120km on it, The Steering rack, a PS pump, radiator, a couple of wheel bearings (cant remember which but they were not that cheap) all needed replacing in the time we had it.
Oct 4, 11:32pm
That said your choice was shitty, not your car is shit. I realise you do live in a constant state of confusion, but there is a difference you know. Do I really need to draw you a picture!
Oct 4, 11:33pm
Nice car, I would love a T3 TS50 in blueprint in my garage.
Oct 4, 11:34pm
i will give you this the FG XR6's we have at my work are nice cars, but on the other hand so are the VE Commodore SV6's im not particularly biased i would have either, but my VX Calais has been nothing but reliable except for an oxygen sensor which was a direct result of higher than factory boost blocked cats and total driver abuse (doughnuts in paddock for around 1/2 hour) if its any consultation, i have heard of a few bad runs with Falcons as well, some cars are just lemons, and then some cars are just lemons from the factory like cr-vs, they are just rubbish.
Oct 4, 11:36pm
Yes, the Fg XR6's are nice. Last time I was in Christchurch I had one as a rental. Do you work for Avis!
Oct 4, 11:37pm
no another major company (they all have pretty well the same fleet now days anyway)
Oct 4, 11:38pm
one and the same bloody thing there you go again, you just cant help yourself can you!
Oct 4, 11:39pm
Nothing I said there wasn't factual.
Oct 4, 11:43pm
I rent from Hertz, so I mostly get FG's, except last time when I got a Highlander, first rental 15km on the clock. Still rather have a Terri though, think the highlanders are over rated really.
Oct 4, 11:50pm
What year is your Holden, Scotty!
Oct 5, 12:05am
The worst rental I had would have to be the Toyota Aurion. Fast, but too much power for the front wheels and it handled like a corpse!
Oct 5, 12:31am
It seems like Scotty is trying to compensate for all his failures in life by saying that he owns a Commodore. And that is most likely his only major achievement in life judging by the way he bangs on about it.
Oct 5, 1:05am
Yes, I'm still trying to find out if he owns it or the bank.
Oct 5, 2:17am
He won't own it much longer; racing him for pink slips in the mighty laser this Friday. Oh yeah, you'd better be scared scotty!
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