Seriously, are we dealing with a primary school student here!
Oct 1, 2:32pm
No, we are supposed to be talking Great Wall Utes and cars made in China in general. What have you added bean, apart from attacking me & not the facts that you don't like to here! Seems to me that you know nothing on the subject and then you call me a primary school student! Well, what does that make you bean! Attack the subject and not the author and you might get a bit of respect around here. Tell me something on the subject, if you can.
Oct 1, 3:25pm
I do AA callouts every second week, the ignition key barrels breaking is a common fault, and was told they are made in China by AA training staff.
Oct 1, 3:30pm
Right, you've never been there, so really it's a country that you know nothing about.
Oct 1, 3:49pm
I like how you continue to call me a bean. It means absolutely nothing to me, so please carry on. What does that make me! It doesn't make me anything, you continue to attempt to insult me as much as I've insulted you.
I've contributed my thoughts on Great Wall and on cars made in China. If you can't read that's not my problem. Honestly, if you want to be a troll go hang out in gaming, there's a guy there called nigel you'd get along just fine with.
You wanna really talk about Great Wall! In my experience they are low budget, cheaply made, rip-off design utes that are both boring to drive and boring to own.
I'm sorry, but look at that last link. For a BRAND NEW vehicle, released in this day and age, the damage to that front end is ridiculous. According to the test, the passenger in said vehicle is at a high risk of severe injury. The seat belt retractor for the passenger failed. Both occupants made contact with the dash and steering wheel, even though it has airbags. Unacceptable in a NEW vehicle in 2010. I'm 100% certain that in an accident my 1996 Honda Accord's airbags would work. You would certainly expect a vehicle NEW in 2010 to have working airbags.
The engines these utes have are underpowered. The build quality in the interior is shocking. The resale value is poor.
I'm attacking both subject and author, because the subject is touchy, and because the author (in this case, YOU) is a prat. End of story. Leave it.
Oct 1, 4:03pm
come on, proof.
Oct 1, 4:03pm
why the hell would i eveneven want to go!
Oct 1, 10:03pm
Looks like I embarrassed you to actually talk the topic with me finally. Thank for taking that step bean. Those three links are from 2009 of the first GW model, how about updating the news since then as the 2009 models are not being sold new in 2011, are they. The last test for a Great Wall that is available for sale in NZ is for the Great Wall X240 SUV and what did they get, 4 stars. 4 stars puts it in the same group as an 2011 Honda CRV , 2011 Mitsubishi Challenger , Ford Territory, Nissan Murano & a Holden Captiva.The three links you give us are old results for a new model on the market, how many brand new car makers get 5 out of 5 first time up! None, absolutely none.
Now that I have educated you, have you any other questions or is it back to name calling. I wont give you a link, just Google it. I love it that you call me a prat when you are the clueless wonder. I think maybe I would call people names too if I was out of my league, I??
Oct 2, 12:34am
Opinion, not fact. Stop making generalizations and expecting people to take it as gospel.
Oct 2, 12:43am
You're wasting your time arguing with someone who thinks that a Toyota Nascar engine would make a good contender for the V8 Supercar series and that a "Holden Ute" is the single greatest vehivle ever made.
Step away, its not worth the bandwidth - the guys a "potato level" retard.
Oct 2, 1:09am
That's right and it's also a Great Wall of China vehicle. Not bad aye! Ok go ahead, give me the 2011 crash test rating for the new 2011 GW Ute. If there isn??
Oct 2, 1:11am
Nut, the king of BS and still trying. Tell me what a ???single greatest vehivle ever made??? is. I guess I must be a retard if I don??
Oct 2, 1:26am
Oh wow, spelling mistakes!
Is that where you are with this interwebs thing!
PS - post 143 - you spelled "kindly" wrong.
Oct 2, 1:44am
you accused somone ov drinkin and tiping da udder day mapmain at leesed we no who the speling polees are know
Oct 2, 2:18am
Nut, you were so far wrong with the word ???vehicle???, I thought you were speaking in Russian, I didn??
Oct 2, 2:18am
3tomany by name, three to many by nature!
Oct 2, 2:53am
and you didnt like me name calling shame on you, whoes had to many now mapman
Oct 2, 3:00am
125 copy gutless but stopped well.
Oct 2, 3:53am
Looks like we may have all the crap out of the way apart from somebody who has has to many, lets now talk GW Utes. The latest 2011 model is out now, the price is higher, the standard is up, it looks the business, but what is the crash test rating on this current model! The answer is, I don??
Oct 2, 4:16am
Nice looking truck for all those of you out there who also like to buy asian whores and Thai Ladyboys like mapguy here.
Oct 2, 4:20am
She's a nice looking truck and if you can't tell a he from a she maybe the wrong sex is getting your nuts, nut.
Oct 2, 4:37am
I question the aesthetic taste of a man who buys whores. You think it looks good! Probably in the same way that you eye up a tasty looking 12 year old boy wearing a dress right!
Oct 2, 4:40am
You are sick man. Enough said. Sort your shite out!
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