The one with a rear engine, or the four door one (Polonez)!
Oct 1, 12:55am
You've never been to Thailand then.
Oct 1, 12:57am
you do realize the holden captiva is made in korea and thailand right!
Oct 1, 1:06am
Ignition key barrels for Commodores are made in China. Did you know that!
Oct 1, 1:47am
Hours up. I don??
Oct 1, 1:56am
why the hell would i wan't to go to a shithole like that for a holiday i much perfer Australia.
Oct 1, 1:57am
yeah i know they really are shit vehicle.
Oct 1, 2:06am
funny how you avoid the other comments
Oct 1, 2:35am
But how do you know it's a $hithole if you've never been there!
Oct 1, 3:19am
Didn,t China just put another rocket into space! Maybe it was copied from 44 gallon American drums of oil and had a trained monkey steering it.
Oct 1, 4:17am
More than half the guys on here would think that??
Oct 1, 4:29am
No no no no no no. Fiat are NOT I repeat NOT using Chery engines. Don't start buying into this misinformation rubbish from mapman. There is no truth to it at all.
What it all comes from is Fiat do a number of specialist cars for markets like Brazil where they use ethanol as a primary fuel and have niche budget/size requirements.
There was some talk a few years ago of using some Chery engines in those cars as one of the engine options. As far as I am aware it may not have even eventuated as I see no evidence of it ever actually getting off the ground. Even if it did and they did do 400'000 units that would be a drop in the bucket against Fiat world production and we will never even see the models affected here anyway.
Mapman just brings this same tired old half truth out every few months and tries to pretend that Fiat use Chery engines because there's are not up to snuff which couldn't be further from the truth. Actually manufacturers like Suzuki use Fiat engines because they are so good.
If you use the search you will likely see how he has dropped this "revelation" in past and pretended I know nothing.
Fiat are market leaders in engine technology as you would have noticed from them cleaning up the engine awards of late.
I appreciate you putting mapman in his place but he is still trying to con you in areas you may not have a lot of experience in.
He is just King Troll and its a shame as he will be putting good people crook about things.
Oct 1, 4:36am
Russia have been putting rockets into space for around half a century, would you like to review and compare their motor vehicles built over the same time period!
Oct 1, 4:52am
Actually Fiat and Chery were in talks for Chery to produce 100,000 engines a year for Fiat and Chery were also going to produce cars for the Chinese market under the Fiat and Alfa Romeo badge. So basically Chery cars were going to be rebadges as Fiat's and Alfa Romeo's for the Chinese market. This venture never took off, but it does mean that Chery obviously had enough quality to attract Fiat in the first place. If they were complete rubbish, then why would Fiat even bother with them! especially to a point where Fiat was going to put its label on Chery cars.
This thread was about Great Wall utes. I still stand by my statement that Great Wall utes aren't great and should be avoided due to their very bad safety features. However, this does not mean that everything that comes out of China is rubbish. Even some of the new BMWs are made in China. China can produce rubbish but it can also produce top notch quality products. It has the factories, the ability, the technology and the manpower. Its the manufacturer that decides what route they want to take in terms of how they want their products to be made.'Made in China' has nothing to do with it.
Oct 1, 5:08am
Firstly. it never eventuated! (except in mapmans head)
Secondly Fiat are not the only manufacturer to produce low budget vehicles for developing markets etc.
It dosn't mean that Chery were particularly good, probably just best of a bad bunch. There have been several Fiat low budget niche cars like this that I would definitely not like to own although they are at least better than Great Walls offerings.
It dosn't affect us here though because they are not exported to NZ, or anywhere else really.
Oct 1, 5:09am
That's all you had to say, you half wit. Go back to school. Shows how mature you are.
Oct 1, 5:11am
+1 Your a twit. Kindly spread your silly misinformation elsewhere.
Oct 1, 5:24am
Well with comments like this "Please don't embarrass yourself by starting an argument with me, you won't get far" you do come across as a wanker whos head is pretty far up his ass.
Oct 1, 5:27am
Is this a joke! One half truth does not make your entire post factual.
Oct 1, 5:28am
I was stating a fact, as I've made my stance on Great Wall as a company clear many a time. Won't get far - as in won't change my opinion. I apologize if that's how I came across, I'm not a wanker, I promise :)
Oct 1, 5:37am
Oct 1, 5:38am
trdbzr, mapman has done this so many times we are just over it. We wouldn't mind if he made a case without just making stuff up but he is just being a silly Troll.
It leaves us in a tricky position, do you ignore him and let him carry on spouting silly lies that other people might read and base an expensive decision on!
Or do you try and at least show some readers that he is just trolling or a nutter!
The trouble is he is very good at trolling and has a knack for making anything sound credible at face value.
Oct 1, 5:39am
Well actually yes & with just one vehicle, kindle please Google one ???Aton-Impulse Viking or just go strait to!v=Uf5m2cKu0IUMaybe jazz you can tell me that something Italian can touch this Russian beast, which is an Automobile, in it??
Oct 1, 5:40am
Name calling after a smoking, any facts to add! Is the, ???China is the largest car manufacture in the world??? fact that I told you and you denied still festering by any chance!
Oct 1, 5:42am
you also talk a lot of shit, did you know that!, its funny mine is made by AC Delco which is an Australian company a subsidiary of GM, and of course i want proof from your above statement.
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