get back in your mazda 3 and piss off, yeah Thailand is a very nice place isn't it, they are right up with Chinas poor quality standards in fact i would rather go to China, just because mayes isn't putting out for you doesn't mean you have to have a go at me after all you do own an AU Ford and a Mazda 3 thats a turn off to pretty well anyone, though i would rather have your AU Ford then your boyfreinds beloved accord thai, for about 2 days before i sell it and buy a VX Commodore.
Oct 3, 2:17am
some people actually work saturday nights and have just got home, you know earning a living and all that shit.
Oct 3, 2:18am
geez Louise! What has Thailand got to do with anything here! Is it because they build Hiluxes there. Plenty trannies in the cross too, how this relates to what ute a builder buys is beyond me!
Oct 3, 2:39am
I'm sure I can find similar news articles about Australia or even NZ. Doesn't mean that they are bad places to visit or live in.
Oct 3, 2:40am
good on ya.
Oct 3, 2:59am
For ALL of you & ALL of your ramblings I haven't seen anyone compare 'apples for apples'. All I've seen so far are $40-70k vehicles from established brands compared to a sub $30k ute from a newcomer. I'm not going to take sides but please, "Apples for Apples". P.S. I havent read the whole thread, for obvious reasons.
Oct 3, 3:18am
And you probaly wont either.
Is there another low quailty range with limited appeal which has largely been copied from other manufacturers that actually invest in R & D! Nothing to compare to them really I guess.
Oct 3, 3:48am
The accountants will compare them. the numbers I am using are off the top of my head so do not shoot me. Hilux, about $50k, depreciation @ 20% costs $10k in the first year. Great Wall, about $30k, deprecation @ say 30% (50% relative more than the Hilux) costs $9k. Fleet of 10, accountant runs to the boss saying you can buy those new golf clubs and some. (plus the saved capital) Individual buyer who actually drives the car they buy/lease and puts some more considerations into it. Again my numbers are pretty rough, perhaps some fleet manager can comment here.
Oct 3, 3:54am
As far as I??
Oct 3, 3:56am
Really, well that??
Oct 3, 4:14am
Same reason as everybody else, because I have an opinion.
As stated above, my opinion is that Great Wall vehicles are a low quailty range with limited appeal which has largely been copied from other manufacturers that actually invest in R & D.
See how I did that without lowering myself to belittling anyone or name calling!
Oct 3, 12:41pm
Thanks for finally taking my advice. Keep it up & you will feel better for it. Well done thunderbolt.
got it on the way from from my real job actually for a major rental car company, it was nice, you are repeating everything i have said in previous posts!
Oct 3, 4:03pm
What do you mean! That sentence is so grammatically incorrect, it was near impossible to decipher. I can only assume you are a late night counter jockey at the airport.
Oct 3, 4:22pm
The word is "you're". If you're going to pick on other people's spelling, first ensure your own is impeccable.
Oct 3, 4:27pm
I'm not here to fulfill your homosexual fantasies Scotty, try and stay on topic. Great Wall utes Scotty. Not buttsex. Great Wall utes.
There's a GLBT support thread on the "Health" MB, why don't you click your lame-arse little V6 into "drive" and toddle on over there for the help you need!
There's a good chap.
Oct 3, 4:28pm
Clutching at straws a bit there. Don't you claim to holiday in Australia! Does the name Peter Falconio ring any bells!
Oct 3, 4:30pm
This thread has gotten more vicious than the ones on parenting. Even when I once said on parentingthat I was sending my 5 year old to boarding school I was abused in a tamer way than this thread has gone.
Oct 3, 6:45pm
by the looks of it, you dont need to fulfill any fantasies, as you and crag04 seem to be "more then good friends" did you pick him up in your laser one night or did you go to any lengths and bust out the cr-v! the funny thing is you have a go at Commodores when you recommend cr-vs as a good vehicle, so i think you should put your cr-v into drive and toddle over to health, (if you don't get stuck in a supermarket carpark pothole on the way) crag04 you are an idiot, i am a driver i deliver the cars, i would love to know what you do for a living, mayes, good to know you are the annoying little nark that hangs around on the MB, hows your pen pushing job at the nzta working for you!
Oct 3, 6:47pm
counter jockey, my god no thanks then i would have to deal with tossers like you, (that's someone else's job)
Oct 3, 6:52pm
And what is it you do, that makes you think you are superior to everyone else! Do you think your somehow better than other people because of your job! Sad little person
Oct 3, 6:58pm
+1 crag you come down to christchurch and see if you can even find a min wage job at the moment with the state our town is in, but according to you the world stops south of the bombays doesn't it.
Oct 3, 6:59pm
he hasn't said what he does for some reason, maybe his partner mayes can enlighten us.
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