yes i do holiday in Australia as often as i can, bloody fantastic country.
Oct 3, 8:01pm
Sorry, I was out. I am a QS and a sad little person:(
Oct 3, 8:05pm
If I offended anyone who works in customer services, that was not my intention and I apologise. I am personally a little sick of anyone who dares disagree with scotty getting abuse hurled back at them. All he can do is call people tossers, idiots & homo's (and also disparaging remarks on people's occupations) etc.
Oct 3, 10:08pm
Valet Parking Attendant sounds like quite the career, when you say it right.
Just make sure you're not still there when you're 21 Scotty!
Oct 4, 3:13am
tosser! you cant even get my occupation right! come on tell us what you do, my bet is pen pusher at land transport.
Oct 4, 3:17am
you were the one insulting peoples occupations not me, i just jumped on the bandwagon so to speak, you and mayes really make the perfect couple 2 complete tossers!
Oct 4, 3:21am
Bad day at work Scotty!
Oct 4, 1:18pm
Really Scotty! Really! Are you going to stick to that! Also, when did I state that the world stops south of the Bombays!
Oct 4, 2:19pm
WHAT! You mean it dont!
Oct 4, 6:39pm
That's because a CR-V is a GOOD small city-chick SUV, whereas the V6 version of the previous shape commodore is a low-grade sack of shite no matter which way you look at it, and no matter what you compare it to.
But that's not the REALLY funny thing. the REALLY funny thing is that you've got "life's too short to drive a cr-v" as your favourite quote on your TM profile.
Dance, boy, dance to my tune.
Oct 4, 6:48pm
Aren't you excited to know that his entire life revolves around you!
Oct 4, 7:09pm
Never underestimate the L67!
Oct 4, 7:12pm
Oh I know, it makes all the ruining people's threads seem almost worthwhile!
Oct 4, 8:01pm
When did I actually say that!
Oct 4, 9:55pm
my god you are still at it, you must be desperate for attention, one a cr-v is not a good vehicle by any shape and form they don't do anything well and their gearboxes shit out, the VX Commodore was one of the best selling cars of its time and it has aged well, i would be more then happy to compare my VX Commodore and your cr-v in all aspects, the VX would come up trumps every time even off road (because we all know the 4wd system in the cr-v is an automotive joke!) oh thats right you don't, hopefully one day you take it up the mountian get stuck and never come back, because you are an annoying little blowfly that never seems to go away.
Oct 4, 9:57pm
never underestimatehow much of a complete shithead or how completely deluded on all matters relating to automotive somebody can be (apply this rule when talking to shithead mayes and shithead craig)
Oct 4, 9:58pm
come on mayes what do you do for living! i am still waiting.
Oct 4, 10:00pm
are you under some false opinion that your heap of shit AU goes better!
Oct 4, 10:02pm
I really don't know why i am arguing with some idiot who thinks 1983 Ford Lasers drive well and the best car he has ever driven is an accord thai, he MUST work for the nzta! or worse transquall, i bet the term splitter box or road ranger confuses the shit out of this mayes idiot, like wise mayes dance dance to the firing order of an L67!
Oct 4, 10:04pm
yeah^^ i agree with you - i hate driving trucks though
Oct 4, 10:05pm
this is what he said in another thread:
"Could your mum handle having me in her!
That's the real question."
Oct 4, 10:10pm
It's funny that you mention that. I understand that the L67 started out as a modified V8 with two cylinders missing (hence the world's one and only 90 degree V6) and the firing order originally included two wasted sparks for those two missing cylinders. Beautiful!
And no I don't work for the government.
Oct 4, 10:15pm
i know nothing about them, but i had a skoda years ago, when they were cheap like these cars, evrybody laughed and scoffed.I had an amazing run with it now I cant afford a skoda they are now posh european cars
Oct 4, 10:30pm
and the cr-v started out as a heap of scrap metal in thailand, drives like one and it hasn't improved much from there, you are obviously such an idiot that you don't realize most cars now days use a wast spark ignition set up, most of your beloved honda crap included, infact even a 1989 VN Holden V6 Commodore had fully electronic ignition and sequential fuel injection where most other makes were using a distributor and carbys, and are you trying to tell me a 4 cylinder engine is better balanced then a V6 regardless of angle! holy shit this just keeps getting better and better, you are so deluded its actually amazing.
Oct 4, 10:32pm
once again you are showing your complete lack of knowledge on vehicles, Holden never used the odd fire set up, ever considering the 3.8 in the Commodore is a HOLDEN engine loosely based on the Buick design with over 2,000 changes made before it was put in to production, yeah i know their durability annoys you.
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