Haha yeah the attitude of the cop writing the ticket
Nov 6, 8:15pm
Humor aside you are quite right, carmedic struck a good sensible Cop as I have too in past. Unfortunately though I have struck at least as many idiot Cops as I have good sensible ones. That ratio is not good enough to rely on.
And no. I don't go doing silly things that earn me a ticket. I just used to drive a LOT of km's for work etc which has seen me go through a lot of checkpoints etc. I have seen some classics like the checkpoint in the 100km/h zone backed up to half way around a blind corner, when I pointed this out to the Officer I got "yup, it was backed up even further before".
Nov 6, 8:17pm
If you can provide proof of a WOF appointment time surely that would be acceptable and say to them "follow me if you want just to verify the same!" Seems silly to "trailer it" when it's simpler to drive it, that way it's the difference between 2 people involved as against just 1= yourself. Otherwise it's going to cost you in any case to defend which seems all a waste of time to me. But petty stuff in this country seems to be more important ( probably because it's easier to deal with compared to the more serious stuff which gets "pigeon holed" at times!) You've got wonder sometimes.
Nov 6, 8:23pm
Just drive it! I've been driving a car with no WOF for the past 6 months and have never been pulled up.
Nov 6, 8:43pm
Your time will come pal. Have crash .no WOF=no insurance of any sort !
Nov 6, 8:55pm
the other choice is to find or hire a trailer to get it there for the wof. I've had to do that with bikes several times now - just don't want to pay for a ticket.
Nov 6, 9:01pm
this is what class A rego is for.
Nov 6, 10:45pm
Chances are they will say no, here is the infringement notice.
Nov 6, 11:25pm
In my line of work I have reason to drive vehicles that have NEVER had a WOF in New Zealand. In EVERY car EVERY time there is a form. Short version of that form is that Im taking vehicle XYZ directly to test facility (compliance) ABC. That a competent staff member has examined the vehicle and to our best determination it is safe to be on the road. To do so we do the basic WOF testing-brakes work,,tyres aren't bald,,the lights work steering works etc. I HAVE been pulled over once because a staff member pinched the Dealer plate off of the car to do a test drive. Other than stopping me from driving the car untill the D plate was on the car I was not questioned/fined for lack of WOF. I don't know if the general public can get a copy of the form or if indeed it would offer them a defence if ticketed for no WOF.
Nov 6, 11:25pm
And that would be the same for Jazz, driving his no WOF, no Reg car to get a WOF and Reg.Devils advocate here but wouldn't it be cheaper and safer to spend $50 to hire a car trailer to take your car for testing than run the risk of fine or crash.
Nov 6, 11:28pm
johnf_456 wrote: Nothing more than the same old crap from the same old police hatred, hell forbid if you ever need a cop one day. As above you can drive on the road for the sole purpose of bringing the vehicle into compliance provided its safe to do so.[/quote i did once still waiting,bloody serious to
Nov 6, 11:31pm
Ahhhh, must be a euro.
Nov 6, 11:36pm
You do not have a right to drive an un-warrented vehicle on the road. Ifit doesn't have a WOF, then you must trailer it to a place of inspection. If a vehicle has failed a recent wof (after previously having a wof etc) you have only the right to drive from there to home and/or to a workshop to get it fixed. A failed WOF check doesn't give you 28 days to drive around either. So if you drive an un-warrented vehicle on the road and get pulled over be prepared for a deserved fine!
Nov 6, 11:43pm
Hmm BUT lets say the crash is sufficient to severely damage the vehicle concerned and there is a question regarding the safety of the car .You only have the owner/drivers word that in fact it was up to WOF standard before the crash.
Nov 6, 11:49pm
Havn't read all the thread jazz but recently my wife was pulled over for having a brake light out. On the Kaimais on a Sunday.
Cop. Do you know you have a brake light out! Wife. Yes a light is on on the dash but has just happened and I'm heading home. Will sort it tomorrow. Cop. I'll have to write you a ticket then. Wife. But I'm sorting it ASAP! Cop writes ticket and tells her to fix then go to cop shop and ticket will be waved.
So she did and cop at cop shop seems surprised and suggests car shouldn't be on the road. Questions it's ability to get a WOF. She says got a WOF, come and look. Goes outside and attitude changes when sees a WOF'd and Reg'd BMW (with all lights working). Ticket wiped after a waste of police time.
Nov 7, 12:16am
Just plain wrong. Check your facts before spouting.
Nov 7, 12:59am
I beg to differ and so will insurance company's you can be assured of that no matter what you think.!
Nov 7, 1:14am
Class B
Nov 7, 1:41am
Have the tech come to your house and drive the car to the garage, in the W/S overalls or work clothes, seat cover, brake meter etc. The tech will be "road testing" for the purpose of doing a wof check. Fish.
Nov 7, 1:44am
i think u need to ring the wof station and book it that your heading in,if you get a ticket they will wave it if you get the wof within the 30 days,plolce are aholes any way ,no is the standard easy answer for everything,got no time for them whats so ever,lazy is a word that jumps to mind,
Nov 7, 2:44am
LOL, well done, I will give you that one.
Nov 7, 2:45am
Completely wrong.
Nov 7, 2:51am
Beg all you like. Unless the reason it didn't haveWoF was a contributing factor it's not material. See Section 11 of the Insurance Law Reform Act 1977.
Now, granted, you might know some numpties that have had a claim declined on these grounds but I'll guarantee they just accepted that. Bigger fool them. Had they known the law they wouldn't have been swindled.
In fact, having current evidence of inspection and having a crash that can be attributed to a fault that a reasonable person would have been expected to know about, a current WoF means nothing too because it makes the fault material.
Nov 7, 2:58am
The word is waive, unless you're meaning moving it from side to side. Also, they don't HAVE to cancel the infringement offence notice if you get a current evidence of inspection within 30 days - that depends on the mood of the cop.
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