I get ya.if oil cooler we could have fixed but still dont know where it is.will get a manual tomorrow. a mechanic friend of ours who knows everythign has never come across yet in his history lol
Nov 21, 2:31am
Have a look at the oil filter mount. Usually coolers are directly under filter, with water hoses running to it. having said that I don't know specifically for this model
Nov 21, 2:48am
I don't think it's a unique problem. Be warned though, if that's "all it is" (ie not a cracked head) and if it's been run for a while with oil in the water, then it gets whipped up / emulsified with coolant.This floats, and sets at about the consistency of margarine.It can float up into the head or water pump when the engine sits and cools, so when you start it, then there's no coolant flow to the head - and ka boom, you can do some serious damage.If there's just a bit of oil floating at the top of the radiator, then after a few flushes, it'll probably be okay.If it's thick emulsified grunge, then you'll need to do some serious work to clean the whole cooling system out.
Nov 21, 3:21am
I have one and have never been aware of an engine oil cooler existing. Certainly a trans oil cooler which is part of the main radiator but not an engine oil cooler. But in any event, even if it did have one, it'd be likely not part of the water coolant system.
Nov 21, 3:39am
Some do have them.Water cooled heat transfer plate, with attached plumbing to cooling system, under the oil filter.
looking at that, id say its an engine out job anyway by the time ya get to it. after 1995-6 they were oil/ to air coolers
Mar 29, 6:14pm
So it's engine oil in the radiator! If so, and you've got a spare engine handy, probably time to use it.
Unless it's got a water-cooled engine oil cooler.
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