Nickers--2 ideas jump into my head. The Honda Jazz or FIT 1500 sport which is a heap of fun to drive. Or the Mazda Demio SPORT. In both cases you have 1500cc so pretty peppy. chain drive engines. Good rep for reliability.BOTH are hatchbacks with good passenger roomand both you could probably own for 10k. I am in BOTH cases suggesting MANUALversion especially the fit
Dec 29, 11:05pm
What a co-incidence! One was suggested earlier. I reckoned the dealer would knock a bit off though under threat of a Multipla being parked across the road on a daily basis.
Dec 29, 11:14pm
OMG.sorry guys.didnt realise we were onto a 2nd page.BLONDE! I am off out now to visit a fried who recently purchased a 2dr fit (i think will confirm upon return) which is a manualy.the crazy tart gonna let me take for a will check back later.THANKS ALL FOR THE HELP
Dec 29, 11:32pm
all Fits are 5 door. They are a great option in 5 speed. Autos give trouble.
Dec 29, 11:44pm
I can say for 100% certain that there is little/no chance of the particular fit mentioned selling for $10k -or so I'm told. Mention of a multiplawould INCREASE the price
Dec 30, 12:42am
Gotta start somewhere, and meet in the middle!
Dec 30, 2:44pm
not many chicks talk like this lol
Dec 30, 2:58pm
haha funny carstauranga, exactly what I was thinking when I first saw this thread posted. sorry jazz no disrespect intended. Just being truthful.
Dec 30, 3:00pm
You're not the only one who feels this way. I'm in agreeance with you far better choices than anything Euro.
Dec 30, 3:26pm
morning all! OMFG my friends wee Vitz goes like a bat outta hell. I have had a look at a few online, they seem to tick all of my demands BUT am going to head out on Monday to have a look as I am worried even the 5dr could be just a wee bit too small still! Thanks again to all who have made suggestions, it has been much appreciated! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE DAY ALL.BUBBLES FOR BREAKFAST MY FAVOURITE!
Dec 30, 3:30pm
I'd say TUESDAYmost dealers are closed monday
Dec 30, 4:24pm
nikrs the best cars for you to buy is either the corrolla or another nissan.Corrolla is the ultimate for reliability and resale. You just can't go wrong. They are the basic everyday cars that that do things well without costing you lots of maintenance' as in your sentr/pulsar you have. Your experience says it all. Good luck to ya.
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