Agreed, I would want to see full service history and brand new tyres for that price. And it would have to be a very very tidy example.
Jan 14, 10:35pm
2001 vx ! i would have thought you could get a 2003 vy for that money . keep looking ,i would . vy is a far better car than a vx .
Jan 14, 10:57pm
Offer him $9k for it and be willing to negotiate up to only $10k. Walk away if he wants more. He'll have allowed $6k on a trade-in or 48k on a buy. Cashflow is ever important these days so my bet is that he'd accept your offer.
Sorry it might be a 'she' as they seem to pervade all walks of life as well these days!
Jan 14, 10:58pm
So it was/is 13k. You offer 12k, he offers 12350 with full tank rego and warrent. Makes sence to me and your not paying for anything as full price was 13k If it was 12k and he wanted extra for rego and warrent and tank of gas well yea then moan. Just cause you offer 12k dosnt make it the price you should or will get it for.
Jan 14, 11:04pm
96 subbie. Look theres lots of way of skinning a catand EVERY deal is different.--There isn't a golden rule about how a particular deal is structured. The only "rule" when buying a car is that the car must have a WOF less than 28 days old,Of course there can be no money owing and not be stolen. The SPECIFICS OF EVERYTHING ELSE IS BETWEEN YOU AND THE DEALER. NOW BEFORE YA GET ALL UPSET--READ ON
Look forgeting all the advice saying you could get better etc etclets assume you pretty well want this car and the dealer actually wants to sell it. - lets set aside emotion for now Ok you have viewed and driven the car andmade YOUR offer to buy 12k with new/wofand 3 months rego - ONYA Dealer has given you a counter offer$12350 incl rego/wofand roughly $100 fuel SO you are in negotiaton with the dealer and frankly not a million miles from a deal Now you go back and say no thank you$12k with rego/wof.-thats saving him the $100 for fuelOR if you feel generous maybee toss the dealer a bit of a bone (and saying you are serious and willing to barter A BIT) $12100 including rego/wof.
Jan 14, 11:05pm
How long have you worked in the specificdealership in question! -OR are you just quoting urban legend from a mate who knows a guy that worked in a holden dealership in the 80's!
Jan 14, 11:08pm
Yep :)
Jan 14, 11:11pm
Listing #: 440177111 2005 commodoredone 96ks 3.6v6$10,500looks better than your vx 2001 deal
Jan 14, 11:13pm
Several others also.
Jan 14, 11:13pm
Yep, that is a way better deal!
Jan 14, 11:15pm
There is FAR better deals out there than what the dealer has offered you, especially in private sales. Search Trademe. I'd recommend walk away from the deal and get a newer Commodore with fewer km's for your money.
Jan 14, 11:21pm
Hey CT--changing the subject--why are all your cars rego'd! I don't do mine untill sold
Jan 14, 11:57pm
there is bugger all money in dealing used cars. why do you all think used car yards keep closing down!
there is also bugger all in new cars, the money is made on them with finance deals and service plans etc.
for kaz for example to keep a diesel ute in stock with a wof & rego would cost him $1.83 a day, just in wof and rego. thenr there's cleaners, the land, the buildings, power, staff, repairs, faults, advertising, free tanks of fuel. new tyres, insurances of HUGE figures. there's not a hell of a lot left. certainly not $6k on a $12k car. not even close. not even half close
there's way too much myth being spouted about margins on this forum from people with no idea.
Jan 15, 12:07am
me thinks if there was 6k in a 12k car a dealer would sell it for 10k an make 4k or 8 k an make 2k .therefore me thinks this myth is busted
Jan 15, 12:47am
Ha. I'm VERY close to someone in the know.
Jan 15, 12:52am
what is the spec level on the VX in question! if its a base model exec or acclaim it is way over priced, if its a Calais that dealer price is more justified but still be it in mind that you can get a VZ SV6 Alloytec 190 5 speed paddle shift auto for around 16K so DO NOT PAY TOO MUCH.
Jan 15, 12:54am
oh and is it a series 1 or 2 the series 2 is the one to go for as it has a far better rear suspension set up.
Jan 15, 1:02am
Hell yea I would go for that one for sure. Way more car for around the same as the OP is wanting. But then, I am a self confessed Holden fan boy.
Jan 15, 1:03am
one problem we are canterbury that is up north!
Jan 15, 1:37am
Can you get a refund on vehicle registration if you cancell it! This was the case in the U.K at a dealership where I worked and you would never see a vehicle on the lot that was registered.
Jan 15, 1:50am
I was going to ask Kazbanz the reason for doing that, as the rego is backdated to when it ran out, and then I realised he is probably looking at the first NZ registration of new imports, so some money is saved .
Is that correct Kaz!
Jan 15, 2:19am
I bought a 2001 vx calaisv8 3 months ago for 10k done 124k's mint condition.
Jan 15, 2:34am
That is a great buy. I got a VX commie LS1 with 30k on the clock and it was 5 grand more than that (though I did go through a dealer) and I adore it! Maybe a bit on the steep end price wise but it is in very good condition and has been well looked after.
Jan 15, 2:46am
wof has to be within 28days. and buying cars from a dealer are more expensive but they would have done work to it to make it sell able. if it craps out, make them fix it.
Jan 15, 2:53am
I have mechanical insurance plus usual cover. The only issue I have had is that my fuel pump died - that was a $780 bill that was mostly covered by insurance. I had to pay $200 excess and $80 for fuel filter that was optional but logical suggestion I went with while they were doing it. A nearly $800 bill out of the blue would have really ruined my week! So its an advantage I found with going through a dealer even if the price (let alone interest!) is a bit harsh.
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