3 liter V6 toyota scepter, head gasket.

tarn146, Apr 15, 4:55pm
Hi just found out that my head gasket has gone. anyone got an idea on price to repair/replace gasket or is it worth getting engine recond! thanks

phillip.weston, Apr 15, 5:31pm
not even worth repairing, just find a good known 2nd hand engine and get it fitted. Once they blow head gaskets they tend to corrode or even crack the block. You could spend thousands getting the engine reconditioned, or spend upwards of around $1000 for a good engine fitted. Then sell it.

tarn146, Apr 15, 5:45pm
damn, i liked that car.thanks for the advice.

smac, Apr 15, 6:34pm
Heh.I just paid $4.80incl for a head gasket at BNT the other day :P

mugenb20b, Apr 15, 7:19pm
What.for a chain saw!

smac, Nov 4, 5:17am