What kabanz said makes fairly decent sense for a car dealer so why are you abusing him!
Feb 9, 4:42am
If you want to see him yell, speak badly about car dealers in general :p
.but usually, he is probably the most genuine guy on here. Like him, I'm not joking either
Feb 9, 11:39am
Why hate on kazbanz! He always offers top advice. Its always genuine advice too. He helps out a lot of traders. I have never seen you on this message board let alone post anything constructive.
Feb 9, 2:30pm
+2. No-one needs me to explain that Kaz would have to be one of the top blokes on here, and almost everyone (outside of idiots) listens to him.
Respect has to be earned, and Kaz has earned mine; Outbidyou2 still has some way to go.
Feb 9, 2:41pm
Is it a lemon just because the wipers are all rusted and the rubbers are falling to bits or is there something else wrong with it! because the wipers and rubbers don't cost much.
Feb 9, 9:31pm
Apart from the exhaust leak, there's nothing you have listed that would fail a WOF.
Feb 9, 9:56pm
Midnight Auto's, just up the road from you
Feb 10, 4:26am
Agree Kaz is one top dude, listen to the good advice he gives
Feb 10, 5:03am
I'm sure licensed dealers up a short time they have to refund in if you have a problem.
Check the LMVD site. But act quickly.
Feb 10, 1:15pm
Now, I suggest you change the cambelt, because if the condition of the car is as you describe, you can bet that has never been done.
Feb 10, 1:23pm
PLEASE check your facts before making a statement like that. A person buying a car on finance has 10 days to pay the loan in full with no penalty--ie the whole loan is cancelled. Other than there being a major fault with the car it can't be returned because "mum doesn't like it'
Feb 10, 3:52pm
You have the time to do all this now but couldn't do it all before you paid the bux.says it all really.
Feb 10, 4:00pm
Neville--read the OP matey ---its not MM who bought the carit was their son. MM wants son to return the car -no suggestion as to sons feelings on the subject.
Feb 10, 9:42pm
#4- . ' they only ran the motor and didn't test drive it because it was blocked in the yard.'.
Dealers still do that!- the oldest dealer trick in the book.
Feb 10, 9:47pm
GOOD dealers don't--'stealers"- do
Feb 10, 10:17pm
At $2500, Id say the cambelt is due. This alone will cost more than a few wiper blades and groom/service. Cheap lesson for your son IMO.
Feb 10, 10:42pm
head !do you have shares in t/me!
Feb 11, 11:41am
Does HE think he bought a dud! Does HE want to return it! If your son is happy with it, that's all that really matters.
Feb 11, 4:43pm
My wifes car has just done 10,000km since may 2010. A lot of people dont live in auckland / travel 50km to work each day
Feb 11, 5:01pm
r15 --mate the gubbiment worked out the "average kiwi" travells 14000km every year. the sales rep doing 30000 a year probably balances out your wifes miles I guess
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