Can someone help me please.My son just bought a car through a dealer on Trademe today and paid the list price. I feel he has bought a lemon and want to know if we have the right to return it. The listing said it would be groomed and serviced and it has had neither. It has supposedly passed a warrant but the wipers are all rusted and the rubbers are falling to bits. Appreciate any help thanks Carolyn
Feb 8, 10:08pm
go and see the dealer,did the pre purchase inspection pick it up! um changing the windscreen wiper blades is $5
Feb 8, 10:16pm
Ok Mightymouse you need to help us help you What was the year /make /model/miles and price. ! I get that it was purchased from a dealer but was it an auction or was it a listing! Where did you get your information from regarding it being serviced and groomed!
Feb 8, 10:30pm
1996 Subaru Legacy sedan, its done 106,000 kms, he paid $2500 for it. It was a listing not an auction and it said in the listing that it would be groomed and serviced. My son took a friend to look at it and they only ran the motor and didn't test drive it because it was blocked in the yard.
Feb 8, 10:30pm
1996 Subaru Legacy sedan, its done 106,000 kms, he paid $2500 for it. It was a listing not an auction and it said in the listing that it would be groomed and serviced. My son took a friend to look at it and they only ran the motor and didn't test drive it because it was blocked in the yard. Also I don't believe its only done 106,000 kms.
Feb 8, 10:37pm
Its only $2500 and from a dealer too. If the K's are correct, that is pretty cheap IMO. But I am no expert. though I will say you get what you pay for and that is not much.
Feb 8, 10:37pm
so are the rusty wiper arms (i presume surface rust) and wiper blades the olny issue! If so you are deaming if you think you can return it
Feb 8, 11:02pm
So why doesn't your son sort out the problem with the dealer! Old enough to buy the car - old enough to go and sort this out.
Feb 8, 11:05pm
If it clearly hasn't been groomed and serviced as per the advert, then go back and make them honour that.
But as for the car itself.
***IF*** the only thing wrong with it is the wiper arms are "a bit rusty", and it needs new blades, then on the face of it that sounds like a fairly reasonable price for a basic old car with not too many miles on the clock.
I am assuming there are no gross underlying defects that haven't been discovered!
I hope there is no *real* rust, anywhere else on the car that actually matters!
Can you link to the listing so we can see photos perhaps!
Feb 8, 11:06pm
Wiper rubbers are $15, can of satin black paint is $6.
Hit the dealer up about grooming, say you want it cleaned and serviced as per the listing. Surely they will spend the $70 doing it to avoid a fuss.
Feb 8, 11:15pm
It is pretty disgusting inside with stains all over the seats and roof.The left hand door speaker is in the glove box and the whole stereo console is a mess, the left hand mirror electronics are broken, the exterior has had some sort of paint job and needs a professional cut and polish, theres heaps of other superficial things to many to list. I have just had a friend look at it and it has an exhaust leak.He has recommended I take it to a VTNZ for a WOF check and anything that fails needs to be fixed by the dealer as they passed its WOF yesterday and shouldn't have.Thank you for your comments I will take it from here.
Feb 8, 11:18pm
Ok mightymouse theres some issues and I'm sorry you aren't going to like this one bit. 1) If the car has not been groomed or serviced and the car was advertised at $2500 with that done then I agree that YOUR SON needs to contact the dealer for this to be taken care of.He should at the same time raise the wiper blade issue. I am assuming someone has looked and seen that the oil is in fact dirty -kinda hard to make a stand when the work has been done. 2) Your son made a couple of fairly major errors when purchasing the car. A) he did not take the car for a test drive.B) he did not get any form of mechanical inspection carried out BEFORE purchase. Unfortunately the horse has now bolted so to speak. Your son was sold the vehicle in good faith. Your son made his buying decision and made this decision having inspected the car for as long or as short a time as was required FOR HIM to make this decision. Minor superficial stuff -including a bad paint job is up to HIMBEFORE purchase to sort with the dealer. So far I have seen no reason whatsoever that the car should or for that matter Could be returned. The issue of rust on the top surfaces of the wiper blades is VERY common and honestly of very little concern mechanically. I must say a legacy sedan with 106000ks for $2500 is pretyy good buying IF there are no other mechanical issues.
All is not lost though.--Under the soga and CGA should a mechanical FAULT that hasn't been disclosed exist then your son can reasonably expect to return the car to the dealer for repair.
Feb 8, 11:24pm
Post the link to the car
Feb 8, 11:28pm
your son will have a learnt a lesson in"life" skills a 1996 WITH 106K'S THE CAR IS 16 YEARS OLD& AVERAGE k's for a kiwi is at least 15000 per year more like 2400000km IMHO
Feb 8, 11:29pm
Mightymouse I must ask--WHO is all this concern coming from! If its from your son FANTASTIC. He now needs to sort the matter with the dealer concerned. If in fact its YOU the concerned parent PLEASE hear me out. I'd STRONGLYsuggest you stay away from this situation completely unless YOUR SON specifically asks for your help. In your view your son has made a bad decision. good onya for being a concerned parent. But its "only" a $2500 mistake he's made. and in fact I suspect more likely a $1000 max mistake if he simply resells the car on trade me to recoup what he can. This is a truely valuable life lesson for your son The thing is you aren't gonna always be there to clean up after him when he makes "bad" decisions. He will learn a truck load more if you let him learn from his errors
Feb 8, 11:29pm
Mightymouse I must ask--WHO is all this concern coming from! If its from your son FANTASTIC. He now needs to sort the matter with the dealer concerned. If in fact its YOU the concerned parent PLEASE hear me out. I'd STRONGLYsuggest you stay away from this situation completely unless YOUR SON specifically asks for your help. In your view your son has made a bad decision. good onya for being a concerned parent. But its "only" a $2500 mistake he's made. and in fact I suspect more likely a $1000 max mistake if he simply resells the car on trade me to recoup what he can. This is a truely valuable life lesson for your son The thing is you aren't gonna always be there to clean up after him when he makes "bad" decisions. He will learn a truck load more if you let him learn from his errors
Incidently I will put ONE proviso on the above post--If the car is in DANGEROUS condition--bald tyres,leaking suspension etc thenI take back every word -sure its still his error but I wouldn't want his death on my concience
Feb 8, 11:35pm
Not trying to sound rude here, but let's get this right, your son brought a car after viewing it and could clearly see it wasn't in the condition listed! he would of seen said interior damage etc and worst of all the 'test drive' was watching the engine tick over. He's not gonna get much sympathy here, I think.
You might be able to get the grooming done, but doubt much else.
How old is your son! and more importantly I hope he was spending his own money.
Feb 9, 1:33am
Your son inspected the car and decided to buy. Can only complain about the grooming not done. Wiper blades, stains etc, speakers loose etc .stiff out of luck UNLESS the dealer said he would fix them.
Feb 9, 2:14am
Where do you get wiper blades for $5!
Feb 9, 2:38am
warehouse. $5.99
Feb 9, 2:43am
dunno. i think thats what i paid for some once,perhaps it was $15
Feb 9, 2:45am
wiper blades etc. will be the least of his worries buying a subaru
Feb 9, 4:10am
More importantly, who issued the WOF and if there were clear defects that made the vehicle unwarrantable, contact LTSA immediately.
Feb 9, 4:21am
is kanzpanz always this annoying and YELLing at people, has to be a joke right !
Feb 9, 4:21am
sorry kazpants, lol
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