its not about cyclists paying, we have to share the road and i just want cyclists to take some responsibility here, lining up in 3 or more across the road is not responsible, especially around blind corners, the cyclists today were very lucky i seen them as quick as i did, or i would have hit them if not the oncoming car. or both. and for the 3rd guy out who was in the middle of the road to flip me off like i'm the a$$ hole, come on. he should have been thankful of my quick reactions to his stupid, ignorant positioning, what if next time the car coming around this blind corner is a 1970's Cadillac. he may not be so lucky. also zeph i understand you are a respected member of this board however i find your comment very unnecessary, what if you were in my shoes today!
Feb 14, 1:27am
Respected! LOL I dont think so
Me! I would have run him over to prove my point - I ride on the road when I have to - I ride at all other times in forests & specific tracks. Last time I checked not many people get run over by flora & fauna - maybe a falling Kauri, hmmm - should look into that
Feb 14, 1:31am
Where you driving at such a speed that you could stop in half the distance of road visable to you! Stupid law but its there, or something very similar. Then it wouldnt be a hassle cause ya doin 10kph around some corners, "just in case"
Feb 14, 1:33am
Simply ride single file and as close as possible to the left. No brainier , wish the bloody cyclists would get it!
Feb 14, 1:40am
Hey, we spend more than enough on lycra and Italian named bikes.
Feb 14, 1:41am
Feb 14, 1:45am
Simpler.get over it.
Feb 14, 2:48am
you guys really need to work on some new arguments. the same generic "f**k cyclists they dont pay road users, they're c**ts that dont pay ACC, If they are 2 abreast I'm gonna run them over" get recycled every few days. Why not start some kind of petition, write letters to governement etc etc. if enough people make noise someone will have to listen. and for the record I ride a bike with wheels worth more than my car, have a wardrobe full of lycra in a variety of colours, ride by myself 95% of the time on backroads and make conscious effort to avoid main roads, drive over 1500km per week for work, regularly encounter cyclists riding 2 abreast where they shouldn't be, regularly get stuck behind motorhomes, rental cars, old ladies out to do the shopping, people towing boats etc etc. So am aware just how annoying bikes AND motor vehicles can be. So you see while most of you are no doubt thinking "hey f**k this guy he isnt paying tax" just remember there are plenty off arseholes on wheels on our roads, you are bound to catch more cyclists though as they travel slower so over a given section of road you are more likely to catch up to them. just depends if the prison sentence for running over someone is worth the 5 seconds of red mist caused by someone being a twat. thats just me anyway no doubt there will be many more viewpoints on this
Feb 14, 2:55am
& that pays for your ACC how!
Feb 14, 2:56am
Well put bikeman2
Feb 14, 2:59am
& you guys need to work on following the road rules, actually giving a shit about other road users (BTW who DO pay for the use of) & a bit of courtesy rather than 3or4 wide on already narrow roads yet STILL expecting a wide berth. our 'arguments' are simply in response to YOUR actions!
Feb 14, 3:01am
hasnt this been thrashed to the point of extinction! "search" .cyclists 'last year' in your friendly box. sheez
Feb 14, 4:26pm
I ride a pushbike and drive a truck for a living, I would be more than happy to pay a licencing fee for the pushbike if it meant a reduction in acc levies for my car or motorbike.
Feb 14, 5:09pm
As both a cyclist and a driver I can see rbjz's point - I'd never ride side by side on a public road, not only is it inconsiderate but it is against the road code. I just about always cycle alone anyway, and use any cycleway thats available, cant understand why anyone would not, it much nicer than riding on a road anyway.
I can understand why people want cyclists to pay rego, the problem is collection and enforcement. They cant even enforce the current helmet law, which is pretty obvious when its being broken, enforcing a rego would be far harder. Also, most cyclists also have a car (or two in my case) which they are paying rego on
Dont know what the answer is, some drivers need educating, some cyclists do too, have seen some bloody stupid people on bikes lately
Feb 14, 5:20pm
This thread smells of stupid people.
Feb 14, 5:31pm
Does now that you've put in ya 2c.
Feb 14, 6:03pm
If you went around a blind corner and then had to "stand on ABS" to avoid hitting something in the road, then you went around the corner too fast.
(Something in the road code about you must be able to stop in the length of clear road you can see in front of you, at all times! No!)
And if it's about who's paying the most for the right to use the roads, I hope you always pull off the road to let any trucks and motorcyclists go through ahead of you.!
Feb 14, 7:02pm
Rant: I own three cars and three bikes. what does that make me! I ride bikes but don't consider myself a cyclist. When I ride my bike I sit upright and look where I'm going. Unlike the "Boy racer" cyclists I see around here who have their seats up higher than their handle bars and their face down at the road. WTF These guys (and girls) are no different to the so called "boy racers" in Honda's and Nissan's. Both use the road as a race track! Think about it Lycra Queens.
But number 1 post has no point. there could be anything around a blind corner!
PS: Zeph' Don't get mowed down by a Moa!
Feb 14, 7:30pm
At least the real racers cankeep within 10km of the speed limit on a downhill. I don't mind cruising along behind cyclists using the whole lane if they are going full tilt.
Followed one of the Wairarapa "racers" in the event last Sunday and heading down the hill gave her lots of room because she was a sux cyclist doing 25-30kmph and needing broard metres between herself and the verge.
After about 3 minutes we got to a really nice wide open bend where a considerate DRIVER would have, most likely, pulled over to let a few pass. Instead this was her opportunity to take the corner at a whopping 35kmph speed and prevent any traffic (8-10 cars by then) passing her.
By the time her rat's-brain thought about taking the whole lane up to prevent cars passing and shave 1-2 seconds off her final time I was already over taking on the presumption she would be a) considerate and b) would not behave eratically on the road and c) fail to respect the large metal things she shared the road with. Of course she didn't, and nearly wiper herself out on the bonnets of the 8-10 cars behind her by deciding to start using the whole lane up during a wide corner, with cars that had, until then, been patiently waiting to over take her.
The next one we came to was good enough to keep a decent speed up while occupying the lane and at least gave way after a few corners to let the cars pass.
Feb 14, 7:34pm
Proportionate to time on the road and wear and tear trucks and motorcycles aren't paying more. And motorcyclists are paying more becuas ethey fold like a paper crane when they filter through traffic onto someone's bonnet.
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