"If you have the vehicle registration number and details of the offending, it is very likely that we can impound the vehicle and take away their means of offending," says Inspector Stewart."
Are they saying what I think they are saying! An accusation by a member of the public is all that's needed for a vehicle to be impounded!
Feb 21, 1:39am
The flith are clearly targetting the 'boy racers' here, and that ticks my off, as it's happening to us motorcyclists a lot more now (random rego checks etc, because of the hikes) and I hate the feelnig of being targetted.
But.I'm with Richwardmayes on this one. The boy racers have made their bed and now they have lie in it. I wonder how many of the people there have never done a burn out on a public road, or a skid etc I see enough of them trying to get the arse out in the wet, it's disgusting.
Feb 21, 1:49am
I can't believe you guys are giving the muppet who put that video together even 1 minute of your time defending him or backing up his claims. That really is beneath you guys. You're the first to bleat about fair trial, yet are just lapping up the comments in the video, none of which was supported by the video.
The guy needs some serious remedial schooling, but not your support of his idiotic claims.
Feb 21, 1:50am
One thing to add: I'd take the time to ask just one question of this guy: how much money did they donate to the charity who's name they were throwing about!
Feb 21, 1:51am
What a load of crap - a bunch of pissed fuckwits hanging out in an industrial area in Category A ricer shitbox cars.
Is it any wonder the police came!
"Charity". Lol. I bet they didn't raise a single cent or even plan to.
Feb 21, 1:52am
Still, needed more input from NZ than just being banished to a few views on poo tube didnt it
Got you angry ha ha
Feb 21, 1:56am
Guess I need to learn how to paint as I'm with you guys as well. Bucket load of their "show cars" roflmfao, got kicked off the road. Should have had the crusher there. Put all your ducks in a row and SHOOT EM down
Feb 21, 1:59am
I guess we could have a crippled sparky in our party. We would need a coffe getter.
Feb 21, 2:02am
sweet, been getting a lot of coffee making / drinking practice in lately
Feb 21, 2:03am
Heh.not angry.bemused really that it got the attention it did!
Feb 21, 2:05am
I am taking whats been said in the video with a large grain of salt. All I am saying is that this is worth investigating to see if there is any truth in it.
If we fail to investigate possible unfair treatment by the Police because the recipients are "scrotes" or "deserving" then the rot starts to creep into the system.
Just like I said before, they could be accused of murder for all I care, they should still be treated fairly and legally.
Feb 21, 2:10am
Agree completely. I just don't see anything at all in that video indicating they were treated in any way other than fairly or legally. Despite what that gimp thinks, targeted Policing is not, quote "Conflict of interest".
Feb 21, 2:19am
Charity. I wonder what the registered charity is.
The police were notified of the cruise. So what! If I notify the police that I'm going to go and commit a few robberies, that doesn't make it legal.
These little tossers need to learn that you reap what you sew.
Feb 21, 2:23am
I'm here and with you. Sadly I did breed one of those boy racers who complains that the cops pick on him, the fact that the little plonker brings it onto himself is another story. His brothers shake their heads in dispare. I am sure that the police do make mistakes and that there are some gung ho plonkers in their ranks, but they are there to protect us, what is the alternative. We need to support the police not blame them for doing their job.
Feb 21, 2:25am
the term detainment has been raised a few times in this thread and I don't believe anybody there was being detained, seems to me all the cops did was close the road which they are legally entitled to do, all these young guys had to do was lock up there cars and start walking. To me that clip doesn't tell the whole story and I don't for a minute believe that those guys were there donating their hard earned to a charity. Yes maybe the cops were a little over the top but these young guy's love playing games with the police and on this occasion the police were playing games with them.
Awesome video.hope they sharpen up on their spelling when they try their best in court haha Yes, maybe the riot gear was over the top as was the abuse towards the law but as jazz mentioned the verbal abuse is taken with a grain of salt. I assume that if one of the cars got stolen or damaged the police would be the first to be called!
Feb 21, 3:22am
jazz just admit it you've got one hell of an axe to grind when it comes to the cops. just pay your frequent infringement fines and don't get all nasty one day you might get frequent flyer points.
Feb 21, 3:26am
Lol, to be honest I actually agree with you on this one.
Feb 21, 3:29am
LOL, I can't help but agree with you one hundred percent!
Feb 21, 3:33am
plenty of money raised that day lols but not for the supposed charity but the police
Feb 21, 3:35am
Woops, looks like my stalker's back! (Private joke).
Feb 21, 3:42am
I've spent a few nights on the good side of the Hamilton police watchtower and seen first hand how much stupid bullshit the police have to put up with. When you get a bunch of muppets together who may not be doing anything 'technically' wrong but border on the fringe of the generally stupid element of society like these numpties clearly are its not hard to understand why they aren't given the 'respect' they seem to be under the illusion they're 'owed'
Guarantee if they had a real problem they'd be making demands of the police and they'd be pretty vocal about it.
Wandering up to someone with a camera rolling is never going to start you off in good stead either.
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