Police not expecting increase in traffic accidents

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tgray, Mar 23, 1:50pm
after the rule change".
I thought that would be inevitable!

3tomany, Mar 23, 2:47pm
na because nobody followed those two rules in the first place theirfor the accidend rate should in theiry drop

intrade, Mar 23, 3:03pm
yea no one knows any rules or even knows how to drive so of course it wont get worsemaybe the traffic jams will double or tripple in size and last 3 times longer then before but they wont see why that is and wonder why as usual.

chris241, Mar 23, 3:51pm
Not a good time to be on a motor bike. Its already bad enough geting cut off and pulled out in front of

bashfulbro, Mar 23, 4:04pm
I wouldn`t think they would be, NZ drivers are all licenced andcompetent.
All the drivers who got their licencein the last twenty years, ticked most of the correct answers, on the weetbix packet.

ryans, Mar 23, 6:03pm
My Legacy was due for a cam belt change a couple months ago, I've been putting it off because of this law change.
I don't want to spend $1,000 on a cam belt change, just for the car to get written off by someone not following the rules.

smac, Mar 23, 6:20pm
The point is with the left turner now having give way, if somebody doesn't give way you're already through. I really don't think it's gonna be a big deal.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 23, 8:13pm
I always did. And the words are "therefore", "accident" and "theory".

ema1, Mar 24, 2:30am
All the more reason to fly .eh intrade!

johnf_456, Mar 24, 2:38am
Count yourself lucky you don't live in Auckland. Dunedin driving is a brisk from my experience compared to rat race syndrome up here.

pollymay, Mar 24, 2:50am
I'm going to drive in reverse everywhere tomorrow, that way I can confuse everyone.

michael.benn, Mar 24, 4:10am
^ Win.

zephyrheaven, Mar 24, 4:33am
Lets face facts, the 'Police' as they are known in the 1st world would not expect anything

cassandra13, Mar 24, 5:13am
perfect time for a panelbeater.

gunhand, Mar 24, 5:17am
Bring it on. The good drivers will handle it the ones in doubt will be over cautious and the idiots will just carry on as per normal.

chris241, Mar 24, 5:31pm
Yep dam right and you can keep it too

aragorn2003, Mar 24, 5:55pm
I am venturing out today , ready to yell , beep the horn and get agro at anyone who doesn't follow the new rules

moosie_21, Mar 24, 6:36pm
Nearly got hit by someone. Exited a roundabout with left blinker as was going straight through (another correct way that no1 ever does anyways.) and there was a street 100 meters on. Guy turningright in the mdidle of the street thought I was turning into that street because of blinker. I had turned it off immediately after exiting, but he just assumed I had it on and was half way into the street before realising I wasn't turning there. I would have had right of way anyways under the new rules. Don't know what beauracrat decided to change rules when all the Sunday drivers are out, jeez.

tgray, Mar 24, 7:22pm
Sticker on back of car today:

smac, Mar 24, 8:37pm
ummm.moosie, how's that got anything to do with the new rule!If he realised you were going straight, he should have waited, if he thought you were turning, he should have waited.

manukarose1, Mar 24, 8:40pm
Because indicating when you exit a roundabout is a fairly new rule too - it illustrates how people haven't got that sorted properly - so it's likely there will be many that don't sort these new rules out also.

ianrich, Mar 24, 8:57pm
That rule was introduced in 1999. I suppose you could still call it "fairly new".

manukarose1, Mar 24, 8:57pm
that long ago! I thought only 3-4 years ago.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 24, 9:52pm
Not quite. It's not new at all. It was always in the regulations You've always been required to indicate left when turning away from the centreline of the road you're on and a roundabout is a one-way loop road. To leave it you indicate left as soon as practicable.

net_oz, Mar 24, 10:03pm
When i'm going through roundabouts there is never any time for someone to see my indicator light.