lucerfarulLooks may be deceiving, but god damn with one glacne even before he utters a single word, how's it possible to deduce that a 40-something yr old fat fuck with no chin gel still in his hair is a piece of shit capitalist pig? Perhaps he believes the jeans might mask his scent provide some cover, but that mother fucker reeks of greed arrogance. I guarantee you, he's not going to like the outcome of the Revolution; however, he might end up losing some weight if he survives the process.
Sep 26, 11:34am
g1981cits cute how three fat atheist lailrbes form a panel discussing how religion and conservatism makes people fat. i'd still hit those cute little fat girls of course but don't kid yourself you are no fitness models.
Sep 26, 12:09pm
BusterXXXLMr. CEO's for higher Bail-Outs did not seem so ccvninoing in selling the Chamber of Commerce's create more jobs, by creating more unemployed. Get rid of the protection for underaged unemployed, children have the right to work for income, too program.
Sep 28, 9:01am
If you have never had credit befroe, you may find it near impossible to qualify for an unsecured card to begin with, and, even IF you were approved, you would not get a large limit. You may get $300 to $500 to start with. Go talk to your bank or credit union about their card.
Sep 28, 9:37am
Your credit rantig and income will determine how much your spending limit will be. Visa or Discover is good if you'll need monthly payments. If you think you'll be able to pay off the amount of the emergency in full, then get American Express.
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