My wife drove our boys home from 'camp' today. Oldest (7) had been slightly ill with a cold. He's never heaved up in a car before but today, after the windy Piha road, just before home.he was sick - mainly on himself but also on the backseat, seatbelt, booster seat.and I had the 'joy' of cleaning him and the car up. Its amazing how stomach bile always smell the same.
Apr 1, 1:29am
My mate told me about how in S.A. her friend spewed berry vodka all over the back quarter of her friends car, and they never noticed. This stuff baked in in the hot sun for the next day until they noticed. Scrubbed it, but never got the red spew out, always tinged quiet badly. Paid $1500 for a re-spray, hefty night on the pi$$ really!
Apr 1, 1:33am
In the front of my mate's Riley 1.5 and a belly full of Double Diamond and a vindaloo curry larger than my head I decided to eject it all out of the window whilst in other mate in the left rear passenger seat decided at exactly the same moment to lower the window and stick his head out to remonstrate/abuse some local was the 60's and that's what you did in those days.
Apr 1, 1:37am
A friend was driving her teenage son and some of his friends over the Harbour Bridge some years ago in her Nissan Laural(sp) ??
Apr 1, 1:38am
was in Mairangi Bay one nght, young girl in car next to us, turned and chucked, only troublethe window was still up vey messy
Apr 1, 1:58am
it's1978 & i'm driving my drunk mate home. we're in Broadway Newmarket at the lights. my mates sez he's gonna spew. "open the window mate, don't spew in the car", he opens the window and RALPH at full volocity out of the car. right at that particular point a police patrol car just pulled along side with the drivers window down. the cop wore most of it. i got questioned but was able to pass the breathaliser, we drove home laughing our heads off. amazing how fast a good chuck & a policeman can sober someone up.
Apr 1, 2:02am
There is a corner on the desert road called cheesels. I will never forgetthe yellow goo my eldest projected over the back of the drivers seat and floor.
Apr 1, 2:26am
Back in the 70's. Had just painted the mates MK3 Z-car (Bright yellow of all colours) anyhow, boys out on the piss.Big night out , front seat passenger spewed out the window and down the side of the car.She'll be right mate I'll clean it in the morning.You can see where I'm going with this.Yep, by the morning the paint had pretty much blistered.Back door and back guard had to be resprayed.
Apr 1, 3:20am
spew best paint stripper known to mankind
Apr 1, 3:37am
Our little fluffy dog has expensive and rather human taste in food. I decided foolishly to let him indulge in a bit of my butter chicken pie I stopped to munch down on my travels. About half an hour later. yellow butter chicken pie chunder all over the front seat of the car. He still travels with me everywhere (as does other little dog) but 'Chucky Chunder' does not dine on anything until we are home.
Apr 1, 4:09am
A friend of my brother left his place one night in the 70s with a belly full of roast dinner and wine and only made about 500m before vomiting all over the steering wheel and dashboard of his Hillman Avenger, including all the heater vents and associated intricate plastic bits. He also managed to get about half of it in his lap. The car sat in the sun until the next afternoon before he made his way back to retrieve it and never, ever smelled right again.
Apr 1, 4:12am
About 20 years ago I was a Taxi driver in Auckland, picked up a fare of about three girls very drunk. Just as I was about to drop them home one girl was sick and must have been eating prawns as they were still whole. Girls had to pay extra $50.00 on top of fare, was of the road cleaning that for the rest of the night.
Apr 1, 4:12am
Was driving the Multipla in town and saw this lady on the pavement covering her eye's. Anyhow I pulled up and parked just down from her. next minute.spew.all over the pavement.
Apparently she thought I had gone past and uncovered her eyes.
Apr 1, 4:17am
I'm amazed how you can get the 'M' word into almost every thread.
Apr 1, 8:34am
Geez I saw one of those Multicklers once and sure it wasn't pretty but not fugly enough to make me chuck either .
Apr 1, 1:59pm
30 years ago (was it that long!), myself and my teenage girlfriend held a party at her parents house, whilst they were away. Incredible party, lots of people, music etc. Unfortunately the house got trashed, so we went out to my car to escape the bedlam. She wanted me to drive away but I was not in any state to, so we just sat there for hours and every half hour of so, would lean out our respective windows and vomit. By morning there were two enormous piles of vomit on each side of my car and I drove off leaving her there, just as her parents came home. Poor girl.
Apr 1, 2:56pm
youngest son on a flight to raro. A bit rough so we told them about the spew bags. His was out and on his lap. -He kinda missed the whole point of the exersize when he power chucked over the bag and onto the inflight entertainment screen. -dang robust screens them -took the hit and just kept playing cartoons whilst drippping bike and other orrible stuff
Apr 1, 3:25pm
on a primary school bus trip, I felt sick. just as we pulled up out front school I started to vomit on one of the parent helpers feet! quick as a flash she pulled my gumboot off and made me sick into that! recently at a wedding, I ran into her, we both had a good laugh about it.
Apr 1, 3:48pm
Flying to Chch in a howling Norwester with seat belt lights on all the way and the entire flight gripping your armrests, our 1yo projectile puked all over the head and through the long blonde hair of a woman in the seat in front.Vomit range and coverage probably assisted by some negative Gs.
Apr 1, 4:32pm
Early '60's, parents went away on business, I threw a party for the motor-racing boys in Chch.
Party going real well
One of the guys feels ill, wants to chuck
doesn't go outside
heads for the kitchen sink
I hadn't cleared the sink of all the dishes.
Apr 1, 6:48pm
I used to 'host' bus trips to concerts when I worked at a radio station years ago. I was enjoying 'hosting' (read : getting trashed) the trip to Pink Floyd in '88 and had even found a nice young lady friend to sit next to, when with no warning whatsoever I puked. A lot. All over myself, and the seat in front of me. I even managed to cover my lady friend in splashback.
Spent the rest of the trip shirtless at the front of the bus, but recovered just in time to see the Floyd.
Apr 2, 1:35am
thats hilarious, 1978 eh what car did ya have! and what was the cop driving.
I think i threw up in the back of a cop car once, little hazy on the details. They were very nice to give me a ride home.
Apr 2, 1:56am
When I was a young lass, family went on a trip to Canada. My uncle picked us up in one of those old station wagons (this is back in the late 70's). We had to travel a fair way to get to uncles house. Myself and cousin sitting in the 'boot' bit. I end up feeling sick then vomiting all over a sleeping bag. ARRRRRGGGH the same sleeping bag I had to sleep in when we went camping. I assume it was cleaned but really I have no idea. blerk.
Apr 2, 5:52am
Father rented a mk2 cortina only weeks old back in late 60's. On a trip from Palmy to Taumarunui my sister threw up in the back, and I did the same in the passenger seat. Totally killed the new car smell
Apr 2, 6:29am
Grandfathers brand new (1 week old) Rover 3500, Christmas 1974. We flew down to Dunedin from Auckland. He picked us up, took us down to Balclutha (his home) then thru up to Wanaka. Just heading into Alexandra I threw up all over the front of it, right into the airvents. Sister had to sit in the front for the rest of the way. Grandmother was NOT impressed when we got to Wanaka.
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