mine was in my flat driveway at home had the drainlayer in to replace pipe was all dug out ready for pipe the next day but was asked to go for a hunt but landcruiser was on otherside of hole no worries i thought both lockers in bit of speed ill be right .nope had to ring a couple of friends who were discreet(not) two 4x4s snatching in tandem to get me out
May 29, 3:58am
Well, was hugely embarrassed when I locked the damn keys in MIL's car at Countdown. Nothing for it but call AA.
May 29, 4:02am
Can they even manage to sort that these days!
May 29, 4:07am
I have seen an X-ray of some Dinky Toy cars stuck inside some guy's butt. I suppose that might have been embarrassing.
May 29, 4:09am
down a bank between a toilet block and bank
May 29, 4:12am
If you happen to be in the US and get ummm eerrrrr, anything gets stuck up there its costs 10k cash plus extra 2k for some other specialist as well to have it removed. The cash is if you want to remain anonymous that is. Seen this on TV. ER emergancies or something like that
May 29, 4:16am
That's from Jackass.
May 29, 4:16am
Good old Ryan Dunn. RIP
May 29, 4:18am
puts a whole new meaning on "parking the car"
May 29, 4:19am
I broke a cv and the front diff in my old Surf second time taking it out, down the river in front of a sh*t load of trucks maybe 50, took two Safaris to pull it out, then had to get towed down the river by my work mates Nissan, tons of Toyota jokes over the radio that day.
May 29, 4:24am
carpark at Piha beach, no shit, not even on the beach but in the bloody carpark. Stopped for a park up with a girl I was keen on, went to reverse the VF Valiant & all I heard was vizzzzz. Tried everything, rocking, wood behind the wheel, jacked up & wood under but nope, we had to crash in the car for a few hours (me in front & her in back coz she was not a happy camper by that stage) until daylight when a local came over & towed us out, reckoned it wasnt that uncommon. Car parks have changed now but Im still cautious when going there
May 29, 4:30am
May 29, 5:04am
There was the chap in a rental car that parked in a big flat area at a ski field despite no entry signs. The grader driver tried to persuade him to move but before that happened the ice above the effluent pond gave way. Fortunately the roof of the car was above the effluent level so driver was able to climb onto roof to await rescue. Neither car nor driver smelt too good though.
May 29, 5:11am
" Hi I'm Ryan Dunn and this is Roadside Barbeque"
May 29, 5:14am
Did he die! How!
May 29, 5:18am
He did sadly in a car accident in his Porsche GT3 in June last year.
He did too, thanks for the link. Damn, only 34 years old.
May 29, 5:43am
Yep, such a sad loss for a young guy. But thats what happen when you mix speed and alcohol. Life isn't fair.
May 29, 6:03am
i got stuck on tarseal road in america driving peterbilt truck. wheel was in a little pothole. while waiting for train to pass the airbag suspension lifted wheel up. i had to stick difflocks in to drive off. would never happen with steel suspension.
May 29, 7:01am
Best I saw was an old impala that got Tboned, knocked up onto footpath and then bellied out across a downhill driveway hanging on the bumpers.driver got out and WTF already has a leg in full plaster.Towie arrived a J2 or J3 Beddie with a crane hook.Wheelstands truck and achieves nothing.2nd Beddie arrives and with the combined power of a headgehog they manage to pull the impala back a bit and now its stuck nose first down side of bank.By now its about 2.30am.Towies have a bit of a conference, pack up and leave.Impala was there about a week and then disappeared.Apparently owner turned up with an old Landrover or some such, chained it up and dragged it sideways off the bank and luckily it landed on its wheels and he dragged it away.Ah the good old days.
As if medical people haven't got enough to do without taking toy cars out of people's rectums.
May 29, 3:10pm
RECTUM !.blimin well nearly killed him ;-(
May 29, 6:13pm
Nah, it's pretty fair. Get pissed and drive fast, chances are you'll die earlier than expected. Nothing unfair about that.
May 29, 7:05pm
Spot on he was being a muppet and to be honest I expected most of those jackass guys to be dead by now!Especially steve-o when he was on drugs
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