Clearly you can't even read a basic spec sheet if you think Hyundai's are a good product for the money. You're just another one who gets grossly insecure when a sheep dares to step out of line and encourage others to wake up.
Jul 3, 10:45pm
The previous poster actually has a point, if you care to read and then do some research. Perhaps professional motoring critics, world wide sales figures, along with crash test stats, reliability and fuel economy numbers are all wrong, if only people would listen to you. Your a sad guy.
Jul 3, 10:48pm
Unfortunately the Chinese have wiped out the USA and Japanese markets thanks to people wanting cheaper goods .But now they want the quality back its to late there all closed down
Jul 3, 11:58pm
Bit Ot but i happened to have a hub assembly in my hand the other day which was made in Korea.Can't remember which bearing company name was on it but it was one of the "known" ones maybe NSK.Anyway it looked like it had been polished there was hardly a machining mark anywhere.Who knows if the quality of the steel was any good but the look of the finish was "bling" to say the least.It was about 15 years old and hasn't broken yet.
Jul 4, 1:58am
Ahh, yet another one incapable of doing their own math. even quoting how the crowd is rushing for them therefore they are automatically good.
How dare I say you should think for yourself!
Jul 4, 3:37am
You have lost all credibility. Why don't you retain some dignity and self respect and stop posting.
Jul 4, 3:46am
And another one. I only lose credibility with those who don't actually do any thinking for themselves. Anyone who actually bothers to do some research and has some understanding of math and common sense will draw the same conclusion that I have.
Unfortunately though the masses will chose the comfort of going with the crowd and responding to clever marketing over the pain of having to think for themselves every time.
Jul 4, 3:54am
LMAO! That made my night!
Jul 4, 4:06am
Ok I'll take the challenge +1 But I'm a left thinking NZer (as opposed to a right thinking) so can you count my +1 or is it actually a -1!
Oh hell I'm confused - I'll go a buy a tata.
Jul 4, 4:20am
How right you are. It's not just cars either, people are just losing the ability to think for themselves. There are some interesting books around on the subject, a lot of it seems to stem from the huge amount of information that bombards us every day. The amount of advertising we take in and decisions we make daily is monumental compared to just a couple of generations ago. The brain seems to cope by taking shortcuts, like following the crowd, instead of weighing the information and making considered decisions for ourselves. It dosn't bode well for humanity.
Jul 4, 4:21am
At least with a tata they are honest enough to name it after what happens to your money when you buy one.
Jul 4, 4:23am
Somebody is off his meds.Again.Seriously.
Jul 4, 4:43am
Jazz, you honestly sound more and more like one of those crazy people saying there are conspiracies EVERYWHERE. You say it's great to be different and have your own opinion, but when people speak up against your views you lambast them from every which side. If you stopped getting so defensive and posted FACTS and took everything in a cool, calm, collected manner, we might actually respect you. But right now you just sound like a very aggressive broken record. Take a chill pill and take a step back man, you have become a lot worse over the past few years.
Jul 4, 4:49am
Nice new Jaguar anyone!
Jul 4, 5:16am
or perhaps a new Evoque!
Jul 4, 5:23am
A person next to my work has one of those. WTF happened to Range Rover! You couldn't take that thing off road if you tried. Another manufacturer caught in a style time warp and ignored the actual purpose of the vehicle. Blargh!
Jul 4, 5:26am
Oh well thats ruled out the Tata, maybe a Hindustani Ambassader.
Jul 4, 4:45pm
Weren't the early Jap vehicles notorious for their rust problems ,and cheaper (but better mechanically) copies of British motors! Sorry jaz, I remember the late 60's and 70's.
Jul 4, 5:09pm
The British cars of that era were also notorious for rust too.
Jul 4, 6:40pm
As grangies said above the British cars (actually most manufacturers cars) rusted too.
Yes some of the early Japanese motors were licensed copies of British engines. I don't remember the 60's and 70's but have owned plenty of cars from the era (and still do).
I am not really sure what you are trying to get at with your post to be honest!
The Japanese were busy applying Kaizen (continuous incremental improvements) to their automotive industry to great effect. Just look at the likes of Honda, not only were their motorcycle engines soo good that they are still produced today but by the 70's their cars were some of the best in their class. Those early Civics and Accords in particular were really something for their time.
Just a shame they have gone off the boil of the last decade or so with the Japanese economy being in a bad way etc.
Jul 4, 9:23pm
I'm gonna have to take offence at this, NZ Chinese here and been here all my life so generally I don't take notice of what they do over there in China. Having been there for few months over the last couple of years visiting and traveling around I can see how a lot people there are friggin hard workers and don't cut corners.
Please tone down your negative generalization of Chinese unless it is your intention to insult most of us.
Jul 5, 12:26am
Good on yar kyokei and far enough too. Lets just remember the Chinese car industry is just in its early stages still and they are already the largest car manufactures in the world. I do want to touch on something jazz said though, about cutting corners. Unfortunately they do compare badly to the Japswhen it comes to quality, all be it just duplicating Japans early stages in the auto industry. Chinese are master craftsmen whether it be pottery, building traditional Chinese houses and now motor vehicles, hell Chinese whiskey (if you can fine some) is the best I??
Jul 5, 12:42am
LOL what!
This doesn't sound AT ALL like any Chinese I've worked with.
It's true the Chinese have no guilt about catering to consumer demand for cheap nasty rubbish wherever such demand exists.But have you noticed how just about all of the GOOD quality plastic, metal, electrical and electronic things in your life are "Made in China" too.!
How can that be.!
Could it be, perhaps, that in a nation of one BILLION people there's room for more than one factory, making stuff to more than one standard!
Jul 5, 1:05am
If you look a bit further you will see that most of the quality stuff coming from China comes under a known brand name. Either they are supervised by the owners of thebrand to keep quality control up or the Chinese have paid for the brand and therefore don't want to ruin its value.
They are certainly capable of quality but they need suitable motivation to get there.
To all those trying to call me racist or anything else, perhaps you would like to point out all the Chinese branded vehicles that are of excellent quality!
To those saying they need time to perfect things, perhaps you could explain how many years it takes to figure out how to make motorcycle chromed parts that don't rust within weeks of leaving the factory!
Funny. they seem to be able to make those same parts not rust when building under license.
Jul 5, 1:07am
I will give the Chinese automakers who export to NZ respect when they stop stealing entire vehicles from other manufacturers.
No one is saying the Chinese don't work hard, I have respect for the CHinese worker in the street, however I have no respect for manufacturers who steal and a government who supports that.
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