Landcruiser oil level increases by it self ,weird

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mrfxit, May 25, 4:30pm
Leave it along John . getting knotted over this trivial stuff isn't worth it.

Even checking straight after running will make the lever LOWER
The OP is stating that over SEVERAL WEEKS the level is GOING UP . not down.

johnf_456, May 25, 4:31pm
Okay fair point but my post is still correct for auccuracy of results, and its johnf_456 not john. No one else calls each other by their profile names.

johnf_456, May 25, 4:34pm
Are you thick or sonething i said johnf_456 not john. No one else uses profile names yes your right but my comment is correct to get accurate results.

mrfxit, May 25, 4:34pm
Is that YOUR name! (same as profile)
Is it part of your name & also a COMMONLY used name! (check names records for NZ)!

mrfxit, May 25, 4:35pm
LOL. A lot of ppl call me by my profile name . it's MY NAME, why should I get upset!

johnf_456, May 25, 4:37pm
Its not my name, and on the messageboards everyone uses theirtrademe username nick name to refer to members. But once again full nick name to be polite

NZTools, May 25, 4:41pm
I dissagree.
And calling me Pete isnt insulting me or being impolite. It is after all, my REAL name, and calling by that is what i would call a sign of repect.

johnf_456, May 25, 4:43pm
Well on the messageboards nicknames is what people use, it is not common to use profile names / personal names. I don't mind people calling me my real name in real life and if I know them personally but on the messageboards using the nickname is polite.(unless i know them personally, the thing i often find is the stalkers use your profile name)

NZTools, May 25, 4:50pm
Strange. I've never had a stalker:(perhaps I dont spend enough time on message boardfs, or dont frequent the right messageboards!

The thing I have found however after nearly 10 years on this board, is that I do know many of the posters personaly, some have become great freinds, and wouldnt dream of passing through their town without calling in for a catch-up.

Perhaps we look at messageboards differently!

johnf_456, May 25, 4:55pm
Well considering you are down the south island if I recall correct, I have met up with some but I don't generally has its a no no to put contact details on the boards or even as a question on auctions. So not easy to contact members. So generally I don't risk it and I sure do have some stalkers that post here regularlys to, you may of noticed who they are by the way rubbish me.

mrfxit, May 25, 4:59pm
LOL, the only stalkers I have, pop over here for coffee randomly, then I have to return the favour ;-)

NZTools, May 25, 5:00pm
Just an observation, but I think it is the way you go off half cocked that gets people rubbishing you. this thread being an example of that.
Anyway, I have kids to look after, and this is just wasting time.

johnf_456, May 25, 5:01pm
It was not half cocked, checking the oil on level ground when the engine has not been running is worth noting not just for the op but for everyone to get accurate results. If scientists did all their tests un accurate the conclusion they got would be someone what different. So has a base line its good to start off with the basics right. And they have not rubbished me as proven by fighting back and I enjoy it.

You'd be surprised how many people check their oil after running then go oh it needs oil and top it up. So it is worth noting, some cars after running will also show on the high side depending where the dip stick is after running.

NZTools, May 25, 5:09pm
You completely missed what the opening poster was saying, then made a whole lot of noise trying to justify yourself.(and still are)

That to me, is going off half cocked.

If anyone else feels I've got it wrong, please stick your hand up and say so.

johnf_456, May 25, 5:11pm
Well yes it might not of being the correct answer but it is also worth noting about accuracy. Their is no need for people to get on the defensive for making sure they are checking it right to get accurate results. And no need for the attacks, I thought you would be like good on ya, has some people don't know how to check their oil properly has a side note.

mrfxit, May 25, 5:15pm
Looking to be a bit more then HALF . ;-(

*(sorry Pete, somebody had to say it)* . ;-)

sr2, May 25, 5:28pm
You are spot on there mate, a lack of comprehension skills and posting on a motoring message board is never a good mix!

sr2, May 25, 5:31pm
Back to the OP's problem, I'm by no means a diesel expert but fuel in the engine oil can be a recipe for a runaway engine that you can't shut down!

johnf_456, May 25, 5:32pm
Okay we here all make mistakes and I will back down, but I think it is still partly relevant to the OP about accuracy. It is not lack of comprehension I am just very tired from battling the flu, you are welcome to it if you want it.

desmodave, May 25, 5:32pm
Come on girls stop pissing about and get in the ring.

mrfxit, May 25, 5:32pm
Uuuummm yea, not pretty

mrfxit, May 25, 5:35pm
Nope no excuse, I have had flu type problems for the last couple of months & I still get it right most times on here.

johnf_456, May 25, 5:37pm
Well its actually got down to the lungs a bit so I can't sleep, but back on topic. Also that is your opinion of yourself of getting things right, people just love picking on me like bullys in general. Where as if others do they ignore it.

But back on topic once again

pierey, May 25, 6:35pm
They only pick on you because you are so much fun to wind up. Quit taking everything so seriously.
NO ONE is out to stalk/bully you - its in your head.
I have read way too many of your posts probably 10% are helpful, the other 90% spent 'getting your back up'
Take a chill pill, lighten up.

johnf_456, May 25, 6:37pm
If some did not post like that their would be no need its a 2 way thing, minus the dedicated threads from a small few. I actually enjoy it so need for a chill pill thanks. Nothing like a good argument and yes I do have some stalkers but once again back on topic. Beside you never post so what help are you!