Landcruiser oil level increases by it self ,weird

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for_an_angel, May 25, 7:45pm
Shoot what happened here lol Maybe I should be getting in a bad mood too as I get FOA, F-O-A, angel, Kels, and Kelsey from random posters and members I know .
Is it wrong to shorten ones user name also!

Anyway OP Deff get the oil tested for diesel contamination. It's far from common on the 1HD-T engine but can happen.

snoopy221, May 25, 7:52pm
mmm me wrecking a spade is a spade and a shovel is a digga-and all u buggas call me snoop-and leave the Y out of it-LOL-oh and ya forgotz kel.LOL
oh and anyone who calls pete mobilemech-well that's sorta *qualified by experience* and most of us posters here have mutual respect for EXPERIENCE.
Sandpit open again-as ya were.

antwerp87, May 25, 7:54pm
Wow this thread really got out of control quickly. *walks out slowly and quietly*

antwerp87, May 25, 7:55pm
hey snoop. snoopy. 221. snoopy221. How are you this day!

snoopy221, May 25, 8:00pm
Egad a new poster-might have ta do some research and suss out ya old username-LOL.[Incidentaly where is the *original poster*-hope he/she comes back and notes the oil making/fuel contaminated oil comments herin]

merv4, May 25, 8:01pm
this has happened with a couple of tractors I had until I learned, the ejectors are over fueling and the diesel is going past the rings, also washing the oil off the bore, so in time the engine will sieze when hot,get the ejectors and pump serviced quick or it will cost you a rebuild also the oil is being diluted by diesel ,and dieselis not a lubricant, act quickly

jasongroves, May 25, 8:18pm
My name is jasongroves.
My full name must be used AT ALL TIMES.or there will be severe consequences. ie; I will run straight to TM admin AND tell my Mummy (maybe even my Daddy if you push it too far).
Actually, Jason or Jase or 'hey you' is fine.jeez sorry for getting so worked up over something so trivial:(
I apologise profusely.

antwerp87, May 25, 8:41pm
for goodness sake 'hey you' i think you need some weed. sounds like you havent had any for a while. Or your on steroids and have roid rage

antwerp87, May 25, 8:49pm
Oh and Snoops. It shouldnt be too hard to find. Just go back through 3+ years of threads and I'm sure you will find it sooner or later hehe. I remember creating a post once about my Mk3 Ford Cortina GT when I sold it to a guy who said he would look after it and take care of it (Was restored) Instead look online and he sells it 2 months later. I was soo gutted. It was my baby :(

jsc1, May 25, 11:54pm
haha Ive been away how did my thread turn into a punch up

jsc1, May 25, 11:56pm
That sounds possible ,is it hard to change on the 80 series!

zephyrheaven, May 26, 2:32am
I have a 1HDT engine manual from front to rear if you want (pdf) , Im not sure it will be the pump however as its sealing system is pretty top rate - perhaps the injector scenario is more plausible!

for_an_angel, May 26, 2:49am
I would say a leak at the injector spill rail if anything. had work done lately on setting tappets!

jsc1, May 26, 2:52am
no havent touched the tappets.The oil looks clean

jsc1, May 26, 2:56am
has to be diesel getting in,Just got to find out where its getting in.

for_an_angel, May 26, 3:12am
Harder to start in the mornings!

for_an_angel, May 26, 3:12am
Or lack of power a km down the road then picks up again!

mrcat1, May 26, 3:16am
Well you had better not check a older Cat bulldozer then, you do it hot at the end of the day with the engine idling.

mrcat1, May 26, 3:18am
Mainly only if it is a 2 stroke Jimmy.

for_an_angel, May 26, 3:24am
Seen a few 4 stroke small (2.0l) diesels happily run on crankcase oil till total distrustion. All have been turbo charged and normally the turbo shaft seals have been the cause of the run away

snoopy221, May 26, 3:26am
jsc1 ya lucky mate ya gotz snoop kel zeph and ole tolls ALL in da same thread.LOL and we don't give an F 789 aboot names pal.LOL.[includes jase before E moans-LOL]-OH AND MR CAT.
Sniff it bud sniff dat oil and see if she smells like deeee celll
[if it txts ya ya KNOW it smelss like deeee cell-LOL
Alternativley is the old beast doin a lot of short runs in cold climates and making acids and water and liable to lose a litre or so after a good long hot run!-seen dat1b4 today as well.-oh as to the *punch up*-well muss b the punch and judy show-LOL

for_an_angel, May 26, 3:26am!v=Fw2r_lIRgpY

Just look for run away diesel on you tube . plenty of examples

snoopy221, May 26, 3:27am
Aye carumba kel have yous got ANOTHER bun in the oven!mmmm!

snoopy221, May 26, 3:28am
its a Miracle and my car is making its own oil and i should inform the vatican.

mmmmm maybe . but doubtfull.-LOL

for_an_angel, May 26, 3:32am
Haha nah snoop just got the two boys but the mrs is baby mad lol did ya read something strange on face book lol