Cheapest way to get a vehicle from Chch to Akl?

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the-lada-dude, Aug 6, 2:14pm
you'll never make it back gofer0007$500 will turn into a$ 5000 nightmareLOL

mopsy3, Aug 6, 5:28pm
We brought a Falcon ute up from Christchurch to Auckland on a train last year. Cost $600 all up.

shorebee, Aug 6, 7:28pm
toll auto express $500ish plus tax, 3 days, easy peasy and the guys there rock, used them dozens of times

jenny188, Aug 6, 11:52pm
Cheapest is your fly/ drive back it you don't cost in the 2 days lost work. Can be done in a straight stint if you time the ferry sailings. $ hours Chch to Picton, 4 hours on Boat/queuing, and 8 hours Well to Auckland. About $150 t0 200 for fuel and $160 for crossing Cook Strait. Bought car in Whakatane last year but used Car Haulaways to get it to the problemsor risk and it just turned up at my door.