Alright I went to view a vehicle that had an asking price, long story short we struck a really good deal, good guy etc friend of mine carjam it and said no money owing on it, so brought it with cash
Next day saw he didnt actually buy a finance report when checking :(, so brought one and sure enough the car has alot of money owing on it. went to his house and was told guy has done a runner and gone overseas, every means of contact is tried and useless
Finance company wont tell me stuff all except he hasnt paid anything, large amount owing, and they cant contact him, nothing more though because of privacy act except itl be repo'd off me
Anything I can do in this situation right now!looks like ive just wasted a huge amount of money.this guy planned this from day 1 and knew very well what he was doing and I stuffed up
There should be rules in place where u cant change ownership on a vehicle with finance owing on it.why the hell has this not been thought of!
Aug 1, 11:13pm
Brought it from where! Where did you bring it from!,
Aug 1, 11:14pm
Privately not from a dealer, was in auckland
Aug 1, 11:16pm
Bugger. Sorry I don't think there's anything you can do. Perhaps hide the car from the repo man! Are you able to get in contact with any of his relatives! Do you even know his full name or his address!
Aug 1, 11:16pm
You're going to have to hunt him down is all I can think of.
Aug 1, 11:25pm
Facebook is a good place to hunt. Find their friends and some1 will slip up
Aug 1, 11:34pm
In the meantime hide the car.
Aug 1, 11:35pm
OP if the situation is as you described then right now there is not a thing you can do except pay what is oweing on the vehicle. -Recovery against the crook that sold you the car is step 2 really.
Look despite apearances finance companys on the whole aren't run by ogres. They want to be paidfor the car they currently own is all. MY advice would be to contact the finance company. Don't talk to the girl on the phone. Ask for the manager.Tell the manager EXACTLY what happened in full. Then ask what the amount owing actually is. From there you can decide what you are going to do. Give the car up or look for the oppertunity to finance whats oweing if you concider its the best financial option. Good luck
Aug 1, 11:40pm
Is Motorweb better to search for money owing than Carjam or is the Govt's securities list (I forget the name) better.
Aug 1, 11:41pm
Make sure the car isn't parked at your place/near your place. Pretty much nothing you can do apart from tracking him down.
Reastically, at the end of the day, this is just going to be an expensive lesson. A report from Carjam is $12 and $20 from motorweb. You really should have done it yourself.
Aug 1, 11:44pm
cant do anything about it . same thing happened to me few years back . sorted it out with the finance company by helping them find out where the guy lived and they transfered the money owing onto his new car and then repo'd it. talk to them and see what they can do for you
Aug 2, 12:30am
Dont let them take the car, stash it and dont tell too many people where because if you know where a car is and it is being looked for the repo companies will pay 200 plus bux for the info to snatch it so trust very few .
Aug 2, 12:36am
LOL, straight over his head
Aug 2, 12:36am
Tell the police and do not let them take the car. Seriously if they come to take it tell them to f off you paid a lot of money for it and it's yours.
Aug 2, 12:44am
What planet is this guy from!
Aug 2, 12:46am
Aug 2, 12:47am
GREAT advice. What exactly are the police gonna do! The car doesn't belong to the guy that sold it to the OP At best he committed fraud and at worst he"s a thief. Either way its not the fault of the actual owner.-The finance company Put it this way If I came and stole YOUR car and sold it to someone else would you expect it back! or probably a better example if someone came and bought your car and used a cheque that bounced-would you want it back!
Aug 2, 12:50am
very common, like someone said, ownership shouldn't be allowed to be transfered if there is interest in it.
Aug 2, 12:50am
What are you guys on about this guy has sold a car that owes a lot of money so he has completely scammed the new owner and now the repo guys want to take the car so he has no car and has lost all of the money. If you tell the police at least there is a chance they can track this guy down. What else can you do!
Aug 2, 12:55am
Its a civil matter cops wont care,unless someonegets bashed,theirs lots you can do but not much of it legal!
Aug 2, 12:58am
If you owe money on a car then the debt should be attached to you personally not the car.
Aug 2, 12:59am
The matter of fraud/theft may mean the police may press charges. But you advised the OP not to let the owner of the car reposess THEIR car.It isn't and never has been the property of the OP. There are two victims in this situation. The finance co that the guy diddn't pay and the OP. to make matters worse if the fraudster owes money to the courts the car could be seized and thay are now the first people to get paid from procedes of sale
Aug 2, 1:00am
You are saying what you feel SHOULD be not what IS. Im stating what IS.
Aug 2, 1:13am
I would dontact a good debt collector. I have seen this be most effective with people who split to Australia, its hard for them not to leave a paper trail.
Do contact the Police, but don't expect any action on their part. They would likely not do anything in a timely manner even if he lived across the road from the Police station and you gave them his address, that's how inept most of our Police are.
Best of luck.
Aug 2, 1:17am
Never trust anyone, one time I purchased an old Mitsi Sigma Turbo for $800, the couple I got it from had a brand new Jeep and nice house etc,
I didn't consider for a second that they could possibly owe money on a 25 year old car, but 3 weeks after purchasing the car I decided to do a check on it, discovered they owed $2000 on it.
Lucky for me they didn't do a runner, I went around with my rough looking brother in-law who had them at the finance company the following morning paying it out in full after they got an emergency overdraft from the bank to do so. These people looked like a Professional couple with plenty of cash etc, it means nothing.
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