I've just reread this thread.So far we have had suggestions of: Hideit, change the plates, deregister it, swop its identity, change the law so you can't change ownershipand who knows how many other stupid ideas.
At present the car is the property of the finance company and that is a legal fact.Much as people may dislike finance companies the simple fact is that Finance companies exist, they know the law and they follow the steps set out in the law.The finance company is entitled to recover it's property from whereever it is and they will do so and they are entitled to use force to do it as well.
Firstly the OP has to talk with the finace company and sort out some sort of arrangement with them.
The next thing is to decide what he can do to recover his money from the crook who conned him and to do that he is going to have to find the dude.
The other option is to do nothing and eventually the car will be repo'd and the Op will just be out of pocket.
IMHO there is no other answer that is going to assist the OP.
Aug 3, 5:57pm
As for arrest warrents I'm not an expert in that area but if you (perhaps with the assistance of the finace coy) can get the plod interested I beleive that it would be possible to have a charge laid against the seller that would result in a warrent to arrest being issued which should pick the guy up if he either leaves or returns to NZ.That is not going to happen overnight and its not going to stop the car being repo'd.
Aug 3, 6:16pm
I think this biz of buying a car and having to check if $$ owed is bollocks , if a finance co./bank is happy to lend money , then it is up to them to take the wrap on any non-payment and "chase" the original loaner in my opinion. Surely their rates more than cover the odd bad loan. I know it's usually a bigger amount of money , but why should a vehicle purchase be any different to a bike/stereo/whatever !
Aug 3, 7:21pm
Well yea that is the whole point of investing money.Are you for real!
Aug 3, 7:36pm
I agree with you but the law is on the side of the finance company you don't relieshow many bad loans finance companies have.But its there own fault they loan money to people that cant pay it back. There is a growth industry in NZ its called repossession. OP if your car is repoed it will be auctioned off usualy at turners you might be able to get it for cheap
Aug 3, 7:55pm
Well to be honest finance companies didnt have a lot of choice,they were backed into a corner by having to much money and an investors need for a return,so unwisely they loaned to high risk people.
Aug 3, 8:07pm
Remember the days when you had to have a 50% deposit before you could get a car on HP!Whats the best there wre stuff all repo's in those days!
Aug 3, 8:13pm
We also had most people then having a little more honour and pride.
Aug 3, 9:28pm
I was going to say you are not as bright as I thought you were. But then i never did think you had any intelligence of any sort. You also really struggle with comprehension but then that doesnt surpise me either. Let me spell this out for you bright spark, no where have i stated ever, that the car does not belong to the finance co. Nor have i ever stated that they dont have the right to repossess. Bellky if you struggle to understand what you are reading then stop commenting on it!
Aug 3, 9:33pm
again, i would hide the car. want it, try to find it. Finance co arent going to the police, remember it's a civil matter. So they come to me looking for the car. Where is it! Well I didnt know there was money owing on it, its been sold to joe blog. Well where can we find this joe blog. Stuffed if I know, Im looking for him too, he still owes me half the money for the car. What can the finance do realistically!No good going after the original poster unless they can prove he has the car. Their only recourse would be to chase the original buyer of the car. And that in my books is how it should be.
Their mess, let them sort it out.:-)
Aug 3, 9:48pm
Try thinking about things sometime.
Aug 3, 9:51pm
He did but the pain was just too much.lol
Aug 3, 9:54pm
This tells me more about what sort of person you are.Maybe not so honest is my guess.
Aug 3, 10:00pm
Now where have I ever stated I was honest.
Aug 3, 10:02pm
Your auction feedback, sorry ya can't hide from it LOL.
Aug 3, 10:03pm
Oops, busted.
Aug 3, 10:07pm
Same place where you said you were intelligent I guess.
Aug 3, 10:20pm
I feel the love. lol
Aug 3, 10:59pm
If you can get ajudjement & ditsress warrant on him he wont be able to leave NZ, iunless hes already gone, but ifhe comes backcourtis told &the debt can be enforced.I know of 1guywho was stopped atairportforunpaid debt, thought he could get away with it .
Aug 3, 11:03pm
That's^ good to know thanks.
Aug 4, 5:11am
To do any of that you have to find him!
Aug 4, 3:55pm
No you don't.
Aug 4, 6:21pm
Im assuming the car gets repoedorhe pays off thefinance necessatating court to get theorders,Notice gets sent to his last known address & if doesnt reply or turn up judgement will go against him autoiatically . Costs a few hundred $ which is alsoclaimed.
Aug 4, 7:50pm
FPsorry buddy but you are offering bad advice in this situation. Yep the OP hides the car-which means they have lost it as effectively as if the finance co have taken it. Right or wrong the law is on the finance co's side. That said -just thinking about it I do agree on one front. WHILST sorting out what is going to happen to the car I'd be kinda tempted to make if go bye byes. NOT for a second to avoid the finance cobut to avoid the repo men who charge a huge repo fee and storage fees.
Aug 4, 8:14pm
part the car out and then park it in your drive and then wait for the repo man to come and get it, They will take the shell and might sell it at auction to recover their loss, Buy the shell and then reassamble it and presto you have the car at 1/8 the price.
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