great this should go into the worst advice thread hope a copper sees you doing this
Oct 22, 3:30pm
100% agreed , Ive given up flashing those coming towards me at dusk without headlights on cause they normally just hit the anchors almost causing a pile up behind them. How somebody can be driving and not notice every other car around them has there lights on is beyond me . Effen dangerous on the open road when on long straights theres one muppet with no lights on coming towards you . You have a good look & think you have more than enough space to safely overtake that dawdling car in front & then poof a car mysteriously appears coming towards you . for that reason where practical I avoid the roads around dusk time
Oct 22, 4:27pm
I always drive with my headlights on except maybe in bright sunlight in the middle of the day.I actually had my previous car wired so the lights came on with the ignition, like a Volvo
Oct 22, 4:29pm
Take a photo with your phone next time
Oct 22, 4:36pm
Actually its half an hour before sunset and half an hour after sunrise but hey the cops are too busy to enforce any laws now
Oct 22, 5:16pm
but only if you are the passenger of course
Oct 22, 6:12pm
I drive with my head lights on full beam day AND night AND with my fog lamps on AND with my hazard indicators on. The Safest lol!
Oct 22, 6:27pm
I agree, there are too many muppets out there who have all the thinking done for them, so they don't have to. This country has so many laws and regulations to try and protect the LCD's, (lowest common denominators) of this world. With all the safety features in vehicles now like, ebd, abs, airbags, seat belt tensioners, etc, people THINK thay are safer and bulletproof, so put the car in gear and disengage the grey matter upstairs. Until the authorities/powers that be, stop wrapping people up in cotton wool and teach people how to drive in ALL conditions and let them actually think about what they are doing, we will still continue to crashes, yes crashes, they are not accidents as someone has made a decision whilst driving which didn't work out and they wonder why. We are blinded by safety signage everywhere, we barrier everything off to prevent the dumbasses falling into something. It is this dumbing down of society that is evident everywhere. In schools with NCEA, where there is no pass or fail, you just keep having a go until you get enough credits. We must'nt upset those poor chidren or they will be scarred for life, god forbid! The real world when they go out working, just isn't like that. Jeesus, I'm starting to sound like my dad. That means age, wisdom and reality are encroaching upon me. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Oct 22, 6:28pm
I would have thought as the driver he could pull over and take photo
but if you suggest passenger does it i'll go withthat
Oct 22, 6:30pm
Frankly, the number of dipsh$ts, who have approached the cordons without lights, at incidents I have been at over the weekend frightened the crap out of me.
I was standing there, in hi-viz reflectors, beside me were two police cars, one towie, one attenuator, they were approaching me at 100KPH, NO lights, and they STILL wouldn't slow down until the last moment!
One clown flipped me a 'bird', then paniced mightily when he passed the attenuator, and saw the five cops standing there !
We had two crashes within two hours in just our area, luckily the rest of the weekend slowed down somewhat.
Oct 22, 6:56pm
timmo1 wrote: I drive with my head lights on full beam day AND night. Safer.
not naming anybody but what a bright spark!
Oct 22, 7:41pm
Fred-a was more correct Rode Code "You must turn on your vehicle's headlights:
from 30 minutes after sunset on one day, until 30 minutes before sunrise on the next day at any other time when you can't clearly see a person or vehicle 100 metres away." 2nd condition more important than time of day.
Oct 22, 7:57pm
yes driver could pull over provided its safe to do so
Oct 22, 8:40pm
An excellent way for cops to see and nail all those cars with only one headlight working with 'em on in daytime.-yay.
Oct 22, 8:41pm
Dont care I have lights on dip during daylight anyhow if it gets dark theyre still on. White light is the most easily seen day or night
Oct 22, 11:37pm
Its time you came out of the closet.
Oct 23, 12:11am
i always thought park lights were for when you are parked up and still in car in dark areas.
Oct 23, 12:54am
Agree 1000 %While back was driving along motorway into Wellington, was absolutely hosing down you could hardly see a foot in front, and amongst the odd moron without any lights, was Mr plonker plod cruising along no lights .says it all !
Oct 23, 1:18am
agree with this So many of the road rules - and their enforcement are for the total idiot drivers who make zombies look intelligent.
Survival of the thickest seems to be the way we are headed.
Oct 23, 1:51am
Out in the wops in the almost dark on narrow windy roads. That would probably have been more dangerous.
Oct 23, 2:05am
As Clarkson says "Shoot them in the face"Problem solved.
Oct 23, 2:08am
not really true
your headlights on during the day actually are a hazard - your blinding oncoming cars to your true distance & speed
Oct 23, 2:11am
its not Politically Correct to accept responsibility for your actions
it can lead to blame you see. . . . . . .
Oct 23, 2:43am
So better for them not to see you at all! In a land where every second car is grey or silver,on a grey road on a grey day, nothing could be more dangerous IMO.
Oct 23, 2:49am
Exactly! "When YOU can't see. 100m away" 100m is not far. The real problem is the over hyped road safety propoganda which means many people turn their lights on too early. then all the other lemmings follow suit. Quite funny finishing a night linehaul run, parking the truck home and then driving home in daylight with panicky lemmings flashing their lights at me when you can clearly see a car 1km away. Go up my driveway with lights off too. Plenty of spill from streetlights and moon, want to preserve my night vision incase any hoddies about. Be real shame to get mugged walking back to own car blinded by headlight spill.
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