if you think other people are so limited that they wont see you unless your lights are on, id say stay indoors & dont venture out
lights on during clear sunny weather should be a fineable offence
Oct 23, 3:39am
Wow. I say this mainly from my most recent drive Auckland to Wellington and return. Grey weather (overcast), grey cars, open road. Didn't mention not putting them on during fine weather.
Oct 23, 5:21am
Not sure what plamet you are from.Next you wil be suggesting that we ban brake lights as well.That way you will have no idea the car in front might b stopping so you can just crsh into it with gay abandon.
Oct 23, 12:40pm
morons , comming back from Taupo on Sunday 6pm, lots of cars with no light or only parl kight on, and rain
Oct 23, 7:12pm
If you are that affected by other vehicles having headlights on during the day I suggest you visit a optometrist & get your eyes checked
Oct 23, 8:00pm
Seems to me, if what you say is true, I do two things by travelling with my lights on in fine weather: 1. You notice me 2. You may think I'm closer than I actually am
Get over it. I'd rather that than the alternatives.
There is plenty of research showing that lights on during the day increases your chances of being seen when conditions may otherwise obscure you (colour of car, colour of background, colour of road, dappled light from trees etc etc), I have yet to see one quantifiable good reason not to do it.
Oct 24, 1:25am
its called reality
before people stupidly started putting their lights on during daytime we managed to see each other as effectively as we do now
they were not needed before & your not making yourself any safer now
however you ARE causing a unnecessary hazard that i would categorize as a menace
the end result is that timid people reduce the amount of overtaking they do & your helping lines of traffic to get longer
= stupid
Oct 24, 1:26am
everyone is
its how they work
Oct 24, 1:37am
So why have the trains been fitted with more lights and operate them day & night
Oct 24, 1:42am
thats a similar case to : if all the lemmings are going off the cliff, why dont you just follow suit !
& its causing a backlash with some people.
im seeing idiots in rain & low light who refuse to put their lights ON
Oct 24, 1:47am
Your user name is very apt me thinks . So you obviously are a self appojnted expert who knows more than the dozens of credible studies that have been done worldwide that support headights on
& your comments about " timid people " not overtaking is so ridiculous its not funny . The very reason i drive with my headlights on is so that others coming towards me who may be up the ass of a big truck will actually see me before pulling into my lane for a head on . Those timid people are properly the same muppets who pull outto pass in top gear and dawdle past & then panic when a car suddenly appears infront of them but have nothing in reserve to safely complete the manoeurve . If they are not capable of overtaking safely it suits me if they stay where they are
Oct 24, 1:53am
So please point in the direction of the credible research that supports your theory cause i sure as hell cannt find any case studies on google saying that lights distort peoples perception of speed & distance
Be sure to wave at me when you pass me going the other way . lol
Oct 24, 2:07am
You see the f.g idiots with lites on full in bright sunshine!usually with a big line of traffic behind them,if you that scared stay home!
Oct 24, 2:25am
Dude I drive with my lights on If there is a line of traffic behind me its because Ive just passed them but there are a lot of people out there on the roads that shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel lifetime licensing is to blame for that
Oct 24, 2:35am
On FULL in BRIGHT sunshine!!
Oct 24, 2:42am
not on full beam but on or with driving lights on when on the open road not round town my theory is treat everyone else on the road as an f@#$wit and then they arnt going to surprise me by doing something stupid in front of me because Ive already planed for it
Oct 24, 2:50am
This is in your pedal-car, right!
Oct 24, 3:16am
when you need a study to show you what 2 working eyeballs can tell, its time you gave up this living business
when a car is coming towards you from distance, lights on cause a glow that surrounds the nose of the vehicle
that lowers your ability to accuratly judge distance & speed - which causes the more timid drivers to simply pull back in
theres nothingto stop anyone from driving with their lights on, but they all do need to be told they are causing a hazard that is unnecessary
Oct 24, 3:24am
Isn't this law in some Countries! And it's law here for bikes (o:
Oct 24, 3:35am
Well my eyes dont tell me that at all . Please visit a optometrist soonest Obviously fonterra , BP , Z & many other major companies employ lots of drivers who have eyesight problems based on your deluded logic Sorry but one cardigan wearers opinion doesnt count for much against hundreds of global studies & scientific research which states headlights on at all times lowers accidents and improves road safety . Interestng thataircraft switch on very powerful landing lights as they come in on final approach for the exact same reasonTO BE SEEN ! . Obviously you also know more than aviation safety experts as well
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