On one evening I've seen four cars with no lights on at night. One guy was going about 80kph, and nearly didn't make it around the next corner. I watched him go up a hill in the distance with no lights. One of my neighbours did the same but at a reasonable speed. My other neighbour arrived home last night with no lights on, and drove into his dark garage without turning his lights on. How can they not notice that their panel lights are off! How come nobody flashes their lights to warn them (not that that usually helps)
Oct 22, 2:50am
It astounds me that they achieve this. I have seen people doing it as well. CRAZY. And how dangerous are they if they cant work out that their lights arent on are they even concentrating! Or people that drive with their indicators on when they arent turning, how do they not notice!
Oct 22, 2:54am
I see at least 5-10 a day. Not even flashing high beams wakes them up. Must be zombies.
Oct 22, 3:14am
Somebody should make a device that gives a warning when the ignition is on when it's dark and the headlights are not on. I'd do it but I'm busy and I don't need the money.
Oct 22, 3:20am
What about the ones driving near dusk with their park lights on. Park lights - hello!! Still as long as they aren't speeding I am sure it must be safe. :)
Herein lies the entire problem IMO - police are so ingrained with the whole don't do 4kmh over the limit thing, they ignore every other dangerous driving habit. Running red lights, stop signs, only indicating when it gives you an advantage, failing to keep left, etc etc. It seems that as long as you don't speed everything else is ok.Grrrrrr.
Oct 22, 3:34am
#1-Immigrants probably, and from countrys where they very much frown on driving with lights on in towns and cities where they consider street lighting is sufficient to drive by.
Oct 22, 4:12am
Called auto headlamps, I never have to turn mine on
Oct 22, 4:20am
A lot of ppl drive with parkers on so dash is litup
Oct 22, 4:21am
Really! I thought I was quite well traveled. What country's are these you speak of!
Oct 22, 4:31am
how about just make it compulsory that every car be fitted with a light sensor so once it gets to dark to a certain point, headlight must come on automatically and daylight comes, it auto switches off to pass WOF. this govt is so fast at passing new legislations that surely this shouldn't be that complicated to internalise.
park light could barely light up a closet.
Oct 22, 4:34am
I have auto headlamps on one car. I don't really like to trust them however! I was thnking of something that could be retrofitted to all cars.
Oct 22, 4:35am
compulsory! how about some driver take responsibility for their actions
Oct 22, 4:36am
imagine the cost of implementing it though.
better to just hand out fines to idiots- with any luck the idiots can fund all kinds of things that otherwise smart people would have to pay for
Oct 22, 5:03am
Here's a question for you:
Is there anywhere in the country it is legal to drive with your park lights on and it is illegal to use your main lights even at night time!
Oct 22, 5:07am
Yep, in a perfect world that would work, yet there are people out on our roads who have their eyes open, but there brain is on planet Mars.what's that saying: "Lights on - No one home".
In Sweden, when you start the car, the dipped lights come on.
If i had my way, i have it so that when you start the car, for example during the daytime, those LED daytime running lights come on, the dashboard lights stay off. Then at dusk, once the sensor figures it's dark enough, have a warning light and audible alert sound on the dashboard that won't go off until the driver switches the dipped lights on.
Those automatic lights are a good idea, but a lot of people turn them off, and then forget to turn them back on.
Oct 22, 5:24am
Indeed you're not. -Try parts of Sth. America.
Oct 22, 5:44am
dawn of the dead lol
Oct 22, 9:33am
Very common to see this in China, even in the big cities. Some peoples thinking is that the bulbs will wear out more quickly if they turn them on
Oct 22, 11:18am
Same in Egypt - only switch them on at 120 kph if they think something might be coming their way, or if they think they might be on the wrong side of the road - really scary when you're a passenger!
Oct 22, 1:17pm
The blue honda behind me on windy roads on Saturday night. No lights on. Just going dark.Cutting corners and sitting on the centre line. Bat out of hell on the straights and then super slow cutting all the corners. Scary stuff. And had no cell reception and was out in thewop wops so couldn't ring anyone.
Oct 22, 1:42pm
All these posts reflect what I'm talking about. People driving around in low light conditions with park lights or no lights on. Do they get pulled over! No, because cops are so totally focused on speed being the only dangerous thing. In saying that I believe the law still says you only have to put your headlights on an hour after sunset and an hour before sunrise! To me, it should be an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise, and then heavily advertise that law change to make drivers aware of just how dangerous it is to not be seen on the roads. End of rant.
Oct 22, 1:45pm
I drive with my headlghts on night AND day.Safe.
Oct 22, 2:49pm
I drive with my head lights on full beam day AND night. Safer.
Oct 22, 2:57pm
Maybe they dont want to be SEEN !,or saving fuel,or perhaps devoid of any form of common sense!!!Ah Darwin again.Whats scary,when it is just on dark,and come behind a slow vehicle,and about to overtake,with no oncoming traffic,you think,and an oncoming car appears, with NO lites on the vehicle,and theirs no one home in the head either !
Oct 22, 2:58pm
In Brazil drivers have been shot at, or even killed, for driving in towns with their h-lights on.
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