Police WOF records out of date

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trade4us2, Nov 16, 12:27am
On Campbell Live there was a guy who got a WOF and hours later was given an automated ticket with a $200 fine because the police computer had not been updated from LTNZ. And the police refuse to waive the fine.

I looked up a suspicious car on Carjam and the plate was not found. It's still not found after a week. The car is very very new but has a valid licence on the windscreen and valid plates.

supernova2, Nov 16, 1:24am
In respect of the ticket issue.What bollocks.The LTNZ system will have a date/time stamp.If its before the ticket date/time stamp then the Police have no option but to waive the fine as the alledged offence has not occurred.Just require an OIA request to both places and then problem solved - as long as the facts support the story.

Re Carjam are you a registered Carjam user!Much as Carjam says its on the ball I'm not so sure.

trade4us2, Nov 16, 2:27am
I hope Cambell Live follow the story up until they get an apology from a senior manager. Most organisations are just so incompetent. The person who sent the letter saying that they would not waive the $200 fine needs re-educating.

The registration numbers before and after the one I looked up on carjam do exist. Maybe I'll email carjam, except that the Contact details seem to be missing on their site.

wasser61, Nov 16, 3:33am
yes yes most organisations are incompetent.
tui anyone!
And you could do a better job!

sandypheet, Nov 16, 11:45am
Had the wof been entered into the system by the issueing agent straight away!

alan1111, Nov 16, 1:12pm
Valid point i issue wof's and sometimes due to internet being down ( work very rural ) i cant load as soon as inspected vehicle, but i always check within the hour to reload. I also write on check sheet to load due to net being down.

r15, Nov 16, 1:43pm
why is your internet unreliable - being rural is no longer a valid reason with all the different options for getting online

trade4us2, Nov 16, 2:29pm
Yes it was entered straight away. Watch Campbell Live for a grovelling apology from someone.

kazbanz, Nov 16, 2:46pm
To clarify things a bit guys.
1) the ltsa system does go offline. -Rermember one whole weekend recently the computers were turned off.
2) In my experience the police system was behind the ltsa system.
I got pulled over forer um slightly speeding on the thursday night before easter 2 years ago. I had JUST rego'd and Wof'd the bike but the police system didn't show it was registered or wof'd -they saw the evidence (the stickers) and let me go But if they had blown off the bike.
The cops concerned said their system was about a day behind ltsa

NZTools, Nov 16, 2:52pm
The wof system is through a secure portal that is loaded on to your work computer.
If some cocky down the road ploughs a paddock and cuts the phone line into 18 inch lengths, (trust me it happens a lot more often than you would think) you cant just put a wof though on your smartphone.

vtecintegra, Nov 16, 4:29pm
You should be able to tether the smartphone to the computer and uses its Internet connection though.

smac, Nov 16, 11:47pm
ummm.you've got an slightly optimistic view of the average mechanic's computer ability. Or their office lacky.or their boss.

Here's the deal: updates on the NZTA register are sent to Police over night. So any WOF will not show at the Police end until that process has finished running. I haven't seen the Campbell Live story yet (On Demand next week I guess) but if this is just a 'next day' thing then I don't see why they wouldn't just say that. Either there is more to the story than the journo' chose to show, or somebody is digging their toes in, in a career limiting way.

bitsy_boffin, Nov 16, 11:53pm
To summarise it:
1. Owner of vehicle is owner of a wof-issuing place.
2. Had one of his staff do the wof on his vehicle which had been off-the-road for a while with repairs or something.
3. Lodged the WoF (himself, or the staff, whatever), stuck it on the window.
4. Went for a drive, and got snapped by one of the new plate-recognition cameras.
5. Got ticket in the post for no WoF.
6. Wrote to police with date/time WoF was lodged which was obtained from NZTA, being prior to the alleged offence.
7. Police still said, nope, don't believe you, too bad, pay up.

supernova2, Nov 17, 1:01am
If that's correct report it to the Police Complaints thingy.Someone is an idiot - lets guess who.

alan1111, Nov 17, 1:10am
r15 wrote:
why is your internet unreliable - being rural is no longer a valid reason with all the different options for getting online[/quote

Cant get broadband period well over 30ks to nearest exchange. Only can get line of sight broadband via Lightwire and if raining it wont connect, fog stops it also, cattle truck parked in front of sattelite dish stops it. 1 in 10 attempts it connects to the net. Problem of being so isolated.

johnf_456, Nov 17, 1:17am
Do you get cell reception!

alan1111, Nov 17, 1:40pm
2degrees is the best for this area, telecom and vodafone so unreliable,

psx_man, Nov 17, 2:20pm
WOF systems use a VPN which dials from your computer using your internet as the gateway. It has nothing to do with the type of internet you connect with. I work at a dealer on the North shore and the wof system often goes down (while all of our systems are still up and running)

kazbanz, Nov 17, 3:05pm
Noone can see why the cops were just a "bit" suss on this guy!
I can see the police thinking right now.
"ohh really -what a coincidence you just happened to get a wof the same day as the ticket wasissued. On a car that hasn't been wofd/rego'd for a long time."
I think the whole story hangs on proving that the WOF was loaded in the system before the ticket was issued. This is the point everything hangs on.
Ticket issued 1.00pm wof 1.20pm --Guilty
Ticket issued 1.00pm Wof issued 11.00 amthe cops are wrong.
If the guy provided written proof of the TIME the WOF was issued then the cops haven't gota case. If he can't its likely to get messy

johnf_456, Nov 17, 3:23pm
You can get what is called a mobile data stick, 2degrees have very good priced data. It may even be more reliable than what you have.

3tomany, Nov 17, 3:24pm
youre world must be a wonderful place full of fantacy. My only internet option is satelite and it is so unreliable if the stars dont alighn we lose internet and that happens daily not just every now and then

NZTools, Nov 17, 3:40pm
You have to have VERY good cell signal to be able to use a data stick. It is our only option (even satalite is no good here) I have 3 out of 4 bars on my blackberry at the house, but need ayagi aerial on top of a massive tower connected to the data stick just to get internet that drops out every 2 hours and has to be reset.
As for price, it costs us $240 for 12 gigs each month, so it certainly isnt cheap.

johnf_456, Nov 17, 3:46pm
No you don't, as long as you have signal it will work. Sure the worse the signal the slower it will be, but as a last resort. Provided you just use it for wof's online it is hardly going to use much traffic at all!

Blackberry also use a different network to your standard gsm etc

ralphdog1, Nov 17, 3:58pm

NZTools, Nov 17, 4:04pm
Our Blackberrys are using the telecom 3g network.

We use blackberry's because their aerial is much better than most cell phones. As much as I would like to be using my Samsung galaxy, it is hopelessly lacking in areas of marginal reception (like this entire farm)
The Blackberry shits all over it.

As for T Sticks. I havea data stick sitting right here,that cant get a signal in the same spot a cellphone will.
The are usefull, and the better the reception the better they work, but if the reception is marginal, you need an external aerial, (which costs a fortune) or you are better off using dialup.

Trust me, We have to run a global sales business off the damn things.