New thread about the toyota steamer

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karmaangel, Dec 2, 1:28am
The car overheated a month ago and straight away it was checked and it was found that the radiator was clogged as and had NO traces of anti freeze at all. We have had no problems since then, till now. On Fri I was coming home from Taihape (after having driven there no prob) when I noticed the temp gauge had shot up so I pulled straight over, and upon inspection the car had in fact NOT overheated and the gauge must have been faulty. We then went to go but car had to be jump started (due to it having gone flat from having hazards on-which the car has always done it since we got it, hence why we always carry jumper leads) After getting the car going we contained on and after ten mins or so the car started making a funny noise and losing power then completely stopping. It happened 3x all up. Each time we were jump started and then car went fine for a little while to start with.when it first happened I rung my mechanic from the side of the road and explain what was happening and he said to get it to him as soon as possible, so that's what we did. When we slowed down enough to turn into his driveway the car stopped again and "THEN" the engine light came on. Car was then parked up. We had a problem regarding our brake pads etc (or lack there of) last year after only having the car a few months and when we rung the car dealer we were told it wasn't is problem

intrade, Dec 2, 1:42am
ok i advise you if this is all true to talk to the dealer about this to supply you a other vehicle or there like or you take your facts to disputes tribunal. if you can proof in court it had no antifreeze and it had clogged due to this the first time then you will be given right. also ask for a "distress warrent "at the tribunal that will seeze the dealers assets to pay for what ever you will be granted.
the reason why it pooped is the first cloging they all poop them self its why they are called a "steaming "enema" when there is not absolut clean coolant in the system at all times.

intrade, Dec 2, 1:45am
regarding brake pads or lack off well. you wont get him for that but you might want to also mentione that at the tribunal. since you paid way to mutch for the car the dealers good will could haveeasy paid for some new pads, but its not that he would have to as this part is a wear item. antifreeze and lack off is where you will hang him out to dry on.

karmaangel, Dec 2, 1:53am
Ok Thankyou so much for all your advice ill be ringing him tomorrow. If he refuses to come to the party can we trade the car in for another off his lot!

splinter67, Dec 2, 1:58am
Probably not why would a car dealer want a van with a knackered engine if anything youll get scrap value for it which would be under $400

thunderbolt, Dec 2, 1:58am
Intrade is getting your hopes up that someone else will pay for your neglect.
Sad fact is you purchased an old vehicle, what you paid is irrelevant, you were happy to pay it at the time.
You have neglected it while you have owned it, now you will pay the price.
Furthermore you kept driving it when it was making horrible noises, the sound you were hearing is your wallet bleeding due to ignorance.
Hope you have better luck with your next vehicle.

intrade, Dec 2, 2:00am
you can only do what the disputes tribunal orders the dealer to do. you have to talk to them and dont forget the distress warrent. i dont know how it all works but i know i got once paid 200$ after a ruleing of 2500$ that i was suposed to get back, only after i did hear about the distress warrent i could have put thru to get my 2500$ instantly off the guy. never got more then 250 of the 2500 i was awarded. if they dont payyou can go thru it all again its why you do that instead.

intrade, Dec 2, 2:04am
read post 26 if thats how it was then i would say the dealer will pay for the pooh he sold for way to mutch money. its reseanble clearly written in post 26 that the thing never had antifreeze till the radiator was changed. plus the dealer had sold a 8 grand car with worn down brake pads .

flack88, Dec 2, 2:07am
The dealer would have have had crocodile skin shoes on wouldnt he!!8k for an enmina of that age,he couldnt have looked you in the eye!

thunderbolt, Dec 2, 2:10am
What they paid has nothing to do with it.
No one twisted their arms, they paid what they were happy to pay.
If they paid too much, they failed to research the value of comparative vehicles.

splinter67, Dec 2, 2:12am
yes and in the other thread she wants to buy another for 7k from the same dealer no helping some people

intrade, Dec 2, 2:15am
thunderbolt but what has something to do is the original state the car was sold. dealer have obligations to honer the consumer guarantees act even you do unless you contract out of it with seen as is. dealer cant contract out of that.

a.woodrow, Dec 2, 2:15am
You won't get anything from the dealer, you had it serviced since you bought it, why wasn't the coolant checked (or added, if there wasn't any) then! How is the breakdown the fault of the dealer that sold you a vehicle a year ago! (hint - it's not)

If this went to court, a ruling would be based on whether or not the vehicle was fit for the purpose, clearly it was for some time, and the only reason it is not fit for the purpose now is because it has been inadequately maintained

Sometimes vehicles just break down. that's life.

intrade, Dec 2, 2:20am

a.woodrow, Dec 2, 2:25am
What rights do you think OP has here! I don't see how there would be any cover under the CGA at all

thunderbolt, Dec 2, 2:25am
If dealers are expected to repair 17 year old vehicles after a year of neglect at their own cost, then they will need to charge $20k for them to cover the ongoing costs!

intrade, Dec 2, 2:27am
thevehicle had no antifreeze and thats all that needs to be proofen in court. it was not fit for its purpose when sold without antifreeze . and the factit had nondid lead to its early demize nothing else. Be a different story if it seezed up with no oil. now that would be neglect of the owner.

a.woodrow, Dec 2, 2:30am
Wouldn't make any difference as the owner had it serviced since purchase and followed the advise of a mechanic that said no coolant needed

thunderbolt, Dec 2, 2:32am
The dealer could argue that servicing the vehicle within the time they owned it should have uncovered that it had no antifreeze in it.
There is no proof that the water did not contain any anti corrosive additive either.
Adequate servicing would possibly have prevented the issues, and that onus falls on the owner.

intrade, Dec 2, 2:35am
what meachnic said no cooant needed! the way i was reading it was
the carwas sold for 8k with worn pads then the dealer said stuff you you dont get new pads since you only paid 8 grand for a 1500$ worth of car. they got pads them self and drove it then it started with problems and the radiator was replaced and the mechanicwho done the radiator said there was no coolant in the engine , from then on after new radiator idhad coolant . but then it blew up some time later as the headgasketwould have rotted away and there likes alreadybefor the radiator was replaced.
Well thats is how i read post 26. dont know what you see .

karmaangel, Dec 2, 2:42am
When we first got the car we had problems and rung and told him and he said it wasn't his problem. Of you park up overnight and go to drive off in first you can't without apply heaps of gas then the back wheels lift up and it makes a loud bang and then you can drive off. If parked overnight and you go to drive out inn reverse it doesn't do it.

a.woodrow, Dec 2, 2:45am
Perhaps that was something that the dealer should have sorted, but it's not really relevant to the current problem with the cooked motor

snoopy221, Dec 2, 2:47am
F F S Change mechanics.
Preferably to one who can.
Do pre purchase inspections.

Repair faulty alternator battery issues so you don't have to carry and USE jumperleads

Repair brakes PROPERLY

And one who is not STUPID enough to leave a bottom hosed thermostat out at ANY time.

Incedentaly ya still ain't given the MILEAGE.

Quotesnoopy221 (306 )9:42 pm, Sun 2 Dec #130
I Honestly can NOT believe i have read that.

we even had the thermostat left out for a week to see if there any other problems

Quotesnoopy221 (306 )9:44 pm, Sun 2 Dec #

karmaangel, Dec 2, 2:50am
The dealer said because we didn't have mechanical breakdown cover with him or something like that then it's not his problem

intrade, Dec 2, 2:56am
seek advise from disputes tribunal seems to be a special one for cars , i would say he will have to come to the party if all you said in post 26 was correct. you need to proof refusal to repair and the vehicle was not fit for its purpose . talk to the motorvehicle disputes tribunal and take 2 witnesseswhen talking to the dealer .