how do you explain the increase in clowns on the road.
or is that the cops fault as well. pse tell me you haven't bred.
Jan 1, 3:29am
Are these the clowns that crawl past me so slowly for fear of getting a ticket that they put us all at risk!
This is what I have been noticing when I am towing and pull left to let people through, ever since speed has been enforced to absurd levels in this country.
Jan 1, 3:29am
Are these the clowns that crawl past me so slowly for fear of getting a ticket that they put us all at risk!
This is what I have been noticing when I am towing and pull left to let people through, ever since speed has been enforced to absurd levels in this country.
Or do you refer to the clowns that park a partially obscured speed camera right in the middle of the only passing lane for miles on these 4km/h tolerance holidays! The mayhem they cause as people suddenly see it is appalling.
Jan 1, 3:31am
We could raise speed limits, tolerances and the alcohol limit. The overall trend over time would still be downward IMO. Cars are a lot better off than they used to be. Also I laugh when they bang on about their tolerances making a difference during holiday periods and it's been beautiful sunny weather, nothing said when it pours down and all the idiots stack themselves into each other.
The tolerances and drunk driving limits are splitting hairs now. A bit either side of them is no longer a KEY factor most of the time. It's normally grossly excessive negligence way outside of set limits where it's an issue. It irks me that people keep using this excessive stupid behavior to justify the difference between 105 vs 104 or the zero tolerance under 20 limit. It's never so clear cut with ever changing weather and whatnot. There are plenty of other things to focus on, such as awareness of tyre tread etc
I will however say some cops have no brains and my respect for them generally is pretty low when they can be so dumb. I broke down in a bad spot the other day in the dark/dusk, hazards on. While I was working on the engine half hanging out on the road a cop patrolling a 100 to 70 swapover zone drove past me twice and didn't help at all. Wouldn't of mattered if he just used the pusher to shift me out of the way and carried on or asked if I needed a cellphone, but nope was too busy trolling for speeders. That mindset puzzles me completely.
Jan 1, 3:39am
Nice to see not everyone is stupid enough to blindly buy into their propaganda. You are quite right in what you say.
BTW, with regard to cops not using common sense, I have seen some absolute doozy's.
I rang up after hitting a goat on a blind 100km/h corner (luckily I had just come out of a side road so was going slow). Instead of doing something about the repeat offender owner who regularly lets this happen they just laughed at me and said "oh we don't get involved in that sort of thing".
Another time I was in a line of traffic following a cop who decided when they spotted a good radar spot to just slam their brakes on with no indicators and then swerve at the last minute. If I had not had 4 seconds distance between me and him the car behind me would have caused a big nose to tail.
And of course the story I have told on here before about the stupid cops doing breath tests at night with traffic backed up to half way around a blind corner. When I mentioned this to them the response was "oh it was backed up futher back than that before".
Where are they getting these dingbats from!!
I am forgiving of the occasional mistake, we all make them but the proportion of stupidity I have seen over the last few years from our Police is astounding. Especially saddening is that we have needlessly lost a member of our family for no other reason than pure stupidity from our Police.
Jan 1, 3:59am
No Truckri'm not anti smacking but hate Drunk drivers on our roads. I think 6 x beers in 1 hour to put you on the limit is a few too many.
Jan 1, 4:31am
I think six beers in an hour would put me over the limit quite nicely thanks, I don't believe their statement about that to be true.
Jan 1, 10:25am
The herald is the stupidest source of information I've yet to ever read if that's the article being used as some kind of shock horror "fact"
Jan 1, 12:38pm
This. It is usually those that are grossly ignoring the road rules who kill them selves and unfortunately other innocent victims. We have a local case of 2 drunk drivers given a jail sentence on their third offence, but they have appealed because their lawyer says the sentence is too harsh for only a third offence!
Jan 1, 12:46pm
First offence.3 months loss of licence $1000 fine Second offence.28 days jail $5000 fine 12 months loss of license. Third offence.12 months jail. $10,000 fine permanent license ban.
Jan 1, 2:17pm
I watched a cop accelerate heavily through a school zone probably in excess of 80kmh to pull some one over that was prob doing no more than 55 no lights no siren
Jan 1, 2:24pm
No lights, No Siren, No brains. If they are going to employ people whom are that stupid we need an interdependent auditor who constantly "mystery shops" our Police, both during road and regular duties.
Jan 1, 2:43pm
Anyone who believes that lowering the drink drive limit will be beneficial to the communityHAS ROCKS IN THEIR HEAD! get tougher on repeat and HIGH limit offenders. the drunken road toll is caused by morons who are smashed off their faces.not had two beers at dinner. its the sheeeple who have no abilty to think things through that are screwing this country. grow up and get a brain! lowering the speed tolerance and the DD limit will just up the tax revenue and make good law abiding people criminals. get tough on the morons who are 2X the limit.
Jan 1, 2:48pm
That should be the same for anyone who is the cause of an crash, especially if it's knocking over a letterbox. If you can't drive accurately when going slowly, you have no hope when going more quickly.
Jan 1, 2:56pm
+1 The stupidity of our law makers, enforcers and public at large never ceases to amaze me.
Jan 1, 2:58pm
This has all been brought about by The Herald wanting to create issues to make themselves appear to be the community's voice -which they're not- and sell more newspapers. It makes me want to cancel my subscription. It would be a bit of a laugh if it wasn't for the knee jerk reactionaries who just love to have something to get indignant about and believe everything they have inferred to them by craftily written pieces which could almost have been written by psychology majorsdesignedto push the buttons of the unwary. Those people become filled with almost religious fervour and start quoting the dodgy "statistics" as if they're absolute truth and never seem to scratch beneath the surface to see real truths. Pluralism is essential in the face of campaigns like this, there always must be an opposing faction to prevent everyone running to one side of the ship whenever some irresponsible entity yells unnecessary instructions from a higher point.
Jan 1, 4:10pm
the police PR department are why we have attitudes like those displayed here
that & the total BS about traffic enforcement being for public safety
Jan 1, 5:11pm
Stop work licences for a start, 2nd offence confiscate the vehicle, 3rd offence cut of their hands, 4th offence shoot them.But seriously I know of a case where 3x limit in work vehicle, one month later work licence and no change in behaviour.Where is the penalty in that sort of nonsense!
Jan 1, 5:54pm
Yes, I wasn't very clear. I was responding to the sidetracked posts regarding lowering the alcohol limit and the emotive rubbish being put forward as reasons for that. My bad.
Jan 1, 9:26pm
So will they admit their fixation with minor speedinfringements & mega $ spent on more cameras & vansisnt working !Likehell , the spin doctors will be working on some BS explanationlike" blip in stats " .I readonVictoriain 04Westewrnring road had to remove all cameras as they werewildly inaccurate .The road toll DROPPED by 60 %but they still bought newcameras& fitted themnext year .
Jan 1, 9:31pm
This is just one example too, plenty of other references around where camera's have been removed and road safety has increased. Its not surprising either given the dangerous positions they get put in (at least in NZ anyway).
Ultimately though. its the public that are to blame. All while people are falling over themselves to believe and support whatever nonsense they are fed no matter how stupid, this sort of nonsense will continue.
Its really disappointing too, given the economic state of the world that we are wasting millions of dollars on non productive rubbish like this.
Jan 1, 9:38pm
See as 90k new people were granted NZ residence your take on things is Rubbish. Nothing is static.
Jan 2, 12:20am
My biggest complaint is when they say that such and such action lowered the road toll.
When are they going to get it into their thick heads that 99% of the accidents can be explained, but you can't ever say why accidents DIDN'T happen!Think about it.
Jan 2, 1:23am
the longer you keep stats and the more there are the less the variables make much difference.stats can be read any which way but loose really, so sometimes the most simple are the best, this one in particular is media driven, to start t looking at road conditions, types of vehicle, driver experience, state of tyresetc etc etc etc, would just be silly.However, im sure you would be the first to use stats to grasp at staws in order to feed your anti police rage.
Jan 2, 1:32am
If you know what causes accidents, and you reduce the cause, and the accidents reduce, then you can draw the inference and explain why accidents have not happened. Not individually, but over time, and with plenty of data, it can be done. Drink driving is a good example, if you can reduce the amount of people drinking and driving, and prove there is some cause and effect between drinking and accidents, and then accidents involving alcohol reduce, the inference is you know why some accidents have not, wonder who's thick head it needs to get through!
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