The Police PR message about our 2011 roadtoll

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wrong2, Jan 1, 12:36am
how are they going to explain away the rise in deaths despite the increased enforcement.

wrong2, Jan 1, 12:36am
lmao, what was i thinking

they are not going to even mention it

gammelvind, Jan 1, 12:47am
What does it matter, they didn't kill them. When are we going to accept that as part of the community it is our issue, the police are trying to do their bit in protecting us.

skiff1, Jan 1, 12:48am

kokako14, Jan 1, 12:49am
Ahhh, but there is a positive. Less drivers died this year, so that must mean its more dangerous to be a passenger now

wrong2, Jan 1, 12:52am
^ bla bla bla ^

if only the cops were goverend by ideals, instead of politicians


woody1946, Jan 1, 12:54am
The brain gene pool is getting watered down with idiot's breeding. i.e : Walking on roads drunk
Not wearing seat belts
Not looking at railway crossings
Drunks driving
Unsafe cars

Etc Etc Etc

theram1, Jan 1, 12:55am

wrong2, Jan 1, 1:09am

& how the 2012 toll is Worse despite the increased focus of ticketing

im sorry , i meant "policing"

wrong2, Jan 1, 1:11am
because : dont you remember !

the lowest road toll in years (2011) was a big score for the cops

they had very little to say on the effects of an economic slowdown on our miles travelled & driving habits

its was them

& now its risen. . . . . .!

msigg, Jan 1, 1:31am
Well they need to cut the drink driving limit to half it is now. I wish.That would be a good start.

a.woodrow, Jan 1, 1:39am
Why! would cutting the drink driving limit have any effect on the road toll! It is already set to a limit where it is deemed that you have not been adversely affected in your ability to drive

wrong2, Jan 1, 1:40am
why! would cutting the speed limit have any effect on the road toll! it is already set to a limit where it is deemed that you have not been adversely affected in your ability to drive

see where that takes him lol

wrong2, Jan 1, 1:43am
well they seem to think that taking money off you will make the roads safer

so they COULD start linking your Fines to your Pay level

who thinks that has a hope in hell of becoming law LOL

gammelvind, Jan 1, 1:51am
Well wrong2 you seem to have ideas on what doesn't work and those in authority who in your opinion obviously don't have our interests at heart, what are your suggestions for an improvement!
Being a knocker is just so simple I would love to hear your suggestions.

spead, Jan 1, 1:57am
it is not Polices fault. No need to explain anything. it is the motorists fault .no one elses.

gunhand, Jan 1, 2:02am
Its ALWAYS someone elses fault. And thats most of the problem there.
Blame blame blame. No responsability by many. Always an excuse to givin as to why"I" shouldn't be targeted.
Oh, and Police don't have qoutas, they can pull over as may as they like.

wrong2, Jan 1, 2:04am
you dont really pay attention to the police PR departments operating mode i see . . . . . .

msigg, Jan 1, 2:23am
50% of all fatal road crashes are caused by drunk drivers. Bloody Idiots.
There brains are scrambled by drink. Who wants to face that on our roads.

gedo1, Jan 1, 2:26am
.I remember once when I was . well. doing more than the speed limit.This cop pulled me over to give me a ticket.Logic says that since there was a cop involved it must be all his fault, eh!Well, that's the logic I see in so many posts.LOL

rob_man, Jan 1, 2:27am
Stop making up stuff. You're a PR victim.

gammelvind, Jan 1, 2:32am
Lol of course it is his fault you were speeding, how dare anyone insinuate that we should take any personal responsibility!

socram, Jan 1, 2:38am
Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of statistics could have forecasted a rise this last year over 2011 was more than likely.What is important is the overall trend, not taking any one year in isolation.

Put me down as in favourof tougher drink drive laws, but what you can't legislate for, is the number of idiots who don't care about either the law or about the importance of various aspects of driving, such as concentration, use of mirrors and driving with due consideration for other road users.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 1, 2:49am
Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of statistics could tell you that trying to draw any kind of conclusion from comparing annual road deaths is complete folly.

The fact that the Police publicly draw conclusions in the media based on these statistics is beyond laughable, and the public should demand those making such statements (and worse decisions based on them) be sacked immediately.

To even begin to arrive at a useful comparable figure you need to be making comparisons based on deaths per x number of km's traveled.

Even then you still have to be mindful that there are MANY factors at play, such as weather, economic conditions (yes even when comparing based on km's, I can explain if you want), increasingly newer/safer fleet, road maintenance . the list goes on.

BTW, not having a go at you socram, you just prompted a train of thought!

truckr, Jan 1, 2:58am
people like you are the reason this country is do you think cutting the drink limit in half going to solve the problem , do you even know what you are talking about, how many people have been killed by someone driving just under the limit or on the limit, but brow beaters like you would rather punish all of us who do have enough self control to have a couple of beers after work and drive home safe, you were probably one of the ones all for the anti smacking law, how did that work out!