Would a slight cam cover gasket oil leak

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kcc55a, Mar 8, 1:55am
be a WoF fail!My old Nissan SW drops about a 50c size oil drop after sitting for about 10 mins. Told it was a Fail. When I asked whygot told that If I sit at traffic lights and drop this bit of oil, a motorcycle might come along after I have gone and slide on the tiny oil drip and go out of control and crash. While I appreciate that a small oil leak should get fixedseems a bit desperate to say its life threatening to motorcyclists.

bevharris1938, Mar 8, 1:56am
take it in and see, if it does failyou got 28 days to fix it.

skin1235, Mar 8, 2:02am
often all it takes is a quick check that all the bolts are tight

they also had a habit of leaking around the seal on the oil pressure sender unit - check , clean, and recheck in a few days ( identify absolutely where the oil is coming from to start with)

morrisman1, Mar 8, 2:12am
Ive seen jaguars with WOFs. nuff said.

unbeatabull, Mar 8, 2:12am
Your car is still illegal to be driven during that 28 days, unless it is for the purpose of being driven to the testing station.

All the 28 days applies to is not have to pay again for the inspection.

Only way a Rocker Cover leaking can fail was if it was substantial enough to leak onto the exhaust and catch fire. It would have to be really bad for that to happen, since generally oil will burn off before catching fire anyway.

strobo, Mar 8, 2:26am
Tehnically is a failas like diesel or petrol spillage is a fail , sure if they failed it get it sorted anyway.

llortmt, Mar 8, 2:41am
Technically you dont know what your talking about, diesel and petrol are fuel leaks. A 'slight' leak from the cam cover gasket IS NOT A reason for rejection.

strobo, Mar 8, 3:18am
oil leaks " slippery stuff" ! think about it. if fuel caps notright on diesel (diesel is oil right!)it's a reject and engineoil leaks are no different .and you really don't know what your saying or talking about ! back at ya . so there ! lol

johnf_456, Mar 8, 3:19am
Sorry to say it but you are incorrect strobo

morrisman1, Mar 8, 3:19am
its not an oil leak. Its an AURPS - Active Underbody Rust Protection System.

johnf_456, Mar 8, 3:27am
Small oil leaks are not a wof failure and there is no need to name call. Please post some evidence of you think its a fail.

morrisman1, Mar 8, 3:30am
oi! what are ya trying to say

jmma, Mar 8, 3:41am
Hello, Hello, Hello(o:

jmma, Mar 8, 3:46am
Think it's a compliment, not sure(o:

franc123, Mar 8, 3:47am
I don't think strobo is a bright flashing light in this thread somehow lol. Epic fail of the week.

jmma, Mar 8, 3:52am
Pretty much like your namesake, have fun (o:

jmma, Mar 8, 4:03am
Something like that, enjoy your stay, how ever long it is.
Someone is on the direct line right now, another in-house joke. (o:
What type of car you got.

sr2, Mar 8, 4:03am
Brilliant, I've just fallen of my chair laughing!

mrfxit, Mar 8, 4:12am
Who else can smell sulpher

llortmt, Mar 8, 4:13am
Ok whatever, you'd know best,
I'm just an AVI who does WoF inspections pretty much all day everyday but I expect you wrote the VIRM from your armchair.

jmma, Mar 8, 4:18am
Sorry, Toyota fan here, thought you might have a yank tank somewhere!
Not a "salesman" are yah(o:

kazbanz, Mar 8, 4:23am
KCC-Ill put pretty big money that the underside of your car is coated in oil and it LOOKS like its got a big leak.
Given your description I would give the engine a really good wash with degreaser and a water blaster. Take the car for a 10 minute drive to dry off then take it back for recheck--bet you pass

jmma, Mar 8, 4:36am
A little bit, but google is your friend, can make you sound like you know what you are talking about. If you know what I mean (o:

llortmt, Mar 8, 4:41am
My advice to you is just to add +1 to EVERYTHING!

jmma, Mar 8, 4:42am