AND as a side thought to that. i took my vehicle to vtnz, i am a female. i know nothing, it failed on a couple things. seatbelt, one brake light not going, nothing major i thought. got them fixed take it back today and he says ok, oops sorry i forgot to put it on the notes, i shoud of told you your brakes actually have an imbalance and that needs fixing too before i can give you a warrant and im just like wtf, y didnt you tell me that last time. and he says all i can say is sorry but it needs doing. can he bloody do that, im soo mad
Feb 27, 11:11pm
Mistakes do happen, would you rather drive around with defective brakes!
And yes you can take it somewhere else, but you'll have to pay again and probably still fail.
Feb 27, 11:18pm
Well I'd be wanting my money back for the WOF or an extra 28 days to get the brakes sorted.
Feb 27, 11:26pm
so did he put it on the brake roller and show you! oh no whangarei lol there be nothing wrongwith your brakes take it back and say its fixed.
Feb 27, 11:49pm
lol intrade it was dargaville actually. whangarei fellow though
Feb 27, 11:54pm
Yes he can do that. Although its not good customer service.Just take it back again and stand on the brakes hard to warm them up before you enter the station, that could sort it out. It warms all the disks/drums up and normally is better. Cheers.
Feb 28, 1:54am
What will this 'extra 28 days' give you! You still don't have a WOF.
Feb 28, 2:05am
i am pissed he didn't tell me about the problem the first bloody time, i live 30 mins from town and its a pain the arse trying to get some time to get into town and get someone to fix and make it all fit in with vtnz as dargaville ONLY let you go by appt.
Feb 28, 2:15am
I don't take my vehicals to VTNZ, brand new car failed a wof for no screw down nut on the spare wheel in the boot. Took it to another garage and they passed me and said no need for the nut to hold the spare wheel down, it has a clamping lever in the bottom see! and he showed me.
Feb 28, 2:27am
yeah well this is what two different people have told me now about the brakes, they reckon vtnz machine made for new vehicles, this vehicle is a 92 suzuki excudo.
Feb 28, 2:35am
What were the figures for the brake performance!
Feb 28, 2:44am
well i dont have the feckin warrant sheet my copy anymore. cos the guy fixing the otehr problems managed to misplace it. GRRRRRRR
Feb 28, 3:09am
which is y i think it may be easiar just to take to someone else and start again.
Feb 28, 4:00am
This thread goes back to the old dispute do we need warrants at all, like alot of Aussie, & most of the dangerous rest of the world
Feb 28, 4:38am
some inspectors at some VTNZ stations are just absolute pricks/arseholes/ any other disgusting names you can call them, while others fine. i changed to diff VTNZ station cos of it.
Feb 28, 4:41am
imbalanceis nothing to fix. if you take your car to a place that has a balance machine it takes only a few minutes to car failed a wof last week for imbalance of back brakes. i took my car to a place without a machine . the wof sheet told them the left was out so they made a few turns to adjust the brakes.if the adjustment was wrong i had to go back. luckily it was spot on.i paid $40 for the adjustment and $49 for new front brake shoes.
Feb 28, 4:42am
Whats the most dangerous thing about motoring! The act of heading toward another car at speed on the same strip of tarmac, then passing by it at a metre or 2. Thats the most dangerous thing of 21st century motoring. Time to leave our cars alone & blardy tone things down abit, with all these idiodic/ periodic, warrants.
Feb 28, 4:44am
My daughters car failed because of no nut to screw it down-I couldnt get one anywhere - so I took the spare wheel out! Took it back and I got a warrant!
Feb 28, 12:22pm
28 more days to get them fixed!
Feb 28, 1:58pm
Which is all fine and dandy if it IS just a matter of adjustment.What if the prop valve isn't working propperly or the cylinder is starting to leak or the shoes need replacing or.
Feb 28, 2:06pm
You still cant drive it if it has no WOF. Just means that you dont pay for another check at the same place during the 28 days.
Feb 28, 2:20pm
That scenario is the cheapest and easiest you could hope for, many imbalance issues can be harder and more time consuming to solve.
Feb 28, 3:50pm
yep local vtnz guys tell locals.its just dust get your mechanic to blow it brakes,machined drums,tyre pressures.the list can be endless
Feb 28, 4:20pm
Just find a good mechanic and take your car there. Chances are they will be cheaper and will let you know ahead of time what might need attention in the future :)
Feb 28, 7:02pm
if your car fails a WoF and you take it somewhere else the computer record will show it failed but wont say why.I had my car fail recently at a private garage over a shock absorber issue which I disagreed (with but you cannot argue with the testing mech), and a damaged steering boot. So took it to VTNZ who gave me a WoF but advised that I needed to get something else checked before the next WoF,anddidnt comment on the shocks or the steering boot at all. They knew it had failedelsewhere but not why. I have previously rubbished VTNZ for being very petty but wont say that again. I guess it often depends on the tester you get.
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