Licensed, both rider and vehicle and pay RUc's, then they will deserve space and respect on the roads.
Mar 24, 9:15pm
.and forced to ride in single file.
Mar 24, 10:32pm
you'll be please to know that another unregistered cyclist has been eradicated
Mar 25, 12:01am
Mar 25, 12:03am
Mar 25, 12:03am
Cyclists on our roads would still be there, licenced or not.
I have a much bigger problem with illegal cars on our roads than cyclists.
Mar 25, 12:11am
So once they pay there dues etc you will happy to allow them then to ride 3 or 4 abreast as they now pay for it and have the right to!YEA RIGHT LOL. And you want kids licenced as well so they can ride to school, sports or whatever. And how does a licence prevent stupidity hasn't worked to well so far judging by what you see every day on our roads.
Mar 25, 12:31am
Mar 25, 12:50am
Thats why i ride on the footpath.I don,t get why some cyclists think they have as much rights on the road as cars.And it,s always the gay looking lycra wearing ones with problems because secretly they know they look silly and are easily offended.Simple logic: there are more cars on the road than people walking on the footpath so its safer on the footpath.
Mar 25, 12:53am
Here we go again. NZ is the most cycle unfriendly country I have ever been to. It also has some of the dumbest drivers.
Mar 25, 12:53am
Always good steaming past lycra clad looking retards on my single speeder in shorts and t shirt on way to work.
Mar 25, 12:56am
They would then gain the legal right to go single file as I have to in my car.
Mar 25, 12:57am
So, pay your way on the roads then,, USER pays.
Mar 25, 1:02am
I ride a single speed 26er and wonder why i ever needed gears.When i did have a geared bike i left in in 1 gear anyway.I love steaming past these lycra faggots in jeans and doctor martens in the winter.And no helmet either lol lol lol
Mar 25, 1:06am
man, there are some aggressive a-holes on this board. No-one is asking you to dress in lycra, just drive carefully so you don't kill them. They may hold you up a bit on occasion but you can easily make up those lost seconds so please just chill
Mar 25, 1:06am
there is no logic in your argument.plenty of bad drivers on our roads now no licenses no wof no rego.and if 1 million cyclists were registered it would not save one life.
Mar 25, 1:09am
exactly.i think there are a lot of drivers out there who think if they slow down or give way for a second to someone else their cock will fall off.judging my some of the anti cycling comments on here.they already have.
Mar 25, 1:10am
Stats!.what %!.ALL cyclists are unlicensed and the majority are riding round trying to get killed.Yours is a fallacious argument.
Mar 25, 1:15am
I have no problem sharing the road with cyclists.but it has to go both ways. Cyclists need to realise that they present an obstruction on the road, particularly on open roads. In the same way that most (not all) agricultural machine operators or most truck drivers will pull over when they are holding up traffic, so should cyclists, and unfortunately there are a large group who will not do this and then wonder why other motorists get so aggressive towards them. And to my fellow motorists, we also need to manage the large hazard that cyclists pose to us and themselves, and keep these people safe. I make no secret of the fact that cyclists on the open road piss me off at the best of times, but I certainly don't want to be scraping one off the grill of my truck and I highly doubt anybody else wants that on their conscience either.
Mar 25, 1:19am
i ride a bike most days and i am not trying to get killed.i,ve yet to meet any who are.4 years ago a friend was killed on a bike.helmet , gay vest , broad daylight , straight road , was way left of the white line on the edge of the road.hit and killed by a car.was he trying to get himself killed ! tell that to his family .
Mar 25, 1:19am
I'm a LICENCED CYCLIST - I have a club racing licence.
Mar 25, 1:23am
That has nothing to do with your argument.
Mar 25, 1:25am
trouble is.virtually all fatal accidents involving cyclists are not the cyclists fault.unless you take the view that EVERYTHING must be the victims fault.the cyclists are always well lit , over to the left , single file.surely a large group must be easier to spot than an individual ! yet when driving a car i have seen many motorists pull left to get as close as possible to a cyclist , even tooting their horn.why is that ! also i have often found myself on a bike having to get around badly parked cars sticking out on the road , often on yellow lines or close to corners.
Mar 25, 1:30am
awww c'mon everybody, be nice to each other and think thoughts of flowers and love and ribbons and stuff like that!Life is nice and let's be nice too!
Mar 25, 1:31am
well at least i have an just seem to have a mental blockage.did your missus run off with a cyclist ! or are you just plain retarded ! or do you have no friends ! or some sort of ego problem !.you sound like clayton weatherstone.cyclists wanting to get themselves killed saith you.what an utter dickhead you are.worth 30 days banning to say that .bye.i'm off on my bike to get myself killed.if i do will that make you happy !
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