Who said I was a cyclist! I hope pedestrians will have to register themselves and pay RUC too. I don't want to fork out for expensive foothpaths that I don't get to use.
As drivers, I hope we're all willing to contribute towards the costs of people's respiratory problems caused by car exhaust chemicals being vented into the air we breathe.
People have a chip on their shoulder about cyclists here in NZ. It's pathetic and small minded. I laugh at the ignorance of it all.
Mar 25, 1:36am
Well said, I was behind a truck and trailer unit the other day,on a narrow country road,cyclist just kept plodding along with total disregard for vehicles following,had heaps of space to pull over to allow truck and myself to pass but no,kept his line. No wonder they get taken out all the time.
Mar 25, 1:39am
You do realise cyclists have cars too.which they pay for.but use the bike instead.
Mar 25, 1:42am
I like some of your comments but sadly some cyclists do seem to put themselves into a dangerous situations for what reason I do not know. I have no problem at all with them untill they do ride on narrow roads and two abreast or more. Is there an actual cycling reason two ride two abreast on narrow roads!I thought riding single file and drafting would be better! I road a bike for fitness a few years ago and went on the main road, never again as it was asking for trouble so I thought about where I went before I went there. And they say that the conditon of the road dosn't suit these flash road bikes so thats why they ride out on the actual road, so why ride them there then with there skinny wheels etc!Why not not ride a more suited bike for those conditons and use your road bike for the races or valadromes!Cycling is cycling isnt it! My wife and I and kids ride around town at times where the road is quite wide really but we manage to ride single file and have no need to ride two abreast and still comunicate quite well if need be. Like many drivers, pedestrians, scooter riders and mobility scooter drivers and all other road users if we all used an once of commen sence we would proabably survive in each others comapny quite well.
Mar 25, 2:01am
I,m sorry but i drive around Hawkes Bay in cars and horse floats quite a bit , on main highways and country roads.and am never held up by cyclists.just don't see very many and they are always way over to the left.my annoyance is camper vans.but don't get me started.
Mar 25, 2:13am
Try the BOP then, on a lot of the roads that I travel frequently there IS no left, the road literally stops at the fog line, yet on a fine day there are cyclists by the dozens. Maybe instead of building a cycle track the length of the country, the govt could instead focus on the most popular country cycling routes and make things safer for cyclists and motorists alike!
Mar 25, 2:16am
What rules do cyclists adhere to anyway! How many of the school aged cyclists even have a drivers licence!
Seen it many times before, but how many run red lights! I came across on just today on my way hom from work.
Mar 25, 2:23am
Yes they do indeed, often. I see it too. It's a stupid thing to do. Many motorists do it too. Do you complain when you see a pedestrian jaywalking!
I'm not defending cyclists who break the rules. I'm just pointing out that there is a huge grudge in NZ when it comes to people on bikes. It's only here and it's not normal.
Mar 25, 3:08am
Yeah right sweetie. "Lycra faggots " ! I think you are trying to tell us something here. Wear it round the house at night when the lights are out do you !
Mar 25, 3:12am
Motor bike rego is high because of the associated risk and the large acc bills that come with accidents. Maybe push bike rego is a good idea to cover acc and all the share the road ads, billboards and campaigns that help to keep them safe. Also it should be illegal to ride more than single file!
Mar 25, 3:39am
The death rate for cyclists is massively lower than for motorcyclists for the same amount of time spent riding so maybe the high ACC is justified. I ride both, btw.
you are very right. if cyclists don't pay they why should anyone else have to pay! RUC for cars don't stop crashes ether so if cyclists say so then drivers should get the same deal!
Mar 25, 3:54am
this is from the stat link ^^ The faster drivers are going, the more difficult it is for them to avoid hitting a cyclist in their path. An alert driver travelling at 50km/h will travel 37 metres after reaction/braking before coming to a complete stop. The same driver travelling at 100km/h will move 5 metres further than this before even reacting and, once braking has started, will travel a further 69 metres before coming to a complete stop.
I dont see anything about the weight of the car. It might be full of groceries, maybe towing a trailer with 2 ton on it. They cant make this statement with out listing the weight of the vehicle they are talking about. they are not listing all the facts.
Mar 25, 1:18pm
Oh dear , a hissy fit. examine the proposition.
Mar 25, 1:23pm
And the most dangerous drivers .
Mar 25, 2:18pm
money could go towards proper cycle lanes or like foot pathson country roads like l'v seen up north for bikes . l would pay rego to get that.
Mar 25, 3:27pm
When comparing motorcyclists and cyclists injuries/deaths the big difference is the speed at which each can go. Naturally a motorcyclist is likely to suffer more serious injury because of this.
Mar 25, 3:32pm
correct , plenty of time to hold hands at the cafe.
Mar 25, 3:45pm
[ it should be illegal to ride more than single file![/quote] Im pretty sure they are only allowed 2 a breast when its safe to do so, if at any stage its not safe or they are holding up traffic they must go to single file. Iv had my own close call with 2 lycra wan#ers side by side 100kph area mid corner with a car coming the other way, the guy closest to me was lucky as i was going to take him out before i would cross the centre line.
Mar 25, 3:57pm
Im pretty sure they are only allowed 2 a breast when its safe to do so, if at any stage its not safe or they are holding up traffic they must go to single file. Iv had my own close call with 2 lycra wan#ers side by side 100kph area mid corner with a car coming the other way, the guy closest to me was lucky as i was going to take him out before i would cross the centre line.[/quote] Wouldn't a safer action have been for you to slow down and avoid them !
Mar 25, 4:29pm
I would pay to get that too. The cycle lanes in Chch are absolutely ridiculous (even pre quake). There are cycle lanes that start and just disappear into nowhere e.g. heading north on Madras approaching Latimer Square.
This wasn't an issue when I lived in QLD. They aren't even known for their cycle lanes but they're world class compared to here.
Mar 25, 5:23pm
so mid corner you would go from 100kph to 20kph by jumping on the brakes, let me know how that works out for you,
Mar 25, 5:49pm
If I couldn't see that far ahead, I wouldn't be travelling too fst to slow down to avoid an obstacle ahead. If it's a corner you are travelling around at 100kph. I would guess that there would be good visibility.
Mar 25, 6:09pm
bicycles, and any other chilrens toys, should not be allowed on roads, ever.
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