It's not guilty until proven innocent at all. It's "you committed an infringement offence, but have a specified defence to said offence". Ideally they would note on the system that they'd stopped you, then throw the book at you if you were stopped again. However if (for whatever reason) they choose to think you're somebody who would simply risk not being stopped again for a while they issue the ticket but give the compliance option. Yeah it's a hassle for you, but there's no ideal solution if you actually genuinely look at both sides of the situation.
Feb 18, 6:08pm
no you are allowed to drive a unregistered unwofed vehicle for the purpose of getting a wof on the road. its not a infringment it only is if i dont drive to the testing station. so dont talk crap please the cop even said that to me. the infringment is when you dont drive to a testing station. i di not do any infringment and had to proof it , So i am guilty untill proofen innocent . end of story
Feb 18, 6:28pm
This is incorrect. The legislation lays out the circumstances that result in an infringement offence (operating a vehicle without evidence of WOF), and it then lays out the conditions that (if met) constitute a defence. The offence still occured, it's just that you may have a defence. Obviously that defence becomes a little more clear cut if you choose to use a workshop that takes bookings. Not gonna argue this with you, doesn't bother me one iota who you believe. Y'all have a great day.
Feb 18, 6:40pm
i read the LTSA summation of these laws yesterday and it appears that the POlice can only give consideration to using the vehicle solely for the purpose of repair or certification. if it was me i would go to court. write an affidavit and supply any evidence you have to support you (photos of recent work or repair)
Feb 18, 7:34pm
Wah wah fu$%n wah! God some people bitch about trivial shite. The cop gave you compliance even though the vehicle was outside the compliance time frame. That way you only had to prove you had got said WOF and rego to get off. Yes, you do have a defends in law that you were driving the car to a place of inspection but that, once outside the compliance time frame, needs to be argued in court as the infringement bureau cannot withdraw an infringement that's (a) not offered compliance by the issuing officer or (b) outside the compliance framework. The cop cost your sorry ass as long as it takes to write and send a letter as opposed to as long as a court appearance takes you.
Feb 18, 8:00pm
Feb 19, 2:18am
i dont have to go to court he wrote on 14 day to comply wof and rego not even 30 minutes later i had a wof and a rego lable the problem i have with this law is that he said he makes up his mind if he gives me a fine or a compliance notice , when i am legally alowed to drive it to vtnz and they dont need boocking its why i went there or i be using the guy out the heads but he needs booking first. Anyhow i been to auckland and back and better pay my toll fees or i get another infringment notice again .
Feb 19, 2:19am
intrade i think you are taking yourself to seriously. you are not a liar but do you know who else says that? liars! so how would a cop know.
the police have three options. 1. fine everyone (you would get screwed) 2. fine noone that uses an easy excuse ( dangerous cars on our road people die) 3. give a reasonable 14 days to comply with the law as it stand and cost $0.50 to send a letter
or maybe you would prefer the rarer 4. let all the old white people off and fine all the darkies/young people.
Feb 19, 3:05pm
case of "overkill" maybe .
Feb 21, 10:08pm
Delivered on 20/02/15 at 08.45 AM and signed for by 6641 STEVE
Signed for by 6641 STEVE
Feb 21, 10:11pm
1993 was the last ime a cop with attitude stopped me, all the rest have been reasonable-to-excellent.
It seems that some people just seem to constantly attract the so called bullies and unreasonable ones.
Luckily I don't have that 'gift'!
Feb 21, 10:12pm
You live in Milton too?
Mar 12, 1:54am
i hope you all whatched fair -go its exactly how i feard it was. The cops can go hmmm hu ha hum let me see if i feel like giving you a ticket or not, YEa na well yea lets make it A TICKET since we need cristmas money . Good thing that guy takes the gungsters to court.
Mar 12, 2:07am
The cop can see instantly that you have a WOF and rego, the police system gets updated from the NZTA each day.
He is just making you jump through hoops.
Mar 12, 5:58am
I just finished watching Fair Go on Demand. I can see dash-cam's becoming popular if traffic officers start giving out tickets on the word of another motorist.
I was thinking about this thread today while driving around Whangarei in my unwarranted and unregistered vehicle - lol. I detoured to the valet before taking it for a WOF.
Explained to mechanic that I didn't want repairs done; only wanted a list of things that needed doing so I can put it on Trade Me and let people know what they're bidding on.
I knew I would have been screwed if a traffic officer pulled me over on my way home from the mechanics, so sorta went the tiki-tour way back home.
Which reminds me, what if interested bidders want to test drive the vehicle? How will they even get it home, since it's unregistered and unwarranted?!?
Mar 12, 11:17am
Hey man. read the original post! He was on his way to (repeat to) the testing station when pulled up by the cop. He didn't have the WOF or Reg yet. ! Sheesh!
Mar 12, 3:19pm
Where does the compliance timeframe come from since the defence in the regulations doesn't have any time constraints? There's a time constraint in the "licence label's in the post" defence but nothing about getting a WOF within any period after expiry of the previous one.
Mar 12, 3:38pm
the original post is i was on my way to wof with a car i had on hold 2 years I am legally aloowed to drive with no wof and rego for the purpose of obtaining the wof , the cop knows this and confirmed that to me He said everyone drives with no wof and rego and when pulled up they say i am on my way to the wof place. So esentially he said i am a liar indirectly , He also said he will think about if he is going to give me a compliance or a fine . and that is the part i have a problem with , compliance fine compliance fine let me think hmm he seems nice enough so lets not give him a fine , its all based on what ever they think of the time they feel like doing. its just confirmed with the case from fairgo that what i was thinking is correct. had i told the cop he was a revenue gatherer you can rest assure it would have been a fine not a compliance, and had he been in a bad mude i sure also would have had a fine and not compliance notice. its the playing God that the police can do with infringment notices that i have a problem with And i had the right to do what i did Should have a recorder on just in case this happens again and it must be 100 of tousends of fines that no one deserved like the guy on fair go. You are guilty untill you proof your self innocent in this country now.
Mar 12, 9:10pm
It seems to me that you are asking them to have a fixed and known policy, and not have any discretion at all. That way you would seem to be happy that at least you knew what was going to happen. You can bet that his instructions would be to issue the ticket. no alternative. Would that make you happy? Remove the ability to use discretion? Get real man! , you were given the opportunity to continue with what you were doing and thus got the chance to do it right and yet you moan about it. .
Mar 12, 10:19pm
RE 44 no i was lucky the cop was in a good mood so he did not give me a fine as he said he will think about what he will do as it was up to him to give a fine or not. If it would have been a fine i would have done the same thing sent it in registerd mail and waited for them to take me to court and then turn up with fair go in court.
Mar 12, 10:23pm
So what you're saying is no matter what he did he was going to be wrong
Mar 12, 10:28pm
i hope them people who dont get the point get dobed in and fined for dangerous driving and come here and moan about , i will then write ah well you deserved it be glad its only money and lets hope you get so much undeserved fines and car inpounded and loose your job over it should i then also say ! ah well be glad you got not more. its like in the mid-eavel times. your a witch and we drown you if you die you where not a witch if you dont die you are a witch and we burn you witch! That is about what its turning in to modern midle-ages . Bet some people on here where all for drowning witches and burning them if they did not die back then also.
Mar 12, 10:31pm
ne he could have said report to whangarei police station with proof that i went for the wof or i will get a fine after in the mail. or he could have folowd me the 800 meter down to the testing station to make sure i was getting a wof?$ but hey they cant do that must try and give out more infringment notices to fill the quata of written notices. that is what i recon is really behind it all
Mar 12, 10:36pm
the way it works they write out a notice and log it and it must be cleard by wellington police proofing his quota ranking , it probably dont matters if he sends infringmemt or fines as its the same notice just he writes there 14 day to comply. this would proof how good a quota filler he is when its loged in the system as the other way they could not count it in the quota filling system.
May 1, 10:58pm
Hows him following you to the testing station any different to him giving you a ticket with compliance? I get the feeling that if he had followed you you'd still be moaning that he didn't believe you AND followed you wasting tax payers dollars. And has the common thought train of cops giving tickets out to full a $ quoter changed now to having to just full a quoter of tickets handed out
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