There seems to be more police then cockroatches in this town.
Feb 16, 9:53pm
Well arent you lucky.
Feb 16, 9:58pm
rite i have to waste my time with todays buerokratism and did learn how things suposedly work. I went to get a wof with my car that was on hold for 2 years , and by avoiding a truck with gravel i choosen a other road that also leads to the testing station. So there is a roadblock for what apears to be booze check or something . i pull up and tell the officier i am on my way to the testing station. Get to pull over of course. He tells me that loads of people tell lies about going to the testing station and he be doing his checks and give me a fine or infingment notice. Right 15 minute later he returns with a form no current warrant of fitnes 200$ and drove a motor vehicle with license exemption. 150$ 14 day to comply . Well i already have the wof and rego just like i told him but aperantly my word is not good enough fair enough. His word wont be good enough for me also . Apperantly i was lucky that he disided to only give this under comply 14 days he told me werbaly as it seems to be up to them to just make up fines as they please is what i got from this. anyhow i now have to proof that i was right and not a liar by sending in the proof with a letter and wof rego date to wellington. I went to the cockroaches nest am i mean police station to find out and was told by the office lady yes once it has been entered only wellington can undo this .
Feb 16, 10:04pm
i will send this registerd track and trace to the cokroaches am sorry police in wellington because i dont trust them so i need proof that i sent the letter should i get a fine or anything later on . just in case somone has a similar thing and i would do this same thing even if your police officer dont gives you 14 day to comply.
Feb 16, 10:18pm
todays buerokratism
Brought to ya by C Roach. End of the day tis an offence and a phone call and BOOKING a time at the testing station PRIOR to committing the offence means you are eligible to be committing the offence -as you are driving it illegaly for the purpose of making it legal.
Feb 16, 10:36pm
Same down here although I have to say that we don't get cockroaches way down here!
Feb 16, 10:50pm
Think about it though. Should the police just believe everyone driving around with no reg and wof when they say that they are just driving to a testing station?
Or is it better to issue an compliance notice to ensure that is what happens. Seems like a common sense decision by the police (and I generally don't support them)
Feb 16, 10:52pm
Police don't have to take you on your word and you were clearly in the wrong. The fact they gave you compliance is all the leniency the law allows. And no, they don't make up the fines; they are set by parliament. You should have trailered the car and saved yourself some angst.
Feb 16, 10:55pm
"But officer I am on my way to the testing station"
"Oh! My mistake, really sorry to have stopped you sir! You haven't had a wof for 2 years, your car is clearly a hazard to other road users, and nobody ever lies to the Police. Righto no problems away you go."
Not gonna happen intrade
You are just lucky he didn't go over your car and find any major faults. He could have green or pink stickered you as well.
Feb 16, 11:02pm
you are wrong you are allowed to drive to a testing station and back for the purpos of a wof, the reason is because to much people just say thats what they do when they just drive round town. and i find it sligh impossible how i could have driven round town for 2 years with a car on hold when the parking wardens are like flyes checking your wof end rego also. But yes the police can not know if i lie or not , He could have followed me to the testing station , but then they would loose out on time to try and give others notices to make money from.
Feb 16, 11:04pm
ah yea crap green sticker lucky i was going to vtnz anyhow so i could have removed that sticker instantly . The thing is its morons who drive round town with no wof and rego that i have to now be part of this bullox buerocratism when what i done is perfectly legal.
Feb 16, 11:10pm
sorry intrade I genuinely do not see your problem. You WERE driving a vehicle with no rego or wof. You can't argue that. Where you may or may not have been going is up to you. That the cop believed you is clear because he gave you a 14 day compliance notice instead of just a ticket. So if you tell the truth --which you were of course and send in proof you have wof/rego the fine is wiped. You do realise he had the option to give you a normal no rego/no wof ticket don't you?
Feb 16, 11:18pm
yes exactly and thats where i have a problem. its up to them to give out fines how ever they please . i dont have a problem when things are fair and it is fair enough i was in my right to drive to the wof , so the policman said him self, but how can it be based on how he feels as to if he gives me a compliance or not. thats the part i do have a problem with would he have had a bad day nothing would have been different my car passed the wof instantly and was up to wof standard. its the fact that these things can be based on moods of a officer thats the part i do have a problem and that i have to write a letter now and pay 9$ registerd mail for it to try and proof i done nothing wrong.
Feb 16, 11:35pm
Nothing to do with his mood.Its to do with him being required to make a judgement call. Realistically what percentage of people who say they are going for a WOF actually are. Would 50% in your opinion be fair? Or 25% ? Have a read through the threads on this exact subject and see what conclusion you would draw if you were a cop.
Feb 16, 11:36pm
Why on earth would they believe someone?
"No officer I didnt kill him" . "oh my mistake, please let me apologise profusely"
Feb 16, 11:41pm
Tuesday, not a good day, they are all out.
Feb 16, 11:41pm
"How can it be based on how he feels as to if he gives me a compliance or not. "
Its the one little win they have for knobheads who give them major attitude. If you arent a knobhead and are reasonable, you get compliance. Which I guess is a win for you.
Feb 16, 11:43pm
I haven't read the whole thread, but a couple of things to be careful of intrade.
1. Send the letter a.s.a.p, from experience it seems that "mysteriously" it takes weeks for a fast post letter to arrive there. When it arrives "late" there is nothing you can do other than pay the fine, you can't request a court date or anything.
2. Unless something has changed since I wrote in last. You can't send a registered letter or a courier envelope to the address supplied. The Police unlike other government departments also don't adhere to the "postal acceptance rule" so it doesn't matter when your letter was post marked. If it goes in the bin. sorry I mean arrives "late" there is nothing you can do.
Pretty much it's a smarmy scam in my opinion. As I have said in past, it doesn't matter how much evidence you have on you that you are heading to a WOF station, if you get an idiot officer they will deliberately ignore it.
Having been caught out with this myself I even rang the local Police station the next time I had to take an un WOF'd vehicle to a testing station. I very very politely explained what I was doing and asked if they would mind noting the reg number and time/date I was taking it for testing so I could prove what I was doing. Instead of a friendly response I was quite literally yelled at and abused, told what I was doing was "illegal" and the only way it could be on the road was on the back of a truck.
Completely unacceptable.
Trouble is, this is what our Policing has become. It's not about the intention of the law or common sense any more. It's about exploiting loop holes and ignoring common sense so that they can get little ticks in their box's and various management up the chain can get their little bonus's and maintain budgets etc.
It will only stop when enough people, wake up, stand up and tell them we have had enough of this nonsense.
Feb 16, 11:48pm
^Courierpost or tracked via NZPost will get there fine. Other couriers will not be able to, they can't deliver to PO Box.
Feb 16, 11:52pm
I asked at the post office some years ago when I got caught out and for some reason they reckoned they couldn't by any means. I even specifically asked if I could courier to the address. (I think it was because there was no receiver to sign for it, so no proof of receipt)
This is great news if this has changed.
Feb 16, 11:59pm
Oh and before someone says, yes there are still some nice Police out there who use common sense and are fair, some entire stations even. However there are far too many who are just straight up bullies exploiting playing silly games for their own benefit. It should not be a "lottery" every time you encounter the Police. A polite encounter with a respectful officer policing the intent of the law with common sense and decency, should be the standard. If an officer repeatedly breaks the standard they should be shipped out.
Feb 17, 12:02am
well i got a courier bag and written nz police po box 6641 wellington on it and i purchased a track and trace signature required sticker will let you know once its on the way we could trace it togahter if it gets shipped.
Feb 17, 12:05am
So you can drive your unwarranted vehicle to the testing station to get a warrant. You get there and it fails because of say a blown bulb. If you drive it home can they ticket you?
Feb 17, 12:07am
he told me about that also
You must drive straight home no detours or round town and repair and comply within the 14 days. The policman was not unfriandly but neither was i am . This information is a s accurate as you will get it if its fully true i never know its what i was told.
Feb 18, 5:56pm
letter sent yesteday post did not say anything i could not send signature required post envelope. i got a normal mailer post courier bag they deliver to po boxes and a sticker signature required all up 9$ to proof that i am not a alegaded liar, because thats what this compliance note means that i am guilty untill i proof my self innocent. gungster police state its turning in to.
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