The Police in Toyotas or Skodas?

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gsimpson, Aug 26, 3:53pm

quickbuck, Aug 26, 4:24pm
pretty interesting. The Skodas must have come a long way since our Butter Milk Tade Deal of the 80's. (I think that what it was with the Checks, I was not quite in my teens yet when it all happened).
Could have been Ladas with the Ruskies thinking about it.

bjmh, Aug 26, 4:31pm
yep Ladas . I had the pleasure of fixing heaps for M.A.F . who being a government entity were blessed with trade of milk powder for Ladas

robotnik, Aug 26, 4:38pm
The Opel/Holden Insignia, the car presumably replacing the Commodore, is all wheel drive. I expect the Police will go with those for patrol cars when the Commodore ends production.

neell, Aug 26, 4:39pm
In case you hadn't noticed Police Ten7 on TV has been sponsored by Toyota for a while now and the car they use with the Ten7 numberplate is a Toyota.

poppajn, Aug 26, 4:42pm
I noticed on Gold Coast Cop's last night that they had Toyota's.

robotnik, Aug 26, 4:42pm
How about something like these Insignias as our cop cars? The cops won't like the diesels though I guess.

robotnik, Aug 26, 4:57pm
The cops drove a few Maximas back in the 1990s. How did they like those cars seeing as they were front wheel drive?

bumfacingdown, Aug 26, 5:09pm
From what I heard they were not wide enough if you had two big cops in the front, getting in the car in a hurry was interesting as one had to shut their door and lean forwards to give the other room to lean over and close their door

quickbuck, Aug 26, 5:22pm
They also drove Mitsi V3000's too. Apparently they used to get a little tail happy in a pursuit and the result's were not so good for the pursuing officer.

saxman99, Aug 26, 5:31pm
Yup I spotted one the other day, followed it for a while. Looked like a Police car.

brapbrap8, Aug 26, 5:46pm
Yep I saw the Pukekohe one a couple of weeks back, wondered what that was all about.

henreitta, Aug 26, 6:05pm
And , way. , way . , back, when it was the M O T, seprate to police they had mk 3 cortina,s, got a photo somewhere of my brother when he was a " traffic cop "" standing by his cortina cop car,

robotnik, Aug 26, 6:27pm
More recently in like the early 2000s there were AWD Mitsubishi Diamante patrol cars, which I think were mostly used in the snow country.

bjmh, Aug 26, 6:28pm

ema1, Aug 26, 7:25pm
Way back when city corporations (down south anyway) they had Mini Cooper S and Fiat 1500 Crusader's albeit rather hotted up ones with city insignia on them, some were mufti as well.
There used to be a Subaru Turbo used in the McKenzie Country from Twizel I believe years ago.
I remember the cops using a mix of cars like Ford Zephyr Mk1 & Mk2 and Mk 4 Not sure if they used the Mk3?
They used Vauxhall Velox PB 3.3litre cars, MOT mufti's had all manner of car makes, one local MOT cop used a hotted up AP6 Valiant not sure if it was a Slant 6 or a 273 V8 but man he could catch most stuff on the road at that time?
Various Falcons were used too, VIP or top brass Police often used Ford Fairlanes, even Holden Premier and Statesman cars.
I recall the "brass" coming through my home town in a "Marked" statesman at one time, could have been during a Royal Tour . not sure about the event.
I remember the school patrol instructor cop that came around odd times in the 1950's, he had a 1946-7-8 Ford Clubman V8 Coupe with the red cherry light on top and extra lights including a rivers 'A' pillar mounted spot light plus all the MOT insignia on his all black car, no doubt it had a siren too?
I remember his name as Officer Roker, perhaps others in the southern region can recall him, I remember he was a very tall chap or perhaps that perception was because I would have been 6-8 year of age back when he came around the schools in the 1950's.
I used to work on various MOT & Police Grey Holdens ( mainly HR HT-HG a then lots of HQ & HJ models)and Ford Falcons & a couple of MK4 Zephyrs when I was at our local GM-H franchise garage, interesting days they were.
Quite a number of mufti's were used down our way too , I worked on several of those too.
Police used various models of Holdens vans/utes for dogs and "paddy" wagons?
Some of the MOT cars were weighed down to a rediculas degree with truck weighing scales etc I recall then they started using vehicles for the purpose when the MOT and Police merged.
It will interesting thing to see what vehicles they use after the demise of Commodores and falcons in Australia.
Some of the police specials from GM UK or Ford UK would fit the bill I guess as the UK GM & Ford product has been used here in the past as well as a few of the ubiquitous old Wolseley cars by Police same as the UK cops used.
Interesting read here. Several interesting pages here on this site.

rob_man, Aug 26, 7:26pm
They should be right at home in vehicles from the communist bloc, they're becoming accustomed to being used as a political tool.

saxman99, Aug 26, 7:59pm
Skoda's are just VW these days.

richardmayes, Aug 26, 8:02pm
Aurions are good cars. Same power as the Holden 3.6 litre. At just about any speed you can give it full throttle without hesitation, knowing the car will just follow the engine and never swap ends.

bjmh, Aug 26, 8:50pm
ema1 . can you remember the old sirens under the bonnet,i was setting tappets on a mk4 v6 . crouched up where the spare wheel was,i saw a solenoid and thought aww cool I don't have to jump the starter. so proceeded to hit this solenoid . I just about crapped myself when the siren lit up. they take ages to wind down.

jmma, Aug 26, 8:57pm
I do, was like a starter motor with a fan on it, made a hell of a racket in the workshop and yes did take ages to wind down.
We used to store a EH Police car in the workshop as well, think it is at the Police museum now.

phalanax, Aug 26, 9:11pm
Ive seen an xe mitsi diamante sedan (4wd) used by police just out of Dargaville over a decade ago. I imagine it had greater ram ability due to the 4wd. in fact I would imagine it would shunt a commie back nose to nose. another undercover car I remember was a v6 honda 2000+ year just out of Paeroa. they used to also use some of the nzpost vehicles for undercover work I think. Im in favor of them having all sorts of brands that way its harder to spot them. hey everyone knows to keep an eye out for a commie with lightbars running down the back window or on the front dash sides.

bryshaw, Aug 26, 10:10pm
Boot leather is far cheaper, you know, the beat.

brapbrap8, Aug 26, 10:33pm
The new VF mufti cars are very hard to spot.
No lights in the windows anymore, all integrated with the headlights and tail lights.
They have a very small radar mounted to the bottom right corner of the back window and an extra aerial that is very thin and hard to see.
I was following one for a while on the waikato expressway and I wasn't even sure it was a cop car until he put on the lights to nab the car that overtook us at pace.

ema1, Aug 26, 11:11pm
Hell yes I sure do, been down that same track actually and like you almost crapped myself.
I remember one of the local MOT cops driving into the w/shop one day to get some stuff done on his car and he always gave the siren switch a blip as he came through the door, well on one particular day he did the siren thing and whatever must have jammed on, wouldn't shut off and we had to take the battery lead off to stop it.
Turns out the solenoid jammed on, what a hell of a racket inside the w/shop in a confined space, took my damn ears about 30 mins to come right after that event.
Funny as hell though I must admit?