Caldina not starting

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saltoftheearth, Jan 6, 11:27pm
My daughter arrived home yesterday no problems went to leave for work this afternoon and the car wouldn't start,wound over fine but just not firing.
I don't have any technical gear to check relays,sensors etc and I'm far from being mechanically minded,I guess I'm hoping it would be something relatively basic considering it the car functioning one minute and not the next.
I've been under the bonnet making sure plugs are plugged in and no wires or hoses aren't disconnected,I have no idea which line is the fuel line or even where the fuel pump is!. I loved me simple old Morry back in the day.
My daughter car is a 96 fuel injected 2.0 Toyota Caldina.
I know I'm pretty much asking for a miracle but hey!. sometimes miracles happen ; )
Cheers for responses.

franc123, Jan 6, 11:34pm
Very very few things cause a no start situation with those.
Does the engine sound normal when its being cranked?

saltoftheearth, Jan 6, 11:37pm
Yes it turns over fine just not firing whatsoever. quite strange since its been trouble free for he last 3yrs.

msigg, Jan 6, 11:39pm
Best you join AA for your daughters sake, small price to pay for some good advice and breakdown service.

bigfatmat1, Jan 6, 11:40pm
You could lift the lid on the rectangle plug by the left strut tower marked diagnostics bridge out pins te1 and e1 then hop in drivers seat the engine light will hopefully flash some Morse code long flash tens short flash 1's take note and report back simple car simple to diagnose

saltoftheearth, Jan 6, 11:49pm
Bridge out pins?. sorry BFM1 I'm not as clever as I may think sometimes,do you mean remove them?

henderson_guy, Jan 6, 11:55pm
Connect them.

rbd, Jan 6, 11:56pm
Does the car have an alarm system or immobilizer fitted, even if it is not used any more?

Dumb question. Got gas?

saltoftheearth, Jan 6, 11:58pm
Found the diagnostic box and will bridge the pins now HDSNG

jmma, Jan 7, 12:05am
Not turning over faster than normal?
What is the milage?

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:06am
Ok!. bridged te1 and e1. turned on ignition and the engine symbol dashlight light flashed continuously.

No alarm or emobiliser RBD and yup almost half a tank of fuel.

henderson_guy, Jan 7, 12:09am
Did it flash in any pattern? I.e. long and short flashes?

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:10am
Seems to be turning over normally JMMA just no sign of firing. she's done just over 220000 ks and had a full service in September.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:12am
No pattern as such just a continuous blinking similar to an indicator.

poppy62, Jan 7, 12:13am
Not my Field (or paddock) but do these have an Ignition module?

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 12:19am
No fault codes if a continuous flash which would generally mean flooded, coil, rotor, fuel pump ideally you need to pull a plug lead off and check for spark while cranking

intrade, Jan 7, 12:19am
first thing to check professionall diagnostic wise is
foot on gas pedal 1/4 down and tr and start it if it starts i can tell you what is wrong.
if it dont next step will be inspecting for broken cambelt ,
then if it has spark and fuel.
that is all that needs checking on these they are high emission cars who use almost no sensors to start up
Messing with diagnostic ports wont tell you squat on these , A good swapatron mechanic should be able to fix it.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:21am
Not my Field (or paddock) but do these have an Ignition module?[/quote]

Just had a wee google and from what I could see the 96 has a coil etc didn't notice any suggestion of a module.

jmma, Jan 7, 12:22am
OH only just run in then (o:

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 12:22am
what a load crap you talk sometimes. Over complicate everything FYI mesing with diagnostic ports will tell us the ignition module is working as well as cam and crank sensors.! With the limited knowledge of the op as coils and ignition modules and rotorsare big on failures on these vehicles

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:30am
Well I guess a miracle isn't coming my way on this one guys. looks like a job for a professional.
My daughter will learn for the first time that to own a vehicle there will be times of expense and that is why we work to earn a living.

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 12:33am
Na simple car check 4 spark pull a plug lead out stick a screwdriver up it hold the shaftt 1cm away from metal and get someone to crank it look 4 a spark

intrade, Jan 7, 12:36am
so did you do what i said also try above?

intrade, Jan 7, 12:41am
also it does not have a cam nor crank sensor the diagram below is what all mid 90s toyota run for ignition its all inside the distributor whom is driven by the cambelt via the camshaft. so a broken cambelt= no spark

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:45am
No spark BFM1. tried 2 leads and no joy!
I suppose the reason for loss of spark could be many and or complicated?