Caldina not starting

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intrade, Jan 7, 12:46am
while your under the bonnet look up the engine code 3s-fe? 4s-fe or similar nummer and letters an post them here.

jmma, Jan 7, 12:47am
Can you see if the cam is turning or the rotor, you need to check to see if cambelt is not stripped or broken.

intrade, Jan 7, 12:48am
2 reasons for that
1broken cambelt
or 2 a nuked ignitor module. Both a result of no maintainace.

open the oil filler and look inside if you can see anything like a shaft looking thing if you do crank it over while looking in there for movement.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:49am
Is there a way to check the cambelt INTRADE?

intrade, Jan 7, 12:52am
see above , you can also remove the distributor cap and see if the rotor finger rotates when cranking or not.
We need the engine code as if it is whats called a interfearance engine and the cambelt is broken then it will have bent valves = loads of money for repair. if its non interfearance then it can be fixed just with servicing of cambelt components, engine code will tell this.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 12:56am
Model E-ST191G-DWPGK
Engine 3S-FE 1998
Frame No ST191-0043848

Oh! by the way just noticed its a 93 not a 96.

jmma, Jan 7, 12:59am
Safe as houses, whip dissy cap off, get someone to wind it over and see if rotor is turning. Oh and have a cuppa (o:

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 12:59am
what do you think is in the dizzy that gives the comp a signal. Oh a cam and crank sensor with a reluctor . How else you think it gets its signal. Also the ignition module will be more than likely OK because the is no "no ig -ve " code. 2 things op check for spark again this time shifting screwdriver as close to metal as possible while still maintaiNing a gap. If no spark remove dizzy cap check dizzy is turning while cranking

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 1:01am
non interference engine will not bend valves ect

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:05am
Looked down the oil filler and the view s obstructed,removal of the distributor from what I can see requires undoing bolts/screws not like that of the old clip on jobs back when. does that sound right?

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 1:06am
3 8mm bolts to hold cap on have Phillips head in them to. May need to pull intake pipe off to access easier pretty straight forward. Do not remove dizzy at this stage just cap

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:09am
Ok I'll get onto it right now.

intrade, Jan 7, 1:15am
and look at the engine number on firewall?

jmma, Jan 7, 1:16am
Pppssssttttt post #33

snoopy221, Jan 7, 1:19am
Weirdly enough the ole 3sfE in the caldina is very prone to generating an oil leak from the oil pump seal.May have dropped an oil soaked cambelt. If ya distributor rotor is not turning when cranking have a look down under the vehicle drivers side back of the lower plastic cam cover for signs of an oil leak.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:26am
The beginnings of a miracle I'm hoping.
The rotor spins upon turning of the ignition key.

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 1:31am
My guess would be coil inside dizzy is crook ideally you need to check it for spark or a sign a faint spark with dizzy cap off

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 1:32am
How long ago were the spark plugs replaced maybe you should pull one out and assess could be what has caused ign failure

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:32am
What's the process in that BFM1?

bigfatmat1, Jan 7, 1:35am
Do you have a test light and a bit of electrical wire ?

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:39am
I have a volt type light with earthing 240v etc,I could try that.

saltoftheearth, Jan 7, 1:45am
There's a plastic cover beneath the rotor and the rotor is held in firm. is there a technique to removing it to remove the plastic cover?

saltoftheearth, Mar 13, 5:08am
Hampered by loss of daylight. will get back to y'all tomorrow. have. Good evening : )