Mazda 626 sporthatch v6 2.2 cooked engine

ange206, Mar 28, 5:37pm
hi motorers,ive got a lot of time on my hands and want to recoup the most from this by wrecking myself and sticking parts for sale on here,rather than reap $200 from car pick her uppers.
soo is this a sort after vehicle for parts or not that common?

tamarillo, Mar 28, 5:42pm
Search under parts and see what comes up. If not much you at least will have what someone needs when they want it. But it'll have to be cheap.

_peas, Mar 28, 6:14pm
I've never even heard of one? A 2.2 V6 Mazda? What year is this?

ange206, Mar 28, 6:20pm
Sorry im blonde, it is a manual nz new 1992 sportshatch, maybe 2.5 not 2.2

_peas, Apr 7, 2:47pm
The manual box may be worth something but on the whole I would say you'll have it on your lawn for a while. If you are keen then by all means go for it but cars of that age no-one bothers fixing up properly. If its still running then great, not worth spending money on. A mechanic may pick it up off you for more than $200 to fix and flick on. low res auction.