This is a serious issue, one that needs many many hours spent by yourself pondering and worrying, writing hundreds of letters, perhaps picketing outside parliament. Late nights on this thread worrying about it will also help, you need to forget about children starving all over the world, ISIS wanting to cut your head off, and predators out there looking for children, concentrate on this, and keep in touch here so we can all see how you get on. Best of luck.
Feb 22, 1:13pm
Of course they can ! They are cops ! Would you like it if you called cops to catch the burglar breaking into the house next door and he kept his siren going right up to the front door announcing his arrival from about 5 blocks away ? The burglar would be well gone prior to arrival.
Feb 22, 1:30pm
Ha ha, like in American tv programs.
Feb 22, 1:32pm
In part I agree, mostly they do a great job and get my respect. No problem. This makes it all the sadder that they seem to have lost their public service ethos and are alienating people with draconian and unsuccessful traffic policing. After my last incident I won't trust one to treat with respect and care, and will record things. I have known coppers who admit to their frustration at these stupid traffic policing policies and see the damage it does, a damage that overflows into places like this. The frustration of citizens has to go somewhere.
Feb 22, 2:42pm
Often in times of emergency , Seconds can mean the difference between life and death . If a police car passes you at speed , instead of thinking of what laws they may be breaking how about putting those thoughts and energy into hoping that they get there quick enough and whatever victims they may be attending are ok .
The Feds generally are there for us , why not try and be there for them !
You are probably the kind of person who would moan if the cops didn't get to you promptly when needed !
Feb 22, 9:38pm
Actually, you were driving at an indicated 72kph, which is probably more like 65. And now you estimate the unmarked car was doing 15 more than you, which by your "expert" analysis would be 80KPH, which is the speed we all think we should be able to do in 70KPH zone without getting a ticket.
What's the issue again?
Feb 23, 3:50am
Leave the pig alone he must have sniffed out truffles and in a hurry to get to it.
Feb 24, 4:27pm
I wouldn't want to be a cop in NZ. Too many people just love to have a go at them and criticize anything they do because they know better. The few Police I have encountered in my life have been the nicest, most respectful and mature people I have ever met. You don't do this job for the money, but to help the community and all people want to do is have a go at them. Must be a tough job, especially now everyone is ready to wip out their cellphone cameras at a moments notice and post things on social media out of context.
Feb 24, 5:08pm
sounds like someone got a speeding ticket recently and is now a bit snippy.
maybe just focus on your speed.
I'm sure you'll get over it . one day.
May 28, 8:59pm
Simple explanation . >>
Yes & No
No if they are simply between jobs Eg: on open cruise mode. Yes if the specific job on hand requires a stealth approach.
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