Are police allowed to speed without lights and / or siren? Was in a 70 km/h area. Needle was sitting at about 72 km/h. Mufti cop car passes me in other lane. I know not all odometers are accurate but if I was doing 70 they were doing 85
Feb 21, 9:04pm
Under normal course of duties they have to obey all rules of the road, just like the rest of the populace. They are not above the law. But like everything else out there there will be breaches of rules. just human nature at work.
Feb 21, 9:20pm
rosehonda -In theory they are soposed to have fulle "blues n two's" going but there are circumstances where its best not to.-Circumstances where they don't want to announce their arrival.
Feb 21, 9:22pm
at the end of the day waste of time reporting it they were either on a job were they didn't want their presence known or they had a human moment and made a mistake
Feb 21, 11:07pm
I used to follow an end-of-shift cop from P North to Feilding at 140kph, every Tuesday evening. He knew I was there, I knew he was going home to dinner, both got home in good time . Good ol' days.
Feb 21, 11:27pm
I'm just sick of the double standard. I often see police cars speeding which don't seem to be in pursuit of anything. So was wondering if they were technically allowed to speed for work purposes without lights and or / siren.
Feb 21, 11:55pm
Oh great, just what we needed, another "Bag a Cop" thread. <---------- Opinions and Politics thataway!
Feb 21, 11:59pm
Perhaps, then, you could contact the Police and ask that they do not break any written laws whenever you call them for help at your location or home. Seems a reasonable request, don't you think?.
Feb 22, 12:01am
. or. or you could ask them to call you and let you know what they are doing each time they have to go somewhere without lights and siren. That should cure your admitted sickness since you would no longer stress when you see it happening.
Feb 22, 12:01am
And what speed above any set limits would (well, are, as you said) they be able to travel at without L&S? 110 120 150?
Feb 22, 12:01am
No this is a specific enquiry about ROAD policing. Correctly asked in motoring this way ----------->
No one is forcing you to read Police related threads, just like no one forces me to read your posts, when they get to much I just fire up the troll blocker.
Feb 22, 12:06am
No lights, no siren. How do we know it was a mufti cop. ?
Feb 22, 12:14am
depends on priority of job . road conditions . other traffic . amongst other things .
Feb 22, 12:19am
Well fire it up then. Just a quote before I go start a motoring thread (o:
The NZ Police do a fantastic job. Let them do there job. I have to agree with Jmma, " Walk in there shoes for a day", Thats if you reckon you can do a better job. The only people that seem to put the police down are generally the ones that do wrong.
Feb 22, 1:21am
We all know what mufti cars look like. Standard rims and lights at the bottom of the window.
Feb 22, 1:26am
Online forums never fail to amaze me. It was a fairly simple question. Que the storm. Now I apparently have an admitted sickness and am bagging cops.
Feb 22, 1:31am
So you think the double standard is acceptable and it is ok for them to speed (by roughly 15 km/h ) when they are not required to do so for work purposes and at the same time ticket the rest of the public for doing a few k's over the posted limit?
What other laws should they be allowed to break considering the fantastic work they do?
Feb 22, 1:32am
Did you read the link I provided?
Feb 22, 5:09am
So on a similar line What should one do about the idiot copos involved in the speed tests in the Lundy case.
The copper has admited on oath that he was driving at 140k.
Feb 22, 5:33am
You have a date, an offence and a location. Lay a complaint.
140km/h is instant death isn't it? The big sign on the side of the road that told me that sub 100 was safe and anything over 100 was death.
That is why if you get stopped doing 40km/h over the speed limit your licence is automatically suspended for 28 days and you get given a summons?
Feb 22, 12:50pm
Havnt you got some letters to write about a cop that did a u turn in front of you 25 years ago?
Feb 22, 12:53pm
Where is that sign? Because it might just finally help all those people that have never seen such a sign but continue to use it as a pathetic excuse the bag speed limits.
Feb 22, 12:53pm
And how has their behaviour affected you? Did you need counselling afterwards?
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