Next time any of you are in a pub, ask the manager if they have a breathalyser you can use, I have found many do.
Jan 27, 8:39pm
Because it doesn't seem to matter how much evidence you have with you that you are on the road for purposes of obtaining a WOF, some Police will refuse to look at it. Instead they just fob you off to "write in" so they can get their little ticks in their box's.
Not sure what it's like now but when I last "wrote in" it was a blatant scam. You couldn't track a letter to their post box, there was no electronic means of writing in and it seems they throw the last few weeks of letters that arrive before the deadline in the bin and pretend they didn't arrive. Then you have ZERO recourse to take it to court or anything. They also don't abide by the postal acceptance rule like the rest of civilised society.
Like so much of Policing, it's a blatant scam to catch out busy people on technicalities in the name of statistics and budgets. It has little to nothing to do with safety anymore.
Jan 27, 8:42pm
Yes, their reason was pathetic, and easily solved by having someone draft up a waiver for them to sign explaining that the test is a "snapshot in time etc".
If the system get's abused with too many unnecessary breath tests etc, then it should be up to the station involved to knock it on the head. Just as they had already decided to only offer the service when they had time available.
If you want to complain about tax dollars being wasted, perhaps consider the enormous sum spent changing the drink driving law, which was pushed through despite even the Governments own (optomistic) figures saying any improvement in the road toll would be within the margin of error.
Then consider the massive amount of cash spent processing all those extra drivers on an ongoing basis. Aside from all the wasted cash, it's also a waste of resources. While those drivers are being processed and fined, real road hazards stream on by.
Our Police are little more than a self serving game of smoke and mirrors and budget merry go round nonsense. All while people condone this great scam, real people are losing their lives and having their lives ruined. Aside from the massive direct waste of taxpayer dollars and productivity, there are all sorts of secondary costs such as higher insurance premiums because Police have little to no interest in burglary's and other crime.
Jan 27, 8:43pm
If it was booked in for WoF, the cop just had to ring garage. Your rant was for nothing.
Jan 27, 8:47pm
Yes, the cop just had to ring the Police. but they often refuse to, even when offered a phone with the number already dialed. That's the point, and if you had actually read and comprehended what was written instead of just blindly reacting you would have already understood that.
Jan 27, 9:05pm
Many years ago i recall a cop in the carpark of local cossie club . He was giving breath tests to potential drivers , no tickets, just issued warnings if they blew over the then 100 mg /l Then there was the opposite , cops putting a yellow cross with felt pen on headlights & nabbing those with it coming past . This was when they had to have "cause to believe you had been drinking ". I got nabbed
Jan 27, 9:30pm
"The cop just had to ring the Police" ? Maybe you should have a sit down. With regards to the refusing breath tests, I agree that it's a great service to provide but really you are only five minutes from a "pass" to a "fail" as more alcohol gets absorbed into your system. What if someone passed one of these informal tests then, five minutes later, got into a car and drove into one of your rellies and then tested just over but claimed "Constable So and So said I was under" ? Then you'd be after the cop for letting the drink driver go.
Jan 27, 10:11pm
I agree with most of what you said in your post #28. Though the last paragraph gets a bit hysterical. But the drink driving law change does suck up some time for being wasted.
But this line above is utter rot. Go for a ride-along for one evening and you will see how wrong you are.
Alas, we digress.
Jan 27, 10:31pm
Hm, there was a cop that I knew about 3-4 years ago who was telling me "Nothing better than bagging a burglar" and said there's a few cops that also take delight in catching one and getting them put in jail. (Well if the Courts do their job!)
Jan 27, 11:12pm
Never mind jaz, they were doing their best to save the motorists money last weekend, Aucks to Whakatane and return, NO cops in your area both ways and only ONE camera car (NOT half way along the passing lanes) for the whole trip. And that was Aucks Anniversary Weekend. I see what you mean by the old farts making sure no one speeds though, were you on the road when we passed thru? :-)
Jul 17, 6:01pm
Doc told me if do hard physical excersize & hyperventilate , your system will burn appro 16 mgs alcohol in30 minutes . But these days you wouldnt get the chance . In old days they had to wait for a doc to come & do the blood sample , but often they took hour or more to turn up .
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