Yip had to stop Friday night at 730pm for the check point, Im all legit But she told me i was speeding. She said she was trained I should have asked to see the calibration tattoo on the side of her neck for the last calibration certificate of her brain and eyeballs. I mean really? As far as im concerned if you don't have a leg to stand on shut ya mouth and get on with the breath test rather than telling me i was speeding when i wasn't. Are the police so stupid these days? I was in front of my speed o, she had nothing. Back and forth she said speeding, i said um no. Held the line up for her bit of unproven self importance, Her brain is better than mine just cos she wears the name police lol
Mar 14, 2:27pm
just dont say anything wrong, and yes some are stupid unfortunately , the one i had to deal with was ok as he came to the correct conclusion. i dont know but its exactly turning in to what i said years ago. Do you know they also dont need a search warrant to raid your house. they already raided a old grannys house when this law came in and woops sorry wrong adress never mind the mess we made. and the shock the old granny must have had from the swat team who cant even get a adress correct.
Mar 14, 8:02pm
yes but you know its a hiding to nothing if you get smart that's when a 2 minute breath test becomes a 2 hour car examination followed by weeks of harrasement
Mar 14, 8:10pm
SOO--did she give you a ticket or not? If yes then point of discussion . if not then whats the point?
Mar 14, 8:12pm
Youn can easily tell if an approaching vehicle is going over 50km/h or whatever. Bet you were speeding OP. You probably weren't really watching your speed as well as you think, or else your speedo may be out.
Mar 14, 8:22pm
there doesn't always have to be a point sometimes its called a observation
Mar 14, 8:26pm
well done for being sober driving.
Mar 14, 11:37pm
This ^
Mar 14, 11:54pm
Demerit points.
Mar 15, 12:50am
1kph ova. Yea sure ;-)
Mar 15, 12:51am
Eyeballing 5kph . yea RIGHT . 10kph maybe if you know the area/ no other traffic & paying serious attention
Mar 15, 12:55am
I had an interesting experience a while back. Had just exited the 50Kph speed limit out of town and wound the Supra up for a blast to 130Kph. Then decided enough, lifted off and punched the cruise control on. Then a cop coming the other way did a quick U-turn and pulled me over. The cop said he had got me on radar at 121 Kph.
I said, I don't see how that is possible as I was on cruise control at the time and that won't allow the car to go over 104Kph on the speedo. I just kept politely saying that, while he rabbited on.
In the end end he let me go with no ticket - I really did not expect that. I had told him the truth, just not quite all of it.
Mar 15, 1:04am
Who said it was one km/h over? OP could easily have been 10km/h over if he/she wasn't payiing much attention.
Mar 15, 3:06am
yep he probly had other things on his mind .
Mar 15, 2:40pm
awesome, your lies allowed you to avoid a punishment for your wrong doing. You should tell your kids so they can learn from their awesome dad.
Mar 15, 2:44pm
But you didn't get a ticket ?
Mar 15, 4:06pm
Yes. Happened to stepson. Police did a U-turn on a suburban street after said stepson entered the street on his motorbike from the traffic lights. Whilst they fluffed around, they lost sight of him (curved street) so cruised up and down each side street until they spied him, parked, helmet off and talking to his mum, five minutes later.
They accused him of speeding even though no radar and hadn't been able to follow him.
Issued a ticket for an estimated 100kph so we took it to court. Stepson admitted in court he might have been doing 55kph, not the (impossible) 100kph the cops accused him of.
Convicted and fined on that basis. Has no respect for the police whatever having also been falsely accused in the past and the cop admitted at the time he had no radar, but in court, said that he had. Court sergeant (to my wife) said "We lie, they lie, so who do you think the court believes?"
Stepson, who has always admitted his guilt when in the wrong - he is no angel, is now no supporter of the police or the court system when it comes to traffic offences. Especially so if riding a motorbike.
Mar 15, 5:44pm
Nope no ticket. The point is she hasn't had her noodle or eyeball certified or calibrated to have that much accuracy. They should bread her and then they could throw away all the speed cameras and save a shit load don't ya think :) lol Many years ago i had a cop tell me he could tell if a wof was out when driving in the other direction at 30 -50Ks, Maybe hes the father of the eyeball lmao
Mar 15, 6:36pm
Yeah she was a dreamer, and she knew it. About 4 times she tried to tell me i was speeding, Just kept saying No i wasn't. LOL
Mar 15, 6:47pm
I pretty much don't have alot of time for them these days, the older ya get the wiser ya get. Lets face it, how can they judge the speed with no radar and give a ticket when the police can often be wrong, just gotta look at some high profile jail cases that they couldn't get right. So yip they can be wrong lol Did ya stepson take a lawyer to court with him, Doesn't sound like it, the most money often wins
Edit to say im talking about a few Ks over. Not 50 or so Ks for all you others reading this
Mar 15, 6:53pm
#10 i think you could be right.
Mar 15, 7:04pm
They aren't there to help you, they are there to get convictions. Remember that next time you are stopped.
Mar 15, 7:18pm
Thats right #24 tell em nothing. It will be the young ones that blunder. Year or so back i went through an intersection and maybe i didn't have my seat-belt on, but i do wear it religiously. I got a phone call, i let it go the machine, it was another police lady saying she seen my vehicle go through the intersection and the driver wasn't wearing a seat-belt, could you call me back on police station # blahh blahh blahh, I mean she might aswell have said blah blah blah coz as if im going to call the police lmao. She never did call back and i never got a ticket. Business vehicle with my number on it.
edit to say that she would know some idiots would call her back
Mar 15, 7:46pm
The relative self importance of the two participants perhaps ?
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