Notice how desperate and weak the answers from the LTSA were?
Time to get rid of GST on rates and other ticketing for revenue nonsense as well. All this stupidity just makes the cost of living in NZ even more unaffordable.
It's time the Government was reminded they work for us! NOT the other way around.
Oct 16, 7:18am
Well, if Winnie ends up going with Labour we might see a change, but I wouldnt bet on it. How much pull will Twyford have I wonder?
Oct 16, 7:18am
Just have a free for all then. No rego/wof or speed limits
Oct 16, 7:45am
"An Auckland vehicle owner received 58 fines in one year" What can you say about that person, "slow" would be being polite
Oct 16, 7:48am
I bet none of those fines got paid.
Oct 16, 7:49am
The more tax they can extract from the hapless. the more money they can squander on destroying the Planet.
Oct 16, 7:49am
I have two. but that's not the point.
Oct 16, 7:52am
I don't see why local councils should be able to issue fines for not displaying rego, that is just blatant revenue gathering. It really has nothing to do with them. You have to remember, this is not a safety issue, it is just a tax
Oct 16, 7:53am
I am seriously considering starting a party for next election. It's that or wanting to throttle the current selection for their incredible stupidity and extreme incompetence.
Where is the common sense?
Certainly, no common sense when it comes to "worksafe" and almost every other government department. Take a moment and try and think of one government department that is actually working efficiently and effectively. I am really struggling!
(Before anyone bleats. worksafe is very much a motoring issue, ask any mechanic or automotive dismantler, not to mention those of us paying for this nonsense via absurd parts and repair prices)
Oct 16, 8:02am
Yep. It's continuous licensing too, so in the end, you have to pay. Either when you sell the vehicle, deregister the vehicle, or backpay it when you get the licence up to date. Adding a fine on top doesn't make any sense.
Oct 16, 8:03am
A tax that you will ultimately pay, possibly even thru the likes of a debt collection company. They have the technology now whereby it only takes a few seconds for them to check whether the CVL is current or not, 200 clams for failing to display, or for something that you are going to have to pay anyway is a bit over the top and can only at best be described as revenue collection. Even as a private citizen it only takes a few seconds to check your current WOF expiry date if the actual date on the label has faded, so why can't they check whether or not it is current instead of just slamming you for 200 clams . they seem to be able to have the technology in their hands that enable them to simplify the issue of infringement notices without too many issues eh, mongrels.
It seems the councils get half of the revenue on the tickets they issue, so revenue collection sharing it is eh
Most countries in the world have a vehicle licensing fee. No, it's not a rort, a rip off or a scam, but a sensible charge against the vehicle owner for the privilege or using a motor vehicle on public roads. The fact the cost has dramatically fallen due to decreases in ACC levies is something to be applauded. I think there is much bigger things to be worried about than this. Nothing in this life is free and it's a user pays system. Don't like it? then get off the road.
Oct 16, 8:36am
Yep. This message board needs a "like" button.
Oct 16, 8:52am
licensing is paid so its never unlicensed unless it is 1=deregisterd or you park it 2= on hold . So they are commiting frawd . This not display current registration is something they sucked out of there fingers . They could also make a fine for display of current registration. Same thing . Stuff made up for pure gathering of revenue. The fines are proportionatly unreseanable. 200$ to license a car and 200$ because the license had fallen out and the thug issues you a fine for not displaying current license. Same thing why not make a fine for the display of a current license . Since its about revenue gathering that way you can get 200 of everyone who park there car.
Oct 16, 8:55am
I don't think anyone is saying that the tax isn't necessary, of course it is necessary, particularly the ACC component. I think the issue is the way it is being collected. Being fined for something that you are going to have to pay is a rort simply because for whatever reason you have failed to renew your CVL.
Oct 16, 9:40am
I think any vehicle that has warrant and/or rego expired more than 6 months ago should be impounded on the spot. It shows they have no regard for the laws. After one month storage the costs must either be paid, a payment arrangement made (to keep the bleeding hearts happy) or the car sent to a wrecker with A Pillars cut.
One person with 58 fines shows our current system is ineffectual.
Oct 16, 9:41am
Agree none of their business just collecting $ . Bad enough police spent mill$ on # plate cams for same reason .
Oct 16, 9:49am
I was refering to;; Great to see!
Notice how desperate and weak the answers from the LTSA were?
Time to get rid of GST on rates and other ticketing for revenue nonsense as well. All this stupidity just makes the cost of living in NZ even more unaffordable.
It's time the Government was reminded they work for us! NOT the other way around.
No,that shows the enforcement system is ineffectual in nz.Get caught in the UK,driving or parked and youve, got 2 weeks to pay insurance/tax/MOT or the car is off to the crusher and youve still got the fines to pay.
Oct 16, 9:54am
Quite a lot, he`s always, at it, he might go blind.
Oct 16, 10:02am
Getting rid of vehicle registrations, a God send for those that steal cars, a nightmare for the police. Can't see insurance companies agreeing. Hope Twyfords not apart of next Government!
Oct 16, 10:10am
I don't see anything in the article about getting rid of vehicle registration! . It is vehicle licensing (continuous vehicle licensing or CVL for short), and it has to be paid, either when due, overdue, or after the vehicle concerned has died. Vehicle registration is what you do when you purchase a new vehicle, and it has been for a long time now!
Oct 16, 3:17pm
Queensland have done away with licence labels.The police can read the cars statis from the rego number.
Oct 16, 3:40pm
So can ours, they have been able to do so for years. In road policing it is probably their most frequent query, from memory they call it QVR (Query Vehicle Registration essentially) . its NZ, not outer mongolia.
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